The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5742 Controlling the Immortal Realm

Xuntian Island, inside the main hall.

In front of Leng Xushuang, six peak masters stood.

"Island Master, are we on Xuntian Island really going to leave the Immortal Realm of Divine Destiny..." Lu Yiran asked in a low voice with a complicated expression on his face.

"What's wrong? Are you reluctant?" Leng Xunshuang asked with a smile.

"It's not that I'm reluctant, I just's nothing. I absolutely support the island owner!" Lu Yiran said.

"What about you? If you have any questions or opinions, please tell me." Leng Xunshuang looked at the other five peak masters.

Tianmian, who had been silent all this time, said: "Island Master, after leaving the Immortal Realm of Divine Destiny, where should we move to?"

"It's not clear yet, but during this period, we will first stay in the secret realm created." Leng Xunshuang said.

"Will this affect the disciples' cultivation... After all, the immortal energy in the secret realm is not comparable to the outside world." Yang Yu, the master of the second peak, said in a deep voice.

"It will indeed have some impact, but I will use the power of the Immortal Stone to reduce the impact as much as possible." Leng Xunshuang replied, "You must appease the emotions of the disciples."

"Everyone will definitely understand. Isn't it just that the cultivation efficiency is a little bit worse after a period of time? It's not bad at all!" Lu Yiran said with an indifferent expression.

"The main reason is that I'm afraid that the disciples will panic. After all, Venerable Fang's reputation in the immortal world is... too loud." Yanxian, the leader of the fourth peak, said with a solemn expression.

Upon hearing this, the expressions of the peak masters present changed.

They are well aware of their current situation and accept the possible consequences.

But the disciples of Xuntian Island... may not have such great determination.

Especially when they knew that Xuntian Island was about to be transferred, these disciples must be even more frightened, fearing that one day the gods would come and destroy them.

"I have already considered this issue, so I will not force all disciples to stand with me." Leng Xushuang said, "Including you, the same is true."

"Before Xuntian Island is transferred, you all can choose to leave."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the peak masters present changed drastically.

"Island Master, you... what you mean is..." Lu Yiran's eyes widened with a look of shock on his face.

"It's voluntary to stay or go." Leng Xunshuang said with a smile, "If you stay, you may face the worst ending you can imagine."

"If you choose to leave, you will no longer have any contact with Xuntian Island, and naturally you no longer need to take such risks."

"Island Master...without you, we would have long ago not known where we died. We will never leave!" Lu Yiran said firmly.

Leng Xunshuang glanced at the six peak masters present.

Except for Lu Yiran, the other peak leaders did not make any obvious statements.

But Leng Xunshuang had psychological expectations for such a result.

Facing a behemoth like the Gods... Who wouldn't be afraid?

"I'll give everyone two days to think about it."

After saying this, Leng Xushuang left the hall.

In the hall, Lu Yiran's eyes were red and he glanced at the other peak masters.

"How could you... run away from the battlefield! When you first joined Xuntian Island, didn't you keep saying that you were willing to sacrifice your life for the island master!? What about now? Why are you thinking about saving your life?!" Lu Yiran asked with anger in his tone. road.

Chang Beiyuan looked at Lu Yiran and opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Are you talking? If we encounter any danger, will we abandon Xuntian Island!?" Lu Yiran gritted his teeth and said angrily.

"Our strength is weak. Even if we stay on Xuntian Island, we won't be able to help the island owner... but we may become a burden."

At this time, Yang Yu next to him spoke.

"Yes, we are facing the entire Protoss... Our power is inferior to that of ants, so there is no point in staying." Yanxian said.

Lu Yiran looked at the peak masters in front of him, the anger in his chest getting stronger and stronger, and said: "You are just afraid of death! Even if we can't help, staying here can at least show our thoughts and support to the island master! That's it. To leave is to be greedy for life and ungrateful! You are all ungrateful guys!"

"Yi Ran, since the island owner has given us a choice, I think... we still need to think carefully, including you, and don't act on impulse." Chang Beiyuan said solemnly.

