The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5709 Fang Yu finds out the bottom

Hearing this, the whole place fell silent.

Since the group of members present are core members of the Eternal Sky lineage, they naturally have a high status within the God Clan, and their knowledge and knowledge are far beyond those of ordinary monks.

Therefore, they all know that...the problems faced by the Eternal Sky lineage this time are extremely serious!

This is not an ember problem, but a big problem related to the entire bloodline!

As the eldest son of Eternal Sky God, Yu Yan must be regarded as one of the representative members of the Eternal Sky lineage to the outside world!

The embers fell into the hands of Fang Yu, a remnant of the human race... When such news spread, the impact on the reputation of the Eternal Sky lineage was unpredictable.

In particular, the remaining three of the four major meridians will definitely add fuel to the flames and make this news ferment out of control!

By then, even if Yi Yan can return safely, the Eternal Sky lineage will never be able to cross the threshold of the Supreme God Clan again.

"Regarding the matter of Ember, even within our lineage, we must minimize the impact as much as possible." Eternal Sky God spoke again.

"Sir, this matter will not be reported to the Divine Court. The only power we can use is all of you here." A god king said solemnly, "This remnant has cultivated in the Supreme Immortal Realm, and also controls the five turbidities. I'm afraid..."

The god-king did not finish his words.

Because he realized that it was meaningless to say such depressing words at this time, and might even cause the displeasure of Eternal Sky God.

But based on his true inner opinion, this matter should not be reported to the Divine Court. It is almost impossible to capture Fang Yu while preserving the embers...

"I think that the strength of this remnant of the human race may not be as strong as we imagined. At least... I think it is impossible to control evil spirits of the level of the Five Turbid Evils." A male cultivator with a handsome face said.

He was dressed in blue, his eyes glowed with a faint golden light, and there was a golden flower mark on his left cheek.

It looks a bit evil.

Cold first.

This person belongs to the older generation in the Eternal Sky lineage, and his realm has entered the Supreme Immortal Realm many years ago.

However, in the Immortal Realm War that year, he did not have an outstanding record, so he has not yet been awarded the Immortal Realm and has not become the God King.

Even so, many core members of the Eternal Sky lineage still have full respect for Xianhan.

Xianhan's seat is in the front row on the left, very close to the seat of Eternal Sky God.

This is a status symbol.

Eternal Sky God looked at Xianhan and said, "What do you think?"

"I think we can't underestimate Fang Yu. Shenting has put him on the highest level of wanted list from the beginning... This already explains a lot."

Before Xianhan could answer, a male cultivator wearing a high crown and white hair and beard spoke at the seat opposite him.

"We shouldn't question the Divine Court's rating of this remnant of the human race! The example of Ember has been put before our eyes, and we must pay attention to him!" the male cultivator continued.

"Tianmao, I haven't finished speaking yet. Don't worry." Xianhan looked at the male cultivator opposite, smiled slightly, and said.

"I just think we need to set a tone for this remnant of the human race and treat him as a dangerous opponent first..." Tianmao said solemnly.

"I didn't say he wasn't dangerous, but we need to know the degree of danger." Xian Han raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I mean, for Fang Yu... we can't have too many estimates, we have to find out first. "

"Getting to the bottom of it?" Tianmao frowned.

"We must at least know his specific level of cultivation, and then we can make corresponding plans." Xianhan said slowly, "Don't forget that Ember is still in his hands, and he takes action rashly... The bigger the battle, the more likely Ember's situation will be. The more dangerous it is.”

"Then how are you going to find out?" Tianmao asked.

The other members in the hall also looked at Xianhan.

"No matter what, before we actually take action against Fang Yu, we must try our best to hide ourselves." Xianhan looked at Eternal Sky God and said, "So I think that in order to find out Fang Yu's strength...we of the Eternal Sky lineage cannot take action personally. "

Eternal Sky God narrowed his eyes slightly and asked: "How?"

"Sir, there should be many prisoners in the Divine Prison who want to reduce their sentences, right?" Xianhan asked with a slight smile.

