The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 959 : Freshman admission (3/5)

The weather was fine on March 15th.

Because of the arrival of the annual school season, all the players in the training camp left the base and returned to the school for further studies or foul out.

Youth Gakuen.

It was built in 1925, nearly a hundred years from now.

It can be called a school with a long history.

There are nearly 1,500 students in the school.

In addition to junior high schools, it also includes elementary and high schools.

"Is this Seigaku Gakuen?

"We will spend the next three years here!"

"I will definitely not live up to these three years, come on!"

Energetic teenagers and girls step into the campus with longing to welcome a new life.

Walk into the campus.

Looking at the strange environment, everyone has curiosity on their faces.

But like a hedgehog, he is full of vigilance and timidity about everything.

"Time flies so fast, three years have passed in a blink of an eye!"

Zongshen came.

There are Tokugawa and Yamato next to them.

Looking at the familiar and unfamiliar school, a flash of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

He vaguely remembered the scene when he first entered school.

At that time, he was still arrogant and ignorant, dreaming of becoming minister as soon as he joined the tennis club, and then led Seigaku to win the championship.

But later I discovered that reality is reality after all, not the same as dreams.

In the end, Seigaku lost to Makinofuji in the national competition, which even shattered his fantasy.

Knowing that there are real people around, not NPCs.

"It's really fast!"

Tokugawa Kazuya nodded.

I remembered the sight of myself enrolling in my mind.

It was only a trip back to Japan, but was defeated by Zongshen in the club and finally came to Seigaku.

And this stay was two years.

"Senior Hand Master!"


An exclamation came.

When the three of them looked, they saw a lovely girl looking at Zongshen excitedly, her face flushed.


Zongshen chuckled lightly and waved.

The words fell, and the girls who heard the movement all around looked at it.

After seeing Zongshen, everyone was very excited.

"It's the hand master!"

"I didn't expect to be able to meet the senior here, so lucky!"

"The senior of the hand is even more beautiful than the rumored one!"

The girls gathered around, looking admiring.

But those freshmen who have just entered school have a look of confusion, wondering why these young ladies are so excited.

"who is he?"

A freshman who had never been in touch with tennis asked puzzledly.


"You don't even know Tezuka-senpai!"

When a girl next to her heard this, she suddenly fell back, glaring at the new student.

"I'm sorry!"

The freshman was taken aback and hurriedly bowed to apologize.

But he has never played tennis, and he really doesn't know who Zongshen is.

After all, Zongshen's name is mostly circulated in the tennis world. People in other fields may have heard of this name, but I don't really understand it.

"Listen to me!"

The girl's face was serious, her eyes turned to other freshmen.

The surrounding freshmen felt serious gazes, and straightened their bodies immediately, not daring to move.

"The Takumi Senpai is the president of Seigaku's student union and the head of the tennis department. He joined the U-17 training camp in Japan the year before and became the team leader!"

"Last year led the team to win the French World Cup championship!'

"And transferred to a professional player in the same year!"

"The World Cup win is the first time that Japan has won, and the career change breaks the record of the minimum age in Japan's professional class!"

"Everyone thinks that the senior will become the greatest tennis player in the future!"


The girl opened her backpack and took out a monthly magazine.

Then pointed to the cover, which was a picture of Zongshen.

"Good, amazing!"

The surrounding new students have big eyes.

Unexpectedly, Seigaku had such a great senior, and his face suddenly appeared admiring.

"Now you know that the hand master is amazing!"

The girl said proudly.


The new students nodded like chickens pecking rice.

"The Minister's popularity is getting more and more terrifying!"

Yamato said with some envy.

Zongshen smiled and did not answer, but walked towards the auditorium.

The school season and foul out season will last for three days. The foul out ceremony will be held today, and the school opening ceremony will be held the day after tomorrow.

As the president of the student union, he will give a foul out speech on behalf of the foul out students.

And the principal will also appear and give everyone a foul out certificate.

"Let one let, let one let!"

At this moment, a cheerful voice came.

People turned their heads and looked, only to see a curly-haired teenager carrying a ball bag, galloping over.

Everyone was shocked and quickly avoided.

The boy rushed to the school gate, looked at the school in front of him, his eyes lit up.

"1 is finally here!"

"The super strong school that won two consecutive national championships-Youth Gakuen!"

The boy was full of excitement.

Then a somersault jumped onto the wall, with his hands on his waist, overlooking the entire campus.

‘Seigaku is the top tennis school in the country, as long as I stand out here, then I will be the new No. 1 in the country!'

He thought to himself, then opened his arms and laughed.

"Who is that kid?"

"Looks like a freshman?"

"Climb to the wall as soon as you come, aren't you afraid of being punished?"

The students around started talking.

"That brat, what are you doing there!"

At this moment, the guardian came and looked at the boy standing on the wall and roared.


"Sorry, sorry!"

The young man woke up and looked down.

Seeing that the doorman looked like a cannibal, he was frightened and nodded, apologizing constantly.

Smoothly (Qian De Zhao) climbed down, and he was relieved to see the door guard leaving.

"Is that kid back then?"

A touch of surprise flashed in Tokugawa's eyes.

The boy in front of him was Kirihara Akaya.

At first I wanted to challenge Zongshen, but Zongshen was taught a lesson.


Zongshen shouted.

Kirihaya, who was about to go in, stopped and turned his head in some doubt.

After seeing Zongshen, his eyes lit up and he hurried over to detain him.


Kirihaya slammed to a halt.

Then he bowed to Zongshen ninety degrees, with a look of admiration.

Since losing to Zongshen last time, he has been investigating Zongshen's information.

After reading the information, he knew how powerful Zongshen was.

The world's first middle school student!

This is the title he dreams of!

So since then, Zongshen has become his idol. .

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