The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5705 Emperor Yuxiao


When this feather was completely integrated into Fang Yu's body, a beam of bright light burst out!

The red light shot straight into the sky, breaking through the ceiling of the crystal hall!

An ancient, domineering and hot breath was released and spread quickly outward.

This aura has a very obvious and strong bloodline suppression for the group of Yuxiao monks present!

This is the bloodline aura of their ancestor of the Yuxiao clan, Emperor Yuxiao!

"Great, Great Emperor..."

All Yuxiao monks, including Qingyu, would kneel on the ground with their heads on the ground as soon as they sensed this powerful wave of aura, showing the highest etiquette!

Emperor Yuxiao is not only the ancestor of their Yuxiao clan, but also the symbol of their Yuxiao clan over the years!

Without Emperor Yuxiao, the Yuxiao clan today... would be nothing!

"Buzz buzz..."

However, at this moment, in addition to awe, Qingyu and the other elders' eyes were filled with shock and confusion!

Since they were so close, they were able to see clearly.

In front of Fang Yu, a giant shadow of a flying bird appeared behind him, with its wings spread out and blazing red fireworks burning on its wings!

And Emperor Yuxiao's bloodline aura also emanated from Fang Yu's body!

How is this going! ?

Why did Emperor Yuxiao's aura... merge with Fang Yu's! ?

This is the ancestor of their Yuxiao clan!

How could Fang Yu, a human monk...

The pupils of Qingyu and the eight elders were shaking.

They don't know what's going on.

However, they all saw it clearly.

The feather left by Emperor Yuxiao... had previously actively leaned towards Fang Yu and integrated into his body!

"Could it is this possible!? He is from the human race! He is not from the Yuxiao race!" Qingyu had a guess in his mind, but immediately rejected it with a look of horror on his face.


The beam of light that burst out from Fang Yu's body rushed into the sky of the Yuxiao tribe.

The sky was illuminated red, and the scene was like red flames burning the sky!

The Yuxiao Clan monks in the clan, whether in their own form or in the form of monks, stopped at this time and saluted in the direction of the beam!

The aura of blood cannot be disguised, let alone deceive them!

"What happened...such a powerful bloodline aura fluctuation..."

"The bloodline is stronger than the clan leader! Whose aura is that? Is it the return of the Six-Feather Grand Master?"

"No, it's not Liuyu Taizun. Look at the phantom that appears in the sky! That is, that is... the shadow of the Great Emperor! The shadow of our clan's Great Emperor Yuxiao!"

At this time, many Yuxiao monks raised their heads and saw a translucent giant shadow appearing in the sky!

It's a flying bird whose whole body is burning with red flames!


Fang Yu is not so clear about what is happening in the outside world.

Because at this time, there was only a vast expanse of white in his field of vision.

He didn't know where this place was.

All he knew was that the divine phoenix origin in his body was very restless.

The Yuxiao Clan is really related to the Feng Clan!

"The feather left by Emperor Yuxiao took the initiative to approach me and merged with me... Even if the origin of the divine phoenix and the divine dragon have long been merged into a dragon and phoenix, I can still feel the strong bloodline power contained in this feather. And... there is a law." Fang Yu was shocked in his heart.

He is still unable to fully perceive what laws are contained within the Emperor Feather.

However, he has already felt the obvious aura of the Immortal Emperor level law.

Fang Yu looked forward.

The originally blank field of vision gradually became clearer.

Ahead is a snowfield.

In the distance in the center of Fang Yu's vision, there was a snow mountain.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Through the naked eye, he could see a figure of a monk standing on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

Who is that?

Is it Emperor Yuxiao?

Fang Yu frowned.

Suddenly, he found that he was aware of his body.

This means that he can move in the current slave scene.


Fang Yu kicked off his feet and flew towards the snow mountain in the distance.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Facing the constant approach, he was gradually able to clearly see the appearance of the monk on the snow mountain.

Dressed in white, he seems to blend in with the snow-capped mountains at his feet.

