The Strongest Player Who Descended From the Wilderness

Chapter 712: Obtaining the Nine Cauldrons of Zhenguo

As soon as Qin Shihuang's words fell to the ground, his body instantly turned into ashes all over the sky, and then dispersed in the wind.

Ye Chen, who was frantically searching for "sweet rain" in the sky, heard this, glanced at the fly ash scattered in the wind, and curled his lips in disdain.

Going against the will of heaven is right, there is no monk who does not go against the will of heaven...

But he betrayed the human race and said so confidently...

It's really sad...

Just as Ye Chen thought of this, nine simple tripods suddenly appeared at the place where Qin Shihuang died.

Seeing this, Ye Chen stretched out his hand without hesitation and took a picture, instantly bringing the nine cauldrons neatly arranged on the ground into the small world.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for obtaining a special treasure, the Nine Cauldrons of the Kingdom."

As soon as the system prompts ended, Ye Chen couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

The Jiuding of Zhenguo was finally obtained...

Thinking of this, Ye Chen glanced at the Zhenguo Jiuding in the small world, and then let out a long breath.

After the end of the world war, the Dong Da Rebellion will almost come, and then it won’t take long for the princes to fight for hegemony...

At that time, there is no need to worry about this or that, just sweep the world, and then the whole country will soar...

Just as Ye Chen thought of this, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for killing Qin Shihuang. Because of his special status, player Ye Chen will be awarded X2000 innate attribute points and X5 in the lottery."

The world announcement was made three times in a row, instantly detonating the already boiling world channel.

"What the hell, Qin Shihuang was also killed by Ye Chen. Damn, he is still the emperor of the ages. Isn't this too good?"

"What's so surprising? Don't forget, Ye Chen is in such a state that he killed Bai Qi and Jing Ke, and what's more, he accepted the Roaring Sky Dog. No matter how awesome Qin Shihuang is, how awesome can he be? "

"Hey, Ye Chen is so awesome now. He has no rivals at all. What will happen to us in this game world from now on..."

"You're so panicked. It's the lords who should be panicking. You're not a lord, so just play the game with peace of mind."

"Nima, don't say it's so irrelevant. Don't forget, the protective shield of the safe city in the real world has disappeared."

"Yes, although there are still a lot of safe cities that have not been breached by the monsters, they can't hold on for much longer. In the end, we still have to hang out with those lords. If they are unlucky, then where will we live in the future? "

"We're worried about hammers. We don't necessarily have to mess with those lords. We can definitely make a village building order ourselves and build a territory in the real world. Why do we have to endure the exploitation of those lords?"

"Yes, you said it is easy. If you issue a village building order that can be used in reality, who will use it? Can you guarantee that those who use the village building order will not exploit others like those lords?"

"Fuck, this won't work, and that won't work either. What do you think we should do?"

"Actually, Ye Chen let those lords go and everything was solved."

"Yes, I really hope Ye Chen can let those lords go..."

"Ye Chen, the human race is actually very pitiful. Let those lords go..."

"I think so too, Lord Youwang, the human race can no longer have civil strife."

The World Channel was abuzz and kept refreshing the screen. After Ye Chen took a look, he curled his lips in disdain.

The players were shocked by the death of Qin Shihuang, and then shifted the topic to the real world, because the players had determined the fact that the first player, Ye Chen, could no longer compete.

In the eyes of the players, Ye Chen, who is determined to pursue dominance, will definitely kill all the lord players in the end.

In this way, the lord player will be directly unlucky, and the players who depend on the lord player for survival will also be unlucky.

No matter it is a lord player or an individual player, they do not want to see such a situation happen.

After all, the protective capabilities of a safe city are simply not as good as the protective capabilities of a territory built under a village building order.

Therefore, individual players will ultimately have to follow the lord players.

It is precisely for this reason that everyone, whether they are lord players or individual players, used this world announcement to express their worries and want to find safe and feasible solutions.

Unfortunately, for individual players, there are feasible solutions, but few people are willing to participate.

As someone said on the World Channel, who will use the village building order? Will the person who uses the village building order rely on his status as a "lord" to bully others?

Being worried and not wanting to harm their own interests is what most individual players are thinking at this moment.

As for the lord players, they only wanted to ask Ye Chen to let them go.

Later, individual players also participated because of their own interests and persuaded Ye Chen to give up.

And this was the fundamental reason for Ye Chen's disdain after seeing the discussions among the players on the World Channel.

For Ye Chen, fighting for world hegemony is the only way to go. No matter what the players say or do, Ye Chen will not change his decision.

Because, even if Ye Chen really wants to deal with those lord players, he will only do it in the game world and not go to the real world to kill.

But as for the players, each and every one of them said "righteous and awe-inspiring" and "truthful", using the emotional card and the "human race's righteousness" card to persuade Ye Chen to "give up attacking the lord player".

In Ye Chen's opinion, this was nonsense.

Damn it, you'd better be honest and don't jump out to cause trouble for me, otherwise, whoever jumps will die!

Thinking of this, Ye Chen narrowed his eyes, the cold light flashed away, and then with a move of his right hand, Zhao Yunzheng, Dian Xiong, Guo Yi, Guan Er, Zhang San, Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, Cai Yin, Chen Qun and other subordinates, as well as 510,000 reincarnation legions and 100,000 white-horse followers appeared on the earth in an instant.

After taking a look, Ye Chen, who had been in flight mode, smiled slightly and shouted:

"This is a rain falling from the sky. Don't miss it. Try your best to receive it!"

The scope of the rain falling from the sky is not small. Even if Ye Chen is exhausted, he can't collect much. He might as well release all his subordinates and absorb them together to save waste.

As soon as Ye Chen finished speaking, the eyes of Zhao Yunzheng, Dian Xiong, Guo Yi, Guan Er, Zhang San, Gao Shun and others, as well as the army of Samsara City, all lit up, and then they bowed and bowed loudly:

"Yes! Lord!"

The next second, Ye Chen's men and his soldiers all avoided the area where Ye Chen was, and then began to receive the colorful rainbow rain.

Ye Chen, who was flying back and forth in the sky, searching for the rainbow rain wantonly, couldn't help but smile when he saw this, and then accelerated again, searching at a faster speed.

"Sweet rain from the sky" is rare, and Ye Chen doesn't want to miss this opportunity for promotion.

As soon as the time to drink tea passed, the colorful rainbow rain disappeared, and Ye Chen, who was searching for "sweet rain", stopped immediately.

At this moment, an extremely comfortable feeling instantly appeared in Ye Chen's heart.

Ye Chen, who noticed this change, couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth.

The physical body seemed to have doubled, and the bones also increased by one star...

Not bad……

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