After hearing this, the eyes of all the core members present changed.

They realize Xianhan's plan.

"Let those prisoners help us get to the bottom of Fang Yu." Xian Han said, "This is the safest way, and it will not cause any losses to our Eternal Sky lineage."

"Even Fang Yu won't realize that the prisoners who are causing trouble for him are related to us."

"Xianhan, you have to understand clearly that the ember is in Fang Yu's hands! This means that the initiative is also in Fang Yu's hands! How can you be sure that Fang Yu will not take the initiative to threaten us with the ember!?" Tianmao said with a gloomy expression.

"In front of Fang Yu, the more we show that we care about Yu Yan, then... Fang Yu will use Yu Yan to threaten us." Xianhan glanced at the many members present and said, "On this point, I think everyone It’s all clear.”

"Therefore, we should not appear to be overly concerned about Ember's life at any time."

"This will protect the embers to the greatest extent."

Xianhan's words made the whole place quiet again.

For many members present, they even have more outrageous thoughts in their hearts.

That is... they don't care about Ember's life or death at all!

As long as they can capture Fang Yu, it will be a great achievement for their Eternal Heaven lineage!

Of course, you can only think about such thoughts and never dare to say them out!

After all, Ember is the eldest son of Eternal Sky God!

They don't care about the life and death of Ember, but it's impossible for Eternal Sky God not to care!

"Sir, this is what I think. depends on what you decide." Xianhan looked at Eternal Sky God.

Eternal Sky God was speechless.

After a moment, he said: "I agree with your idea and will implement it immediately."

"I will choose the right prisoner."

Divine Life Immortal Realm, Morning Sun Realm, Nine Fingers Immortal Mountain.

Lu Yiran returned to the familiar place of Xuntian Island.

However, her heart could not be calm for a long time.

In Feiyu Fairyland, Fang Yu's performance was so shocking that she still can't calm down.

Easily defeated the God King of the Five Domains and killed many elites of the Gods...

What kind of strength is this?

"Back?" A voice came from behind her.

Lu Yiran turned around and saw a long-haired male cultivator.

It is the Lord of the Five Peaks, Tianmian.

"...Yeah." Lu Yiran replied.

"What happened?" Tianmian asked.

"I..." Lu Yiran was about to speak.


At this time, the restriction on Nine Fingers Fairy Mountain was triggered again.

Lu Yiran and Tianmian looked at the entrance of Nine Finger Fairy Mountain behind them.

Fang Yu's figure appeared from the sky and fell quickly.

"You, why...are you back so soon?" Lu Yiran asked blankly, "Didn't you go to the Yuxiao Clan?"

"He went." Fang Yu replied, "Will you come back when the matter is settled?"

"Done? What have you accomplished? Have you wiped out... the Yuxiao clan?" Lu Yiran asked with horror in her beautiful eyes.

"You seem to regard me as a sinner of the five turbidities." Fang Yu smiled and said, "I will exterminate my clan at every turn."

"But you were..." Lu Yiran didn't know what to say.

The way she looked at Fang Yu was completely different from before.

"Venerable Fang, the owner of the island..."

At this time, Tianmian spoke.

"The island owner will be back soon, just stay in Xuntian Island and wait for her." Fang Yu looked towards the sky and said.

"Okay." Tianmian responded.

Fang Yu originally wanted to go to Konggu to start retreat.

However, as his eyes swept across Tianmian and Lu Yiran, he thought of something and stopped.

"By the way, I suddenly thought of a question. Do you two...have human blood in your body?" Fang Yu asked.

This question made Lu Yiran and Tianmian's expressions change slightly.

They looked at each other, but neither of them answered the question.

"There are only three of us here, and you don't dare to answer?" Fang Yu frowned slightly and asked.

To be honest, under normal circumstances, he really couldn't feel the aura of human blood on Lu Yiran and Tianmian.

But according to what Leng Xunshuang said before, some people on Xuntian Island, including these peak masters, have human blood.

"We... do have some human blood, but it has been diluted for many generations and is relatively weak." Tianmian replied.

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