The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5735 The Origin of the Gods

After hearing these words, Fang Yu fell into silence and frowned.

The meaning of the words of the leader of Tianyan is that... neither the laws of Shinto nor the Supreme Shinto were created by Emperor Taishi.

It doesn’t even have anything to do with the current group of members of the God Clan!

Who could that be?

Above the Taishi God Emperor, there is her father, the one who founded the God Clan and is currently imprisoned in the Northern Prison.

"So, the Shinto Law and the Supreme Shinto Law... were created by the father of Emperor Taishi alone?" Fang Yu raised his brows slightly and said, "To be honest, I am more willing to believe these two laws than this statement. The law was jointly created by a group of powerful gods."

"After all, if the father of Emperor Taishi was so powerful, he wouldn't have been stabbed in the back by his own daughter and ended up in this situation."

"Father of Taishi?" The leader of Tianyan looked at Fang Yu, narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know about his existence?"

"Not only do I know about his existence, I also know that he is currently being held in the North Prison." Fang Yu said, "Of course, this is a secret to the outside world."

"I don't think that the creator of these two laws is the father of Taishi." The leader of Tianyan shook his head slightly and said.

"The father of Taishi is the ancestor of the God Clan. If he is not the creator, who else could he be?" Fang Yu frowned more tightly and said, "Is there any ancestor above the ancestor of the God Clan? Or, do you think? The source of Shinto laws and supreme Shinto laws is not the gods? But foreign races?"

"Yes." The leader of the Heavenly Eyes flashed his eyes and nodded, "In fact, I think it was not the gods who created these two laws... but the human race!"

These words shocked Fang Yu's heart.

He really had never imagined such a possibility!

The laws of Shinto, the laws of the supreme gods... can be said to be the biggest trump card of the gods and the supreme gods, and also the cornerstone of their current rule in the fairy world!

But the leader of the Heavenly Eye said...are these two laws created by the human race?

All along, Fang Yu's understanding of the laws of the Shinto was... the product of the gods' transformation based on the laws of the great avenue.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, Shinto law restrains the Tao law to a certain extent.

This is indeed the case. The Law of the Great Dao can form a natural advantage when facing other laws.

But this advantage cannot be used when facing the laws of Shinto.

Even now, Fang Yu has understood the laws of heaven and has raised the intensity of the laws of the great avenue to another level. He can no longer form that natural advantage when facing the laws of the divine way.

So, is it possible that the Shinto laws were created by the human race?

Fang Yu's eyes flickered.

I didn't have this idea in the past, so I didn't think about the possibility.

But now that you think about it, you will find that this possibility exists.

Even reasonable!

Only monks who understand the laws of the great road extremely well can transform it and create laws to restrain it!

No matter how strong the foreign monk's learning ability is, if there is a blood barrier, it is impossible for him to have a complete mastery of the laws of the Great Dao!

Therefore, the idea put forward by the leader of Tianyan... is really convincing!

But the problem is that an assumption is an assumption after all. Without evidence... it cannot be said to be a fact.

"If these two laws were created by the human race, why did they become the way of establishing the clan of the gods?" Fang Yu frowned and asked.

The leader of the Heavenly Eyes narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Fang Yu, and said: "How the gods appeared and how they rose... It is very vague to the hundreds of millions of monks in our current fairy world."

"Do you agree with this?"

This question made Fang Yu's eyes gleam.

He had already discussed this issue with Emperor Daotu before.

A piece of history has been erased, or perhaps confused.

That period of lost history... was exactly the process of the decline of the human race and the rise of the divine race!

"The process of the rise of the Gods that we know now, no matter what the source is... the most in-depth, it is mentioned that the rise of the Gods relies on some inheritance of the human race." The leader of the Sky Eye continued, "But we know that history will not be that simple. . There must have been a key event at the turning point from the peak of the human race to its decline. And, it must have been a big event that was enough to shock the entire fairy world."

"Such a major event, under normal circumstances... would be impossible not to be recorded in history."

"In other words, it is impossible for the hundreds of millions of monks in the immortal world to have no memory of this."

"This statement... I have indeed heard of it, and I agree with this speculation." Fang Yu said solemnly, "There is indeed a period of history that has been erased, and I am also trying to figure out how to understand that history."

When he said these words, Fang Yu's heart moved.

Because he suddenly realized that the test on the eighth floor of the Qiankun Tower... allowed him to find the truth about the scene full of dead bodies.

This test itself...may be directly related to this lost history in the fairy world!

"The existence that can erase the traces of a period of history in the scope of the fairy world, and even within the scope of the plane... If it wants to deliberately conceal it, I think... the possibility of us directly learning about that period of history is quite slim." The leader of Tianyan said, "What we can do is ... use some of the clues we have so far to infer what might have happened."

"Then what do you think?" Fang Yu looked at the leader of Tianyan and asked.

"My inference is based on the previous inference and is not stable." The leader of Tianyan said, "But I still want to express my thoughts."

"Based on the inference that the laws of Shinto and the supreme laws of Shinto were created by the human race... I believe that the gods today are also the humans of the past!"

The Gods are the former human race! ?

Fang Yu was surprised by the words spoken by the Heavenly Eye Cult Leader.

This inference is too bold!

Just sounds incredible.

"In the beginning, the Gods may have been just a certain bloodline branch of the human race, and then gradually grew in strength and backfired on the main line." The leader of the Sky Eyes continued, "And another possibility is that the emergence of the Gods was a long-planned attack. There are more possibilities to set up another branch.”

"Maybe you find it unbelievable, and I really can't find any clues to confirm my inference."

"For so many years, I have been trying to find out the origin of the Gods... In any case, the Gods came from the human race... This is my final inference."

Fang Yu's eyes flickered.

He needed some time to digest what the Master of Heavenly Eyes said.

The gods came from the human race... It is indeed difficult to believe this statement.

But as the leader of the Sky Eyes said, if the premise that the Shinto Law and the Supreme Shinto Law were created by the human race is established...then the God Race is a branch of the Human Race, this statement really has a chance to stand!

Just like the conclusion after the dialogue between Fang Yu and the betrayed protector Xiao Yu.

The decline of the human race may be due to internal fighting!

After all, a peak clan will not have external opponents, otherwise it will not be able to become a peak clan.

So, if the rise of the gods happens within the human race... then it may indeed cause the decline of the human race!

"The branches of the bloodline can backfire on the main vein... This kind of thing is indeed possible."

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.

However sound the reasoning may be, the key question remains here.

Without any clues, everything said now is just a castle in the air and may be overturned at any time.

Moreover, if we really talk about possibilities, there are too many possibilities.

It's just that the leader of the Sky Eye provided a reasonable-sounding inference.

Fang Yu took a deep breath, looked at the Heavenly Eye Cult Leader, and said, "No matter what, what you said has provided me with some new ideas."

"But I'm curious, what's your purpose in studying this?"

"Although your master is a human race, but..."

"I respect the human race." The leader of the Heavenly Eyes replied calmly, "Ever since I inherited the Heavenly Eyes, I have powerful the master's ability is, and even today, I cannot fully understand the laws he created. "

"During this period, I also studied other human skills and secrets... The more I learned, the greater my respect for the human race... Gradually, a huge mystery emerged in my mind."

"Why did such a powerful human race decline to this point? How could it possibly decline to this point?"

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