His hands held a long knife, the blade going straight into the ground.

The monk's head was slightly raised, looking up at the sky.

As Fang Yu approached, the monk remained motionless.

It wasn't until he got closer that Fang Yu discovered... that the surface of this monk's body was covered with a layer of ice!

This frozen on top of this snowy mountain!


Fang Yu fell from the sky and landed in front of the monk.

At this moment, he could clearly see the expression on the monk's face.

There was obvious pain in his expression, and his eyes were full of sadness.

Fang Yu discovered that the monk was holding the long knife with both hands, and it looked like his body had been seriously injured.

He relies on this long knife to stand!

On the surface... there were no obvious injuries on this monk.

The male cultivator's face looked a little weathered, and his hair was also mixed with white hair.

"Who is he?" Fang Yu frowned and looked around.

Since this was a scene we only saw after merging with Emperor Yu, the male cultivator in front of us... is naturally related to Emperor Yu Xiao.

Could this be Emperor Yuxiao? !

"It shouldn't be. Even if Emperor Yuxiao falls, he shouldn't fall in this way..."

Fang Yu looked at the frozen monk in front of him and frowned.

There is no more information other than what can be seen on the surface.

"You are a human monk."

At this time, a voice came from behind.

Fang Yu turned around and looked behind him, his eyes changing slightly.

A female nun appeared in front of him.

He is tall and tall, and the robe he wears is covered with green and red feathers, glowing with dazzling light.

And around her body, there were red fire wheels surrounding her.

The female cultivator has a beautiful face, with a round mark of green and red on her forehead, and a hint of crimson under her eyes.

And the most important thing is that the aura she exactly the same as the aura exuded by Di Yu before!

This is Emperor Yuxiao!

Fang Yu's eyes flickered and he said, "I am indeed a human monk."

Emperor Yu Xiao stared at Fang Yu, his red eyes shining slightly.

"Do you regret handing over Emperor Yu to me? That's none of my business. It was Emperor Yu who flew here on his own initiative." Fang Yu spread his hands and said, "I never thought about robbing you and leaving it to the Yuxiao clan. A legacy for future generations.”

Emperor Yuxiao said expressionlessly, "You still have the aura of the Phoenix Clan in you."

"Yes, the origin of the divine phoenix." Fang Yu replied, "So, is your Yuxiao clan really related to the Phoenix clan?"

"The Phoenix Clan... has a similar bloodline to mine. Perhaps many years ago, we were the same clan." Emperor Yu Xiao replied calmly.

"Why does it sound so uncertain?" Fang Yu frowned and asked, "You are not sure whether the Phoenix Clan is..."

"Compared to the Phoenix Clan, I care more about you being from the Human Clan." Emperor Yu Xiao said.

"...Huh?" Fang Yu frowned even more tightly, his eyes doubtful.

So it turns out that what Emperor Yuxiao cares about is not the origin of the divine phoenix in him? !

At this time, Emperor Yu Xiao slowly walked over.

She walked to the side of the frozen male cultivator.

"At the beginning of my cultivation, when I couldn't even transform, I met a monk." Emperor Yuxiao said slowly, "He was born in the human race."

Fang Yu stood aside and said nothing.

"During that period, many monks practiced by devouring blood." Emperor Yu Xiao continued, "My blood is very rare, so... I was quickly targeted."

"At that time, I had no power to resist, so I could only keep running for my life. But when I escape to a new place, I will soon encounter new monks who want to kill me. I can only keep running."

"It wasn't until I met that human monk that I got out of this situation."

Emperor Yuxiao spoke in a very calm tone, as if he was telling a story that had nothing to do with him.

But Fang Yu noticed that when she spoke, her eyes were always focused on the frozen body of the male cultivator.

Obviously... this male cultivator is the human cultivator who helped Emperor Yu Xiao back then!

"He did not regard me as a spiritual animal, but as a friend, and took me to experience together." Emperor Yuxiao continued.

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