"You, you... Third brother, you also have human blood. If you weren't the island owner, you..." Lu Yiran was so angry that he was a little incoherent.

"I know that without the island owner, I might have died a long time ago, or I might have been used as a slave by some ethnic forces in the outside world... But no matter what, the reality is that if we don't leave... we will have to face the wrath of the entire God Clan." Chang Beiyuan raised his head and said, "I can admit that I am scared and I don't have the courage to face this situation."

"And as the Second Peak Master said, our strength is weak, so what if we stay?"

"You can think I'm ungrateful, but that's what I think."

After saying this, Chang Beiyuan turned around and walked out.

A famous peak master didn't say much and left one after another.

Lu Yiran stayed alone, his eyes a little dazed.

She didn't expect that Xuntian Island, which originally seemed so united, would be so fragile when faced with danger.

"It is the nature of living beings to fear death."

"No one can fight against nature."

At this time, Tianmian's voice came from behind.

Lu Yiran turned to look at the sky and asked, "Fifth brother...are you leaving too?"

There was no expression on Tianmian's face as he replied: "I will not leave Xuntian Island because I don't care about my life."

After saying that, he turned around and walked out.

Lu Yiran looked at Tianmian's back with complicated eyes.

In the empty valley.

Fang Yu closed his eyes tightly, but an eye mark appeared on his forehead.

"Buzz buzz..."

As time passes, the mark of this eye glows.

The light flickers and the eye gradually takes shape.

This eye glowed with dark gold, and its pupils were like an endless starry sky, with little stars twinkling.

Fang Yu's own eyes were closed.

But at this moment, through the eye on his forehead, he can see the vast world!

Huge light spots filled his field of vision one after another. The light spots were connected to each other, and there were countless laws.

Fang Yu knew that what he was seeing now... was probably the entire Tianyan Fairyland!


As Fang Yu's thoughts changed, the light of the Sky Eye shone even brighter.

One of the light spots in the field of vision quickly enlarges, and the halo on its appearance can gradually be seen clearly.

Through the halo and entering it, you can see the entire realm from a bird's eye view.

Then, it can continue to zoom in, and even focus on a piece of gravel somewhere in the mountains of this realm!

Even the lines on the gravel can be clearly seen!

"Is this the ability that can be mastered after integrating into the laws of the Immortal Realm... It's amazing." Fang Yu was shocked in his heart.

Through the Sky Eye, he can easily grasp the information of the entire fairyland, and it can be specific to a stone!

This huge fairyland was completely transparent under his eyes!

"This is still the situation after the Supreme Divine Dao took over. Before that, the control of the Heavenly Eye Fairy Realm by the Heavenly Eye Law was probably stronger..." Fang Yu thought to himself.

But from another perspective, we can also see how terrifying the control of the Supreme God Clan over various fairy realms is!

Through the eyes of the sky, Fang Yu can only see everything in the fairyland.

But the Supreme God Clan can easily erase any realm in the Immortal Realm through the Supreme Divine Way, and may even make the entire Immortal Realm disappear!

"How do you integrate the law into a fairyland?" Fang Yu thought to himself.

"I told you before that in front of the Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Realm can be refined." Li Huoyu's voice came, "You won't forget it, right?"

"So, if you are an Immortal Emperor, can you easily control an Immortal Realm?" Fang Yu asked.

"This is not necessarily true. There are specialties in the arts, and some Immortal Emperors can do it. It does not mean that all Immortal Emperors can do it." Li Huoyu replied, "In addition, the way the Supreme God Clan controls each Immortal Domain is through the The law of Tao, and nothing else.”

"The Heavenly Eye Law you currently master may also be able to provide you with some ideas."

"Do you to master an immortal realm by understanding the Law of Heavenly Eyes?" Fang Yu frowned.

"You can also do it the other way around." Li Huoyu said, "Even if you can't control a fairyland, at least you have to find a way to disrupt the control of various fairyland by the Supreme God Clan."

"Otherwise, once the Supreme Gods start targeting you and you don't have any means to deal with it, you will be in big trouble."

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