The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 981 : The terrifying German team (2/3)

At the end of March.

The weather gradually warmed and everything recovered.

Today U--17 training camp = also restored to the hustle and bustle of the past.

Although most of the team members did not come back, the first army ~ players arrived on time.

Zongshen and Duke Watanabe walked into the base together.

Oncoming is Echizen Ryoga eating oranges.


Echizen Ryoga waved his hand.

"Didn't you say that you will go to the Youth Station? Why didn't you see you when the school started?"

Zongshen walked over, somewhat puzzled.

"Ha ha!

"My old man fouled out there, so I left everything to him."

Echizen Ryoga bit the orange and said with a smile.

Several people heard this a little speechless, and then walked into the training camp in small talk.

When I came to the central court, I found that Byodoin and Oni Juujiro were waiting there.

The group hadn't seen each other for a week, so it was natural to say hello.


A rude voice came from the balcony of the villa.

Looking up, I saw Mifune standing there impatiently entering the road.

"The practice match with the national team de is about to begin. Now I will give you three hours to sort things out. We will leave at 2 o'clock in the afternoon!

Mifune entered the road and said nothing nonsense, and turned around after announcing the matter.

The other coaches were a little helpless and could only stand up and add some matters that should be paid attention to.

After all things were ordered, the team members were disbanded.

"Let's go, go and pack things first!"

Zongshen said.


The group nodded and walked in the direction of the dormitory.

After arriving at the dormitory to arrange things, and after a short rest, it soon came to two o'clock in the afternoon.

The team members brought everything together and walked towards the gate of the base.

"Give you five minutes to see if there is anything missing. If not, we will set off immediately!"

Mifune said in a deep voice.

Everyone glanced around at random, and nodded immediately when they found that there was nothing missing.

"Set off!"

Mifune entered the road with a big wave, and walked towards the bus that was ready.

They will take a bus to Tokyo Airport, and then take a direct flight to Berlin.


The sharp voice resounded throughout the airport.

The special plane to Berlin soared into the sky and soon disappeared from people's sight.

Zongshen and his group sat in the position, while Tanegashima fell into a dream and fell asleep peacefully.

"This trick really works!"

Echizen Ryoga poked Tanegashima in the cheek, smiling.

"Most of the fear of flying by plane is due to psychological problems. Dreams make people sleepy. If there are no extra thoughts in my heart, I will naturally not be afraid!

Zongshen said with a smile.

After saying this, he glanced at Akuto again.

Akuto felt his gaze and immediately opened the notebook and placed it in front of everyone.

And there is a table on the screen, which records the information of the national team.

"Our opponent this time is the world's number one de national team. What is the strength of this team, I must know everyone!!

Akuto pushed the frame and said.

The players calmed down, and there was a more serious look on their faces.

Although they have defeated the de national team, luck is at least half of them.

Therefore, no one dares to underestimate this team.

"The strength of the national team de should have been weakened?"

Tohno Atsukyo asked.


Akuto nodded, looked around and continued to speak: "With Edmund and others foul out, the overall strength of the national team has declined!"

"But don't be careless, as far as I know, Burku and Schneider have already been transferred to professional players!"

"That is to say, the national team de has three world professional masters!"

When this word fell, everyone's breathing was stagnant.

They heard that Schneider joined the club last year.

I thought it would take another year to change jobs.

I didn't expect things to happen so quickly.

"Three world professional class?"

Zongshen sighed in his heart and felt the pressure: "Although the overall strength of the national team has been weakened, the high-end combat power has not declined, but has improved!"

He knew that Schneider and Burku were doubles.

But how can it be that simple to step into the world's professional-level players.

...For flowers...

Even with singles, I'm afraid it will crush the world's pinnacle existence.

After all, the world professional class is powerful in all aspects, not alone.

As a result, the high-end combat power of the country is probably even more terrifying than last year.

"Step into the world professional class so soon?!"

Echizen Ryoga took a deep breath and felt a pressure.

Last year, the strength of the three of them was equal, and they were all at the pinnacle of the world.

But now Burku and Schneider have taken that step, but he has no clue.

"Professional level!"

The eyes of Byodoin Temple on the side flickered.

He is now at the pinnacle of the world and is qualified to touch this field.

"Not only that, in addition to Schneider, another Tian オ from the country also joined the training camp!"


Akuto spoke again.

"You mean Q-P?"

Zongshen's eyes narrowed.

There are four great geniuses in the new generation of de country.

Polk, Schneider, Burku, Q-P!

All four of them are super geniuses qualified to enter the world professional class.

In the original work, the strength of Q-P is not weaker than that of Byodoin.

It may not be too strong to join the training camp now, but after a period of time, it will definitely become the top combat power of the national team.


Akuto nodded, and then added: "As soon as he joined the training camp, he defeated many masters. I expect him to have world-class strength!"

"world class?!"

Everyone sucked in air.

There is world-class strength in the first grade, this kind of talent is no weaker than the few people in Byodoin.

"Really worthy of being the world's best team!"

Oni Jujiro sighed.

Although the senior high school students left, the de national team did not weaken much.

And more importantly, there are still two years left before the next World Cup.

With such a long time to prepare, the new generation of de national team will definitely grow up.

You can imagine how strong the national team will be by then.

"Everyone is familiar with the information of the national team, and be prepared!"

Zongshen said solemnly.


All the team members responded in a sudden. Xi.

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