The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5715 The situation is not good

The male cultivator always had a smile on his face and replied: "I just hope that after I go to help him, you can practice well and master the mental method as soon as possible."

"I, I will definitely do it! As long as Demon Ancestor can help my master, no matter how boring this mental method is, I will practice it!" Han Miaoyi said firmly.

"very good."

The male cultivator nodded slightly, but there was a clear flash of coldness in his eyes.


How dare a mere human monk enslave Han Miaoyi! ?

Han Miaoyi's bloodline will not be weaker than any existence in the fairy world!

No one can suppress Han Miaoyi!

Not to mention a human race! ?

What qualifications does this Fang Yu have! ?

"Demon Ancestor, when will you go find my master?" Han Miaoyi asked impatiently.

"At any time, as long as I confirm his location, I can go there." The male cultivator replied.

"Then, I will find a way to contact the master now! Then I will tell you the master's current location!" Han Miaoyi stood up and said.

"Okay." The male cultivator replied.

Han Miaoyi stood up, turned her left hand over, and a burst of white light appeared in her hand.

A piece of white jade appeared in his hand.

This is the connection thing that Fang Yu gave her when she was separated from Fang Yu.

Han Miaoyi was about to crush the white jade, then raised her eyes and looked at the male cultivator in front of her.

"I'm leaving for now." The male cultivator seemed to know what Han Miaoyi was thinking. He smiled slightly and disappeared in the air.

Han Miaoyi lowered her head and prepared to crush the white jade.

"Do you really believe that Lun Tian Demon Ancestor will help Brother Fang?"

At this time, in her heart, the voice of divine consciousness sounded again.

"The Demon Ancestor said he would help the master, so he will definitely help! He is so kind to me, how could he lie to me?" Han Miaoyi frowned and said.

"The Luntian Demon Ancestor is an existence at the level of the ancestor of the Demon Clan, and there has always been hatred between the Demon Clan and the Human Race. How could he help Brother Fang?" the divine consciousness retorted.

Hearing this, Han Miaoyi bit her red lips.

She knew that what the Divine Consciousness said was true.

Indeed, the hatred between humans and demons is also buried in the blood.

"The Demon Ancestor... is trying to make me calm down and practice that mental method! How could he lie to me!?" Han Miaoyi gritted her teeth, still firm in her thoughts, "Don't try to trick me or make me doubt the Demon Ancestor..." Ancestor!"

The tone of the divine consciousness was still calm, and he said: "Brother Fang's situation is already very difficult. I just don't want you to cause him any more trouble."

"I have inquired before. Being on the God-level wanted list means becoming a public enemy in the fairy world."

"Even if Brother Fang is invincible, he will eventually have to face so many opponents alone... I don't want you to add another powerful enemy to him."

Han Miaoyi's expression changed.

The divine consciousness has said this, even though she is still a little unconvinced and wants to refute the divine consciousness. But once the matter involved Fang Yu, she couldn't stand up and felt that the divine consciousness made sense.

Han Miaoyi still felt that Lantian Demon Ancestor would not deceive her.

But what if?

If the Luntian Demon Ancestor really wants to deal with Fang Yu... then wouldn't she become an accomplice! ?

What would Fang Yu think if he knew?

The more Han Miaoyi thought about it, the more upset she became. She grabbed her head with both hands and squatted down.

"Then what should I do?! I can't go myself, and I'm afraid of letting the Demon Ancestor go..."

"You can contact Brother Fang first and inquire about Brother Fang's current situation." Divine Consciousness said, "If Brother Fang is in a good situation, we'd better not cause him any trouble."

"But why would the master tell us that he is in a bad situation?" Han Miaoyi asked, "Do you think the master will tell us the real situation?"

Divine consciousness is silent.

According to their past understanding of Fang Yu, they have to say... what the demonic consciousness said is right.

Even if he does encounter trouble, Fang Yu will definitely not show it and will only deal with it by himself.

"I know, we can judge this way! The master's situation is definitely not very good. I will ask him about the situation later. The better he says, the worse the real situation is! No matter what, we have to Find a way to help him!" Han Miaoyi said with her beautiful eyes shining.

This time, the divine consciousness did not refute, and it was regarded as agreeing with the idea of ​​​​the demonic consciousness.


