The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5773 Disagreement between Tianmeng

In the space channel.

Cangchen led a group of human monks towards the next fairyland.

"You may know that the fairyland that Immortal Court mainly occupies is called Jihuan Fairyland."

At this time, Qin Tianbei used his spiritual consciousness to transmit messages to all members.

"The goal of our trip is to enter the Jihuan Immortal Realm and defeat the Immortal Court."

"Lord Cangchen means... before confronting the Immortal Court, we must first wipe out the several subordinate clans under his command."

"So far, everything is going well. However, I hope everyone will not take it lightly and still need to remain vigilant."

Listening to Qin Tianbei's words, the expressions of the more than 9,000 human monks present became serious.

After seeing Cangchen's strength, their emotions were indeed too high, and they didn't even think that there would be any danger in this trip.

Along the way, there were heated discussions or jokes.

When an uninformed person sees such an army with a relaxed and joyful atmosphere, they may think that they are participating in some simple training. They would never think that... they are going to fight against Immortal Court!

Therefore, in this situation, Qin Tianbei, the original general of the Taoist Alliance, realized something was wrong and reminded him in time, hoping that everyone could calm down.

And these people present are not ordinary monks.

They were all mid-level generals of the Dao Alliance, and some were even higher-level, and they were all strong men who had actually participated in battlefield fighting!

As soon as Qin Tianbei opened his mouth, they knew what his purpose was.

The atmosphere in the entire army immediately became serious, and no one was joking anymore.

"General Qin reminded you well. I feel like we are all a little distracted. Immortal Court is not an easy force to deal with." Di Shi turned his head and said to Fang Yu, "Master Cangchen acted too strong and made us all forget that Immortal Court was not an easy force to deal with." Ting’s strength.”

"Do you think Xianting is strong?" Fang Yu asked.

"If facing the Immortal Court is all the core of the human race, that is, those human races in the Immortal Immortal Domain... then the Immortal Court must not be very strong." Di Shi raised his eyebrows and said, "A single alliance, no matter what Whether it is the Tianmeng or the Daomeng, I believe they can easily crush the Immortal Court."

"The problem is that we currently have less than 10,000 people, and the top combat power, those generals and generals... are few. Most of them are mid-level generals of our level."

"Although it's quite strong, it's not that safe after all. You still have to be careful, especially you, Lao Yu. I see that you have been confused all the way, and I don't know what you are thinking. It's okay now. When the time comes, Jihuan Immortal Realm, you have to cheer up and don't be careless. If there is a fight, I may not be able to help you."

Fang Yu looked at Di Shi, feeling slightly moved in his heart.

It turned out that there was something strange about his demeanor, and Di Shi had always noticed it.

Fortunately, Di Shi didn't have too many doubts.

"Don't worry." Fang Yu patted Di Shi on the shoulder and said, "I will definitely take it seriously."

"Our journey to the Jihuan Immortal Territory is smooth... because Master Cangchen moves too fast, almost killing an entire clan with one blow." Di Shi touched his chin and narrowed his eyes, "There will definitely be a reaction from the Immortal Court. Don’t come.”

"And from what General Qin said, Master Cangchen has already decided on the route to kill us... If this is the case, then the Immortal Court must also know that our final target is their home base, the Jihuan Immortal Territory."

"At this time, the Immortal Court's strategy must be to shrink. Before we reach the Jihuan Immortal Territory, gather all the strength and wait for our arrival... So when we arrive at the Jihuan Immortal Territory, the situation will definitely be It’s much more dangerous than it is now.”

"Indeed." Fang Yu nodded.

"But under normal circumstances, when the two armies are fighting, the key lies in the competition of top combat power." Di Shi continued, "With Lord Cangchen here, we will definitely be able to win."

"The Immortal Court is just that the Lord of the Immortal Court may have some strength. What's his name? I remember that name sounds quite powerful..."

"Emperor Star." Fang Yu replied.

"Yes, it's the Emperor Star! This guy... was originally known as the first genius in the immortal world, and he became famous very early." Di Shi said.

