The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 945 :Kintaro and Grandma Sugi (3/3)


Kintaro held the back of his head with both hands, his expression depressed.

Although I said I don't play tennis just now, I will unconsciously think of the defeat of Gang オ match.

The unwillingness in his heart made him want to compete again.

"What am I thinking!"

Kintaro hurriedly shook his head, threw the thought out of his mind, and then shouted: "I will never play tennis again, never again!"

"Yes, I will never touch tennis again!"

He muttered, feeling much better.

"Which brat is yelling there?"

An old voice sounded.


Kintaro was taken aback and turned his head.

Then I saw an old woman at the court on the side.

The old woman was thin, with deep wrinkles on her neck and brown spots on her cheeks.

Under the raised eyelids were a pair of muddy eyes, and dissatisfaction flashed in the eyes at this time.

Kintaro curled his lips and said that he did not want to speak.

"That brat, you just said you didn't want to play tennis, right?"

The old woman looked at Kintaro with a grin, showing her sparse teeth, and her voice was as hoarse and old as a saw sawing wood.

"It's me!"

Kintaro held the back of his head and replied at will.

He has never been afraid since he was a child, and naturally he will not be afraid of the questioning of an old woman.


"I was taught by someone using tennis, so I don't want to play tennis anymore?"

The old woman laughed.


"how do you know?!"

Kintaro was surprised.

He didn't expect that as soon as he lost the match, this matter spread to other people's ears.

"This fool!"

The old woman shook her head.

Just now, Kintaro shouted that he didn't want to play tennis, and his face still had a depressed look, so he didn't have to guess at all to know that he had lost the match.

However, seeing Kintaro's loss, it seemed that he remembered himself when he was young.

In the same way, he lost the match and fell into a fanfare.

As if seeing the shadow of herself when she was young, the old woman asked curiously: "Can you tell me what's going on? Maybe I can give you an idea w.,


Kintaro heard this stunned, then nodded.

Stepped forward to the court and sat next to the old woman.

And told the story just now.

After the old woman listened, there was more brilliance in her muddy eyes: "You mean you matched Zongshen?"


Kintaro looked a little depressed.

It was the first time he had lost this way to one person since he was young, and he didn't even have the strength to fight back.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"The hand Zongshen is the strongest player in the new generation. It is not surprising that you will lose."

The old woman said with a smile.

"Is he so famous?

Kintaro was taken aback.

"Of course!"

"He only entered the third grade this year, but he is already a professional player, breaking the record in Japanese tennis!"

"Furthermore, he led the team to win the World Cup last year, this is the first time for Japan!"

"People call him the number one supernova in the world!"

"The tennis world has high hopes for him, thinking that he will become the greatest tennis player in Japanese history!"

The old woman replied.

"The greatest tennis player?!"

Kintaro's eyes widened.

Although he doesn't know tennis well, he is not a fool.

Naturally know what the greatest tennis player represents.

Recalling the power of Zongshen, he subconsciously nodded, and believed in his heart.

At the same time, depression has also decreased a lot.

After all, losing to such a master is not very embarrassing.

"But why does he want to match you?"

The old woman was a little puzzled.

Zongshen is at the professional level, while Kintaro is a rookie just getting started.

Logically speaking, the two will never overlap.

"this "

Kintaro's face turned red.

Then he kept talking about it again.

"Ha ha ha ha!

After listening, the old woman laughed and looked at Kintaro and said, "It's no wonder people want to teach you a lesson. You are not young, but your tone is quite big.

"what the hell!"

Kintaro looked depressed.

"Do you want to avenge him?"

The old woman put away her laughter, looked at Kintaro and said seriously.

"do not want!

"I will never play tennis again!"

Kintaro curled his lips.

"I see!"

"After losing the match, I don't even have the courage to challenge the opponent again!"

The old woman suddenly realized.

"オ isn't it!"

When Kintaro heard this, he jumped up, explaining with anxious expression on his face.

"...1 If you want to compete with me, I also know a little bit of tennis."

The old woman spoke.


Kintaro was taken aback, somewhat suspicious.

"Smelly boy, although I am old, it is more than enough to deal with a kid like you!"

The old woman seemed to see Kintaro's thoughts and said angrily.

"But I don't have racquet!"

Kintaro hesitated.

"Then use this racquet?"

The old woman took out a red racquet from the side and handed it to Kintaro.

"Say it in advance, I won't be merciful!"

Kintaro was a little moved.

"rest assured!"

"Although let the horse come here!"

The old woman stood up and walked to the court faintly.

Kintaro was a little doubtful when he saw this, whether this old woman could play tennis at all.

"Hurry up and serve!

The old woman waved the racquet.

At this moment, her aura completely changed (for money), like a veteran who has been in court for many years.

"Is the old woman a master?"

Kintaro was surprised.

Because this kind of aura has also appeared in Zongshen.

More importantly, the aura of this old woman seems to be stronger than that of Zongshen.

Put away the little things in your mind and serve quickly.

But Kintaro didn't know who was dragging the old woman in front of him.

The old woman in front of her is no ordinary person.

It's the former Wimbledon doubles star-Ai Sugiyama!

Once the world's number one doubles, he has won 6 world singles championships and 31 world doubles championships.

Is one of the founders of Japanese tennis.

When I was young, I pointed out Echizen Nanjiro, who is a professional master at the top of the world.

Although he is old now, his abilities have declined.

But it is not comparable to elementary school students like Kintaro. .

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