The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 975 : Shock of freshmen


The thought fell, and the bright light burst out.

I saw that Shoujia was full of bright brilliance, and this brilliance lit up the entire court.

The realm of selflessness, the limit of hard work and comprehension!

"It's no self!"

The freshmen exclaimed, expectation flashed in their eyes.

The strength of selflessness is obvious to all new students, and it can quickly create a field.

Now that the handist uses this trick, undoubtedly he wants to create the field.


The tennis ball was thrown up, jumping sideways, and the racquet waved.

A set of moving clouds and flowing water appeared, and a crisp hit sound sounded.


The sharp friction sound rang, and the tennis ball spins at high speed, creating a cyclone.

After landing, it swept up all the dust.

Zongshen's expression remained unchanged, racquet waved, easily returning the ball.


Hand drink low.

During the U-17 period, his main training direction was the field.

Although it is impossible to create a field in one shot under normal circumstances.

But now with the blessings that have been tempered, the ability to control the ball lane has greatly increased.


racquet swept.

The tennis ball was caught before it landed.

The hand's arm was pressed down 30 degrees, and then cut sharply.


There was a sharp burst of air 837, and the tennis ball burst out.

This ball contains extremely strong rotation force. It is conceivable that as long as Zongshen hits back, the hand's field will appear immediately.

"not enough!"

Zongshen whispered, racquet swept across.

He did not resolve the rotation of the ball, but gave his brother the opportunity to use the field.


The tennis ball flew back.

Under the attention of all the people, a white wave appeared under the feet of the hands.

The white waves swept around and pulled the tennis ball across the net.


"It's the field of hand masters!"

"The minister may be in trouble, maybe he will fall into the same situation as Yukimura's senior, and be slowly exhausted!"

Momoshiro Takeshi exclaimed.

They saw Yukimura and the match of the hand.

The hand family used this trick to fight attrition, and finally let Yukimura fall into a disadvantage.


Pulled by the whirlpool, the tennis ball came to the front.

The hand's eyes swept away, immediately locked the diagonal position, and quickly swung the pat.

call out!

The tennis ball burst out and landed on the left.

Zongshen is on the right at this time. If he wants to fight back, (cffb) must pass through most of the court.


Under everyone's gaze, Zongshen rushed out.

Racquet raised his shoulders, then waved down.


The harsh friction sounded, and the racquet was cut down like a sharp sword.

The tennis ball, which was spinning at high speed, stagnated and flew back.

At the moment of rushing through halftime, the hand field instantly collapsed, and the tennis ball fell heavily.


Shoujia's eyes narrowed.

Racquet waved, trying to catch the tennis ball.

But when the two touched, a strong rotation spread.

Under this terrifying spinning force, racquet's string of beats twisted into a whirlpool.

The powerful force erupted, causing severe pain in the five fingers of the hand.


The palm of the hand was released, and the tennis ball and racquet flew out.

In a dull sound, it fell to the ground.


Zongshen took the lead in winning the next round.

The freshmen who had cheered quieted down.

Everyone's eyes widened and their faces were unbelievable.

It took a few seconds for them to wake up, showing a ghostly expression.

"How can it be?!

"The realm of the master's hand has been easily cracked?"

"Have you seen it? The tennis ball hit by the minister not only smashed the field, but also smashed the senior racquet!"

The freshmen were so shocked that they couldn't be more shocked.

Looking at the damaged racquet, he even sucked in air.

"The minister is so strong!"

Momoshiro Takeshi swallowed.

Although I guessed that Zongshen's strength was beyond imagination, I never thought that Zongshen would be so strong.

The realm that was regarded as a magical skill was crushed without stopping for half a second.

The horrible rotation distorted the racquet.

For him, this is simply unimaginable.

"This is professional grade!"

"Pro players are terrible!"

Kaidoh Kaoru was short of breath.

It was only now that he understood what the professional three characters meant.

Even a powerful player like Shoujia looks like a child in front of the profession, and has no power to fight back at all.

"Forgot to tell you one thing!"

Fuji next to him smiled, and then said under the puzzled eyes of the freshmen: "The field of the hand is also taught by the minister."

"correct "

"The minister can be said to be the number one high school student in the world in terms of the field!"

When this word fell, all the new students were quiet.

One by one they stared eyes wide, feeling a rush of confusion in their heads.

The field is also taught by the minister?

In this respect, is it the number one high school student in the world?

The impact of this information on the new students was so great that they were dizzy and did not react for a while.

"No Fuji senior.

"What other stunts did the minister teach?"

Momoshiro Takeshi swallowed.

When the other freshmen heard this, they turned their heads and looked at Fuji with blank eyes.

"how to say?"

"The stunts we know how to use, the ministers are basically good at them, and they are even stronger!"

Fuji thought for a while and replied.

"The minister will also use the six senses that surpass the five senses. The five senses are only a national skill, and the six senses are a world-class skill!"

Yukimura on the side chuckled.

"I am good at data tennis, but the minister can accurately judge the impact of tennis without calculating the data!"

Inui Sadaharu also intervened.

"very scary!"

All the freshmen took a breath when they heard this.

I thought that Shoujia and Yukimura were very strong, but now I know that Zongshen is the real master.

"It's just some kid's tricks!"

Tokugawa Kazuya spoke coldly and glanced at the new student: "Domain, perception of the six senses, and extinction of the six senses are just the most basic means. You can't even imagine the true professional skills!"


The freshmen are completely numb.

Hearing the various stunts mentioned by Yukimura, they thought that this is the case with professional players.

But after listening to Tokugawa's words, they realized that it was just the basics.

As for how strong Zongshen is, how strong is it.

This is unimaginable for every freshman.

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