The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5744 This is an opportunity

"There is nothing to be sentimental about. As I said, there is no living thing who is not afraid of death."

Tianmian appeared behind Lu Yiran and said calmly.

"I just can't bear to leave you all." Lu Yiran said with tears in his eyes, "After saying goodbye this time, we may never see each other again...but after all, we have been together for such a long time."

"It seems you don't have any consciousness." Tianmian looked at Lu Yiran and said.

Lu Yiran didn't understand what he said in front of him.

"From the first day I joined Xuntian Island, I already knew that one day it would be like this." Tianmian said solemnly, "We have human blood in our bodies. This alone means that we will not It is possible to survive peacefully in the fairy world dominated by gods."

"We will eventually be liquidated by the Gods, it's just a matter of time."

"Do you think the Gods will let go of these so-called remnants of ours?"

Lu Yiran's eyes widened, his mouth opened, and after a moment of silence he said: "The human blood in us is already very thin..."

"In the eyes of the gods, as long as there is a drop of blood left, it belongs to the human race." Tianmian sneered, "I told you how my tribe was wiped out, right?"

Lu Yiran's face changed slightly and stopped talking.

She knew about Tianmian's past and didn't want to mention it again.

"So, I think this situation is good. I can clear away all distracting thoughts and focus on fighting against the gods." Tianmian said with cold eyes, "I will eventually go to the battlefield to avenge my dead compatriots!"

"Even if my strength is low, I will still do what I should do!"

Tianmian's tone was full of hatred and murderous intent.

Lu Yiran looked at the sky, his eyes twinkling.

She didn't expect that Tianmian was already thinking about going to the battlefield to fight the gods!

"What do you think of Fang Yu?" Tianmian asked.

Hearing this, Lu Yiran's expression changed.

"The island owner is not here, and you are the only one who has had close contact with him... I want to hear your opinion." Tianmian continued.

"He... is very strong, very strong... I have never seen anyone more powerful than him." Lu Yiran bit her lip and replied.

"Is he stronger than the island owner?" Tianmian asked.

"...Well, better than the island owner." Lu Yiran nodded heavily.

She had personally seen Fang Yu's performance when facing the God King, and for her, the shock could not be greater.

"Then what is there to be afraid of?" Tianmian smiled and said, "Fang Yu is already the most powerful being in the entire fairy world who can stand with us."

Lu Yiran stared blankly at the sky, took a deep breath, and said, "You are right, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Isn't it just death?"

"I'm not afraid!"

Lu Yiran shouted loudly to the layers of clouds and mist ahead.

In the distance, on top of a mountain peak, Leng Xunshuang was watching this scene quietly with complicated eyes.

Qianzhou Immortal Realm, within the Eternal Sky God Realm.

In the temple.

The shadow of Eternal Sky God glowing with divine light is at the top of the hall.

"Sir, I heard that the Divine Court has erased the name of Tang Yu, a remnant of the demon clan, from the wanted order... Why is this?" a member asked.

His question was also a question for other members present.

Tang Yu's name disappeared silently on the god-level wanted notice. This situation is really rare.

Even if the reason is not announced to the outside world, at least they within the Protoss must know what is going on, right?

Has Tang Yu been solved, or has the wanted level been lowered?

All members looked towards Eternal Sky God.

But Eternal Sky God was silent.

"Sir, this..." the member spoke again.

"That's not what you should be asking."

After a long silence, Eternal Sky God gave this reply.

And this answer made the members present look at each other with even greater doubts in their eyes!

what is happening?

Why is it that even Eternal Sky God is so secretive?

"I have released the withered bones, just waiting for Fang Yu to show up next time." Eternal Sky God continued.

"Sir, Fang Yu took down the ember, but did not take the initiative to contact our Eternal Sky lineage. What is his plan?" The old-looking Tianmao frowned and said, "When is he going to take out the ember and threaten him?" us……"

"This is indeed a problem, but not a big one." Xianhan, who had a flower mark on his left cheek, also spoke, "What Fang Yu wants to use the embers for, we will know next time he sends out the withered bones."