"The first genius? What kind of family does he come from?" Fang Yu asked.

"His background seems to be mediocre, with nothing worth mentioning. The key is that his cultivation talent is amazing." Di Shi said, "The power of Immortal Court itself was founded by several top clans in the immortal world, like Emperor Star. Logically speaking, a monk with a mediocre background has no chance or qualification to enter the Immortal Court, let alone become the current Lord of the Immortal Court."

"What kind of cultivation do you think he is?" Fang Yu asked.

"It must be at the Miechen Step." Di Shi said solemnly, "We won't know the exact step until we see him."

"However, we are no longer members of the Dao Alliance, and we don't need to consider Emperor Star at all. He is Lord Cangchen's target."

"What's the connection between the first half of your sentence and the second half of your sentence?" Fang Yu frowned.

"Can't you hear this? Lao Yu." Di Shi shook his head and said with a wry smile, "It is an old tradition for the two major alliances to fight. The battlefield is also divided into levels."

"The weak versus the weak, the strong versus the strong... The idea of ​​two armies fighting to compete for top combat power does not hold true on the battlefield of the two major alliances... because we will only encounter opponents of a similar level to us on the battlefield."

Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly.

He didn't hear anything about this from Yu Qianqiu.

The meaning of Di Shi's statement is very simple.

To put it in layman's terms, even a monk at the Qi Refining Stage level will only face opponents at the Qi Refining Stage level.

No matter how many monks there are in the Qi Refining Stage, as long as there is a monk in the Foundation Building Stage or the Pill Formation Stage among the opponents... they can easily crush them.

But if the two major alliances are at war, this situation will not happen.

Because monks who are in the foundation-building stage or higher will not appear on the battlefield of the monks who are in the Qi-refining stage!

Monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage will only encounter opponents in the Foundation Establishment Stage!

Why is this so?

Since the Dao League and the Sky League are mortal enemies and both want to destroy each other, why set such a rule?

The battlefield is also divided into levels, which sounds very strange.

There must be a deep-seated purpose in this.

"What is the purpose of the Tianmeng and the Daomeng?" Fang Yu frowned, and his doubts became even greater.

At this time, he thought of Leng Xunshuang who went to Tianmeng to investigate the situation.

Fang Yu immediately used the mark of his divine consciousness that he had left behind to contact Leng Xunshuang.


Leng Xushuang responded quickly.

Fang Yu briefly told Leng Xunshuang what he was currently doing.

"Your side is more interesting." Leng Xunshuang said.

"Have you already sneaked into the Tianmeng?" Fang Yu asked.

"Well, almost, but the situation within the Tianmeng is more complicated, and I haven't fully grasped the situation yet." Leng Xunshuang replied.

"What kind of complicated method?" Fang Yu asked.

"At present, the Tianmeng has basically been divided into three major factions. Some of them seem to hate the Dao League extremely and just want the Dao League, including all their members, to disappear. The other group has no such obvious hatred and just hopes to defeat the Dao League. We want to restore the past peace as soon as possible. Some of us want to stop fighting with the Dao Alliance." Leng Xunshuang replied.

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes and said: "This situation is quite normal. Even within the Dao Alliance, I think it is the same situation."

"No, these three major factions are not just the thoughts of ordinary members of the Tianmeng... but the attitudes of their top leaders, namely the deputy leaders." Leng Xunshuang said.


Hearing this, Fang Yu was shocked.

If the three major factions Leng Xunshuang mentioned were just the thoughts of most members of the Tianmeng, then he would think it was quite normal.

Just like the monks around him now, aren't they all unwilling to continue the war with the Tianmeng, so they choose to follow Cangchen?

But the representatives of each of these three major factions are the deputy leaders of the Tianmeng... That's different.

The deputy leader is already the top member of the alliance.

Their attitudes can directly affect the current battle situation!

Compared with the Tianmeng, the seven alliance leaders in the Taoist League... obviously do not have such differences, and they are obviously determined to fight with the Tianmeng to the end.

So, why do these top members of Tianmeng... have three different attitudes?

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