The Strongest Player in Sports

Chapter 997 : Old man, please point me (2/3)

Training camp base.

A bus came slowly and stopped after entering the gate.

"Finally home!"

Tanegashima stretched and smiled.

"Let's go!"

"There is no need to train today. We will start at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning for special training for April!

Mifune entered the road and put away the wine gourd, looked at the team members and said.


The team members nodded, then got out of the car and walked inside.

The return of an army member naturally alarmed other court players.

The players looked excited.

"It's the leader of them!"

"I heard that the team leader defeated Edmund and is already the world's number one high school student!"

"Haha, we have not only won the World Cup championship, but now we have also won the title of No. 1 in the world, let's see who dares to underestimate us in the future!"

The team members were excited about the "eight-five-three" discussion.

"Be quiet!"

An instructor immediately shouted when he saw this.

The players were taken aback, and quickly closed their mouths.

But the excitement in his eyes lingered.

"Welcome back!

At this moment, Kurobe Yukio came along with a smile on their faces.

They got the news that Zongshen defeated Edmund.

This news is undoubtedly a happy event for U-17.

"I'll leave these gangsters to you!"

"By the way, you don't need to make a training plan. Tomorrow I will take a member of the army to Houshan for special training for April!"

Mifune entered the road and said, then left directly.

The coaches were a little helpless seeing this.

But everyone knows the character of Mifune, so he didn't say anything.

"Since the instructor has a plan, please take a good rest!"

Kurobe Yukio thought for a while and said.

The group had just returned from the country and took a plane for a day, so he did not ask the team members to do other things.


Zongshen nodded.

Then walked towards the dormitory with things.

After arriving in the dormitory, almost everyone was lying in bed.

They are not iron men. After flying for nearly a day, they are already tired.

"By the way, when will you go back Ryoga?"

Zongshen suddenly thought of something and turned to ask.


Echizen Ryoga lay on the bed, eating oranges with relish.

And the oranges are eaten without peeling them.

"Help me say hello to Nanjiro-senpai!"

Zongshen said.


Echizen Ryoga nodded, then rolled over his body and fell into thought.

He has stepped into the world professional class.

But it was this step that couldn't be taken.

As for whether he could make a breakthrough this time, he had no idea.

*I hope the old man can find a way!'

Echizen Ryoga sighed secretly, then closed his eyes.

The other team members also washed and prepared to rest for a while to regain their strength.


the next day.

A temple in Tokyo.


The melodious bells rang over the temple, giving the temple a sense of peace and tranquility.

But soon, the peace was broken by a burst of breath.

I saw a middle-aged man with a stubble face and black robe, leaning on the railing with a bored face.

With a rope in his hand, ring the big bell from time to time.

"Another boring day!"

Nanjiro breathed, then lay on the ground, squinting.

The sunlight shining on his body made him feel comfortable.

"Old man, I'm back!"

A frivolous laughter came from a distance.

Nanjiro, who was originally drowsy, woke up.

After sitting up with a squeak, he looked up at the door of the temple.

I saw a young man with dark green hair walking in stride, carrying a tennis bag behind him.

"Aren't you at U-17? How come you come back suddenly?"

Nanjiro regained his laziness.

"I just finished the practice game of the national team de, and I have something to ask the old man about coming back this time!"

Echizen Ryoga came to the big clock with more seriousness on his face.


Echizen Nanjiro has some interest.

"Old man, look at this first!"

Echizen dragon took out a newspaper and handed it over.


Echizen Nanjiro was taken aback.

After receiving the newspaper, I turned to the first page and saw Zongshen's figure.

"Why did this kid publish the Tennis Monthly Magazine again?"

He murmured...

But soon he turned his attention to the monthly magazine in his hand, and after a few careful glances, a touch of surprise appeared on his face.

"That guy Zongshen has already won the title of the world's number one high school student!"

Echizen Ryoga sighed.

Although he doesn't care about this kind of name very much.

But seeing friends gain, envy is inevitable.

"What? Envy?"

Echizen Nanjiro laughed.

"I do feel envious, but I know I can't compare myself at all!"

Echizen Ryoga did not deny it.

After all, this is the title of No. 1 in the world, who doesn't want to get it.

"Then what do you want to do when you come back this time?"

Echizen Nanjiro spoke lazily.

Although he asked, he already probably knew the purpose of Echizen Ryoga's return.

"Old man, tell me to train!"

Echizen Ryoga has a serious face.

He has been mentored by Nanjiro since he was a child, so in terms of style, he is very similar to Nanjiro.

This is also the fundamental reason why he did not stay in the training camp.

With a person with a similar style, training will definitely get twice the result with half the effort.

"I knew it!"

Echizen Nanjiro stretched, then stood up.

"I'm still one step away from being able to step into the world professional class, so I hope to step out of this threshold in the next few months!"

Echizen Ryoga said with a serious face.

"Youth, 5.1 old man, I am not a fairy!"

The corner of Echizen Nanjiro's mouth twitched, and a touch of helplessness appeared on his face: "I can point you, but whether you can step through that threshold is up to you!"

The world professional class is not Chinese cabbage.

This player is already the mainstay of professional tennis and can walk in the world.

So no matter how good he is, he can only help with training, but he can't make a direct breakthrough.

If you want to break through this realm, you can only rely on yourself.

"I see!

Echizen Ryoga nodded heavily.

To break through the world professional level, not only training, but also insight is needed.

Feeling this kind of thing is very strange, it's a personal matter.

However, he believes that as long as the old man's guidance, he will definitely be able to step through that level!

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