"Now there's something interesting."

"Among the eight god kings defeated by Fang Yu, two of them are members of the Jini lineage."

Having said this, Xianhan showed a sarcastic smile.

"I think the Ji Ni lineage is in the same situation as us now."

The members present had different expressions.

The two god kings of the extremely rebellious lineage were defeated by Fang Yu, and the news spread within the god clan.

For the Ji Ni lineage, this situation is undoubtedly a serious blow.

The Eternal Sky lineage is naturally happy to see this situation.

If everyone suffered a loss when facing Fang Yu, it would mean that no one suffered a loss.

Anyway, in the eyes of Shenting, everyone is the same.

But the problem now is that there is no movement yet between the Shangqing line and the Tianyun line.

"The Shangqing lineage and the Tianyun lineage will only be more vigilant now, because we have set a precedent!" Tianmao said with a gloomy face, "I even doubt that they will take action from the beginning to the end!"

"Not taking action? That would be better." Xian Han smiled coldly, "In the eyes of Shenting, which one is worse, being frustrated in front of Fang Yu... or not having the guts to take action against Fang Yu?"

"As a god, but fearing a human... This is unacceptable."

All members present agreed with this view.

"Sir, since the only wanted target is Fang Yu... then, has Shenting considered... taking action personally?" Another member looked at Eternal Sky God and asked.

Eternal Sky God was silent for a moment and said: "If dealing with a remnant of the human race requires the Supreme God Clan to personally end it, then what is the meaning of our existence?"

Xianhan also looked at the member and said with a smile: "I think the Supreme God Clan will not take action in the short term. Obviously, they will regard this matter as an assessment of the God Clan as a whole."

"The Supreme God Clan has not incorporated new bloodline branches for many years."

"I feel that this time the Divine Court is giving all our bloodline branches a justifiable opportunity! Whoever can deal with Fang Yu can join the Supreme God Clan!"

At this point, Xianhan's tone was already a little excited.

This kind of opportunity comes once in a lifetime.

For all blood branches within the Protoss, joining the Supreme Protoss... is the biggest goal, it can even be called a dream!

"So, you must not regard this incident as a crisis... This is an opportunity! It is an unprecedented opportunity!" Xianhan opened his eyes wide, and the flower marks on his cheeks shone brightly, "Facing Fang Yu, we The main opponents are the other three major veins!"

"While dealing with Fang Yu, we must find ways to create enough trouble for the other three major veins!"

"This is not a competition, this is a fight to the death! Only one of our four major bloodlines can become the Supreme God Clan!"

The eyes of the members present changed.

If you shout first, they will naturally understand.

"All members must pay attention to Fang Yu's news. Once he appears, immediately locate his location and teleport the dead bones there." Eternal Sky God said.


The members present came to their senses and answered together.

Afterwards, the conference ended.

Many members dispersed.

But Xianhan did not leave his position.

The shadow of Eternal Sky God has disappeared.

However, Xianhan still looked at the main seat where Eternal Sky God was.

"Sir, is it true that we can't talk about the fact that Tang Yu, a remnant of the demon clan, disappeared on the wanted notice?" Xianhan asked in a deep voice.

In the main position, the figure of Eternal Sky God no longer exists.

However, after the question was asked, after a while, another silhouette appeared.

"This is a misjudgment by the Divine Court." Eternal Sky God's voice came again.

"Misjudgement?" Xianhan frowned.

"Tang Yu does not actually exist." Eternal Sky God said solemnly, "In other words, Tang Yu is Fang Yu."

Upon hearing this, Xianhan's expression changed.

How could a human disguise himself as a demon? ! He could actually deceive the Divine Court, which he considered omniscient and omnipotent! ?

"This matter is treated coldly even within the Supreme God Clan and cannot be discussed." Eternal Sky God said lightly, "Do you understand?"

"Understood, I won't mention this matter again." Xianhan lowered his head and replied.

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