Then, Han Miaoyi crushed the white jade in her hand.


The spiritual consciousness left in the white jade was directly transmitted to Fang Yu.

At this moment, Fang Yu was still on the eighth floor of the Qiankun Tower and was helpless.

Suddenly feeling the arrival of a spiritual consciousness, he was finally freed from the chaotic thoughts.

"Forget it, let's get out of here first and think about it carefully after we go out."

Fang Yu took a deep breath, and his consciousness left the Qiankun Tower.

He opened his eyes and received the connection from the divine consciousness.

"Han Miaoyi? Are you in any trouble?"

Fang Yu's eyes were slightly sharp.


Han Miaoyi's tone sounded very brisk.

"What's wrong with you?" Fang Yu asked.

"There's nothing wrong with me. Master, are you okay?" Han Miaoyi asked.

"Me? Very good." Fang Yu was stunned for a moment and replied.

Didn't Han Miaoyi contact him only when he was in trouble?

Why did you contact him even if you had nothing to do?

"Master, I, I heard that you are wanted by the Gods, so I want to are you doing now? I heard that the entire immortal world is searching for your whereabouts..." Han Miaoyi asked.

"Yes, I am wanted, but I am in very good condition now, and I am preparing to counterattack the Gods... No, I have already counterattacked the Gods." Fang Yu replied, "I have captured several God Kings, and my current goal is The Eternal Sky God who took care of the Divine Prison, and the Apocalypse within the Supreme God Clan.”

Han Miaoyi was silent.

"Oh, you don't know much about the situation of the God Clan." Fang Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then I won't tell you too much."

"Master...where are you now?"

After a moment of silence, Han Miaoyi asked.

"I'm in the Immortal Realm of Divine Destiny." Fang Yu replied.

"God's Immortal Realm...where is it specifically? Give me the coordinates." Han Miaoyi's tone was pleading.

"Are you coming to find me?" Fang Yu frowned and asked, "Have you done your work?"

"I...yes, I've already finished my work. I'm going to find you." Han Miaoyi replied.

Fang Yu felt that Han Miaoyi's tone was a little strange.

"You want to come to the Immortal Realm of Divine Life? It's not very safe here." Fang Yu said, "This is the Immortal Realm under the control of the gods."

"...Master, how come you are in the Immortal Realm under the control of the gods?" Han Miaoyi was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Didn't I say that if I want to fight the Gods now, of course I have to be on the Gods' territory." Fang Yu said.

"...Then give me the coordinates. I'm not afraid of danger. I just want to go find you." Han Miaoyi said.

Fang Yu wanted to refuse.

But when she thought about not letting Han Miaoyi come over...she had nothing else to do, so she didn't know where she would go wandering around, and even accidentally put herself in a dangerous situation.

After all, beings like gods and demons are rare in the fairy world, so it's hard to say whether they will be targeted.

"Then come here."

Fang Yu passed his specific coordinates to Han Miaoyi through his spiritual consciousness.

"Thank you, master!" Han Miaoyi replied happily.

"Where are you?" Fang Yu asked.

"I, I am now, in this... this fairyland." Han Miaoyi hesitated, but did not answer a specific place name.

"Okay, come here." Fang Yu frowned slightly and cut off the contact without asking any more questions.

"The master has been saying that the situation is very good, but his situation... is actually very bad! I don't care so much, I must ask Demon Ancestor to help!" Han Miaoyi gritted her teeth and said firmly, "I I need to leave a mark on Demon Ancestor, and contact him at any time to let him tell me the situation... In this way, Demon Ancestor's movements are under my control, and I can also know whether he really wants to help. Fang Yu!”

"If the Demon Ancestor dares to take action against the master...then I, I will fall out with him...!"

By this time, there was no longer any doubt about divine consciousness.

Han Miaoyi took a deep breath and looked forward.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

The figure of Lun Tian Demon Ancestor appeared in front again.

"How is it? Miaoyi." Lun Tian Demon Ancestor smiled.

"Demon Ancestor, please help my master! Although he is from the human race, the master is really a good person. He is different from other human races. You must not..." Han Miaoyi said to Luntian Demon Ancestor.

"I know." Lun Tian Demon Ancestor still smiled brightly, "I really just want to help him."

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