The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 955 : Shiraishi's progress (2/3)


Racquet waved, sweeping vigorously.

The tennis ball hit Shiraishi's racquet hard.

Shiraishi's face changed, but he didn't expect the impact of the ball to be so terrible.

The body was pulled by the giant, and almost fell to the ground.

However, at the moment of the moment, his left foot slammed backward, quickly stabilizing his body.

At the same time, his left hand rested on the racquet and caught the ball abruptly.

"go back!"

With a low drink, he swung hard.

The power of the whole body exploded and all poured into the racquet.

The tennis ball was hit with great force and flew back.

The speed is so fast that afterimages are pulled out, there are twelve at a glance.

Twelve tennis balls are grouped together to form a circle.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Yakov was taken aback.

Before we can think about it, the tennis ball has already crashed ahead.

The twelve tennis balls fell together, making it difficult to tell which is true and which is false.

He wanted to find it, but the ball bounced at an amazing speed, which didn't give him a chance at all.

Yakov was unwilling, but he could only find a tennis ball to hit back.

But when racquet catches the Let's ball.

Tennis is gone!


Yakov was taken aback.

Then I heard a dull crash.

When I looked up, the real ball appeared and then rushed out.


Shiraishi scored.

There was a 813 quiet at first, and then an uproar broke out.

"How did the ball just now be?"

"There are twelve afterimages. Is it Shiraishi's stunt?"

"It's amazing, the Russian high school students can't fight back at all!"

The audience started talking excitedly.

"Shiraishi actually has a stunt?"

The middle school students were surprised.

A group of people stayed in the training camp for a long time, and they knew everyone about it.

Shiraishi is known as the Bible, and he doesn't have any special skills at all.

But the trick just now was to subvert the imagination.

"It's a lateral spin!

Tanegashima Shūji on the side spoke.

"Spin sideways?"

When people heard this, they felt that the name was a bit strange.

Because they are generally in contact with topspin, backspin, irregular spin, and outspin.

This is the first time I have heard of it like lateral spin.

"Side spin is also a type of side spin, but it uses a dribble to create side spin!"

"Because the side rotation force is too strong, so many phantoms are produced!"

Zongshen opened his mouth and explained.

"I see!"

When people heard this (cffb), they realized it and looked at Shiraishi with some curiosity.

They had never seen Shiraishi use this trick before.

"It seems everyone is hiding a hand!"

Fuji sighed.

Nioh’s imitation, Maori’s sleeping, Atobe’s kingdom.

These stunts have never appeared before.

If it weren't for this match, who would have known the progress of his peers so much.

"My tennis was successful!"

A smile appeared on Shiraishi's face.

After joining the training camp, he deeply felt that he was weak.

Although the Bible tennis is good, it belongs to the top student tennis, and it can't deal with those powerful opponents at all.

For this he began to study his own stunts.

And the trick just now was called by him-round table slam!

"Scored by this kid again?!"

Yakov's face was gloomy.

The anger in his heart rose, almost making him lose his mind.

I thought I could crush my opponent by going all out.

Unexpectedly, this junior high school kid won a game from him, and the score continued to increase.

"But that's it!"

Yakov growled.


He tugged and tore the clothes on his body.

When people saw his upper body, their faces were shocked.

Because the opponent's upper body was covered with scars, it seemed like a warrior who had been on the battlefield.

"Yakov is serious!"

Ganado breathed a sigh of relief.

Yakov has practiced fighting skills since he was a child.

After joining Russia's U-17 U-17, he merged boxing and tennis, and finally formed his own unique style.

Fight tennis!

Every blow is as fierce as a fight, destroying the opponent head-on.

The Russian Luo's cold winter just now was a move for the evolution of fighting skills, and it was also the most common move.

"What an amazing vibe!"

Shiraishi's heart tightened, and he felt a suffocation from Yakov.


Cocoa looked cold.


The tennis ball flies from the fingers, and the racquet in his hand draws a sharp light.

But in the blink of an eye, the ball quickly landed in front of Shiraishi.


Shiraishi has a serious face.

At the moment the tennis ball bounced, racquet fought hard.


The tennis ball flies upside down, passing halftime.


"Next, I won't be merciful!"

Yakov's face flashed fiercely.

When both feet fell to the ground, an afterimage appeared on the body, which instantly appeared in the direction where the tennis ball bounced.


Racquet held it back in his hand, then crossed away.

"Boy, die for me!"

The corner of Yakov's mouth was icy, and Racquet waved vigorously.

Chi Chi!

There was a sharp friction sound, and the tennis ball flew wildly.

The air was torn apart, and the waves of air dissipated like a tidal sea, forming a vacuum zone.

Shiraishi narrowed his eyes and found the tennis ball rushing towards him.

"not good!,

He was taken aback and just wanted to go back.

But the ball has hit his racquet.


The extreme spinning force exploded, racquet's string broke, and the tennis ball hit Shiraishi's chest heavily.

Shiraishi's breathing was stagnant as the force surged.

Before he could react, Juli pushed his body and let him fly out.


With the sound of landing, Shiraishi hit the ground.


There was a sharp pain in his chest, which made him scream, and his whole body was trembling.


Yakov scored.

The audience fell into a weird silence, everyone had big eyes, and I didn't expect such a thing to happen.


"Cheer up!"

"Damn it, that guy definitely did it on purpose!"

The members of the first army came back to their senses and yelled anxiously.

"Yakov's character is still the same!"

The Russian players shook their heads, but there was a smile on their faces.

It's really bad to attack players.

But so what?

After all, it was not Yakov that was injured, but the enemy.

As teammates, even if they knew something was wrong, they couldn't speak up.

"Injuries in a match are inevitable!"

Ganado spoke lightly.

As the main player of Russian Luo, he naturally wants to protect his own players. .

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