As soon as Huang Sheng finished speaking, the system's prompt sounded.

"Ding, top-notch historical generals Huang Sheng and Huang Hansheng want to recognize you as their master. Do you accept it?"

As soon as the system prompts ended, Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and then made a decision without hesitation.


Ye Chen deliberately came out of the inn and specially treated Huang Xu. It was originally to conquer Huang Sheng. Now that Huang Sheng took the initiative to claim his master, how could Ye Chen not agree?

As soon as Ye Chen made his decision, the system's prompt sounded immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for successfully conquering the top historical generals Huang Sheng and Huang Hansheng."

When Ye Chen heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. At this moment, the world announcement suddenly sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to player Ye Chen for being the sixth to win the allegiance of super-class historical military generals Huang Sheng and Huang Hansheng. We will specially reward player Ye Chen with 10 million taels of gold."

The world announcement was made three times in a row, instantly detonating the entire world channel.

"Holy shit! Huang Sheng's mission to conquer has just begun. Is it over now?"

"Damn it, I knew that Huang Sheng would eventually be subdued by Ye Chen, but this is too damn fast."

"Hey, it doesn't matter how fast or slow it is. With Boss Ye Chen here, no one can take advantage of it."

"That's right, Boss Ye Chen is the most awesome, bar none."

"Oh no, my transmission fee was wasted."

"Wow, I didn't teleport at all, because I knew a long time ago that with Ye Chen in Luoyang, it would be useless for anyone to go."

"What the hell, Ye Chen, who has been stabbed a thousand times, is the sixth super-class historical military general. If this continues, all the super-class historical military generals will end up in Ye Chen's pocket."

"Envy and jealousy are useless. Don't forget, Ye Chen's realm and Ye Chen's official position and title. No one can compare to Ye Chen. How can you compete with Ye Chen?"

"A bunch of idiots can't conquer the top-notch historical generals despite all their thinking. They might as well seize the time to defeat monsters and upgrade them, or simply prepare props, medicines, etc. Don't forget, there will be a world war in a few days."

"You idiot, tell them what they are doing so that they are fully prepared and can snatch it from us when the time comes."

"Idiot, the world war has spread all over the world. The best way for us players in the Eastern Region to unite is to unite. Otherwise, you can go out alone and try. I can guarantee that as long as you go out alone, you will be destroyed by foreign players in minutes. Lose."

"This guy is right. When the world war starts, we really need to stick together. Otherwise, we will be regarded as "monsters" and be killed directly by the army of foreign players."

"You're so scared, don't forget, we have Ye Chen in the Eastern District. If those foreign players dare to come over, they will be wiped out by Ye Chen in minutes."

"Stop talking nonsense, I feel that Ye Chen will directly go abroad to fight, and it is impossible to stay in the Eastern Game Zone."

"I think so too. After all, you have experience in going abroad to fight and kill foreign players, and you can also explode things."

"Hehe, when the time comes, I will follow Ye Chen. Not only will it be safe, but I will also be able to keep getting things. Even if it is just something Ye Chen doesn't want, I will be able to make a lot of money."

The World Channel was filled with uproar, and the topic quickly shifted from Ye Chen's subjugation of Huang Sheng to the World War. Ye Chen couldn't help but raise his eyebrows after taking a look at it.

Follow me, the more the better, otherwise, my great cause of "destroying the country and seizing luck" will not be easy to accomplish...

Once the world war begins, you will gain experience by killing foreign players. Of course, you can also obtain items such as meritorious deeds, equipment, and techniques. This is the reason why players are attracted to it.

Compared with the players, Ye Chen's participation in the world war was completely different except for "gaining experience".

To be precise, Ye Chen participated in the world war just to plunder the destiny of all foreign countries.

And if you want to do this, it's not just about establishing a territory.

To be precise, Ye Chen wanted to completely steal the destiny of the foreign countries. In addition to defeating these foreign countries, he also wanted to ensure that players from these foreign countries could not regain their country.

To do this, Ye Chen could either leave soldiers to garrison, and then cut off all the players from outside the region who wanted to "counterattack" one after another like leeks, or, with the help of the "Oriental Game Zone" With the power of "players", kill those players from outside the region who want to "counterattack".

Among the two, the former will completely disperse Ye Chen's army, and it will not be distributed enough.

After all, Ye Chen's army only has more than two million people, but Ye Chen has to deal with the whole world.

It is precisely for this reason that Ye Chen prefers the latter, that is, letting the players follow and reap the benefits.

In this way, Ye Chen could completely plunder the destiny of the outside countries without spending a single soldier.

Of course, Ye Chen thought so because the success of this plan was very high.

You know, players all have greedy desires in their hearts. No one will give up on those foreign players who are extremely easy to kill, have a lot of experience, and can make big hits.

Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Chen's mouth couldn't help but curl up, then he looked directly at Huang Sheng and said via voice:

"From now on, Han will be promoted to the fourteenth general in command of our Samsara Immortal City, leading an army of one hundred thousand!"

Ye Chen deliberately chose to use voice transmission instead of speaking directly because this was Luoyang and it was on the street where countless people were watching.

If Ye Chen were here and said these words directly, it wouldn't take long for Liu Hong to know about them.

After Liu Hong knew what Ye Chen said, the false news that Ye Chen "lost his troops and generals" due to the demon invasion and the Golden Turban Rebellion would be exposed directly.

In this way, Liu Hong's "suspiciousness" that had just been dispelled by Ye Chen would directly rebound, and it would rebound explosively.

At that time, no matter what Ye Chen says, it will be useless. Liu Hong will definitely find ways to remove Ye Chen from his official position, remove Ye Chen from his title, or even directly label Ye Chen as a "rebel".

Although Ye Chen is not worried about this, Ye Chen doesn't want his plan to "go to waste."

After all, Ye Chen was heading for the fate of all the world in the Three Kingdoms novice zone. If Ye Chen was designated as a rebel by Liu Hong, then it would be useless for Ye Chen to directly dominate the world.

It was precisely for this reason that Ye Chen directly chose to send a message to Huang Sheng instead of speaking.

Huang Sheng was stunned when he heard Ye Chen's message. After recovering, Huang Sheng hurriedly bowed to Ye Chen and bowed loudly:

"Huang Sheng, Huang Hansheng, meet the lord!"

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