The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5784 Return to one sect

Fang Yu entered the space channel.

He looked at Bai Daohe on his left, with a look of joy and excitement on his face.

Looking at Cheng Xuanxuan on the right, she also had a smile on her face.

But Fang Yu himself was a little confused.

How could it be chosen?

What is Cangchen’s basis for selecting people?

On the surface, both Bai Daohe and Cheng Xuanxuan, including the identity of Yu Qianqiu whom he is now replacing... are the original mid-level generals of the Dao League.

It wouldn't be wrong to say he was weak, but among the more than 9,000 followers, he was considered mediocre and not outstanding.

But it happened that the three of them were chosen.

And it seems that Cangchen did not make a random choice, but considered it...

Therefore, Fang Yu felt very confused.

"Brother Bai." Fang Yu thought for a moment, then sent a message to Bai Daohe next to him, and asked, "Why do you think we were the only ones chosen?"

Bai Daohe looked at Fang Yu, his eyes moved slightly, and said, "Are you that Yu..."

"Little brother Yu Qianqiu." Fang Yu replied.

"Yes, Yu Qianqiu, I've met you before!" Bai Daohe said, "As you mentioned why we were chosen, I think... maybe it's just luck. Master Cangchen likes us more."

"That's it?" Fang Yu asked.

"Yes, what else? The worst ones here are all former mid-level generals. No one is better than anyone else. It can only be said to be luck." Bai Daohe replied, "Brother Yu, do you have any unknown strengths? ?”

"Well, that's not true. I'm also very ordinary." Fang Yu replied.

"That's right, Xuanxuan, don't you think so? We are just lucky!" Bai Daohe looked at Cheng Xuanxuan and said with a smile.

Cheng Xuanxuan nodded, agreeing with this, but still replied excitedly: "I have been a member of the Tao Alliance for so long, and I have only seen the leader from a distance once! I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to go directly to the Guiyi Sect today... This is our human race's Holy place."

"Yes, Guiyi Sect... I have always dreamed of going in and taking a look. Nowadays, so many powerful people come from Guiyi Sect..." Bai Daohe nodded repeatedly and replied.

Fang Yu said nothing.

No matter how you look at it, Bai Daohe and Cheng Xuanxuan are indeed ordinary.

At least compared to other mid-level generals, there is nothing outstanding.

So...Cangchen is really a random person? Wear it because you like it?

But Xia Yuanhao originally only let Cangchen and Qin Tianbei go to Guiyimen.

Cangchen deliberately brought more people there, and for this reason he also took action against Tian Zheng.

In this case, just choosing three people at random... doesn't feel very reasonable.

Moreover, he chose randomly and happened to choose Fang Yu, who had replaced Yu Qianqiu's identity, which was even more unusual!

"Cangchen must have noticed something...otherwise I wouldn't have been chosen." Fang Yu's eyes flickered and he thought to himself, "But what could he have noticed? From his point of view, if he thinks there is something wrong with Yu Qianqiu, They should directly interrogate or use other methods, right? Why did you bring me directly to you? "

"I returned to this period of history as a bystander. It stands to reason that no one in this era would know me, let alone Cangchen..."

"But the problem is..."

"Brother Yu, are you nervous?"

At this time, Bai Daohe next to him came over again.

"One thing, after all, we have all separated from the Taoist Alliance." Fang Yu replied, "But now we have to see the alliance leader again."

"Yes, I am also very nervous, but with Lord Cangchen here, there will definitely be no danger." Bai Daohe said, "And people like the leader of the alliance will not care about us little characters..."

"You're right." Fang Yu said.

"I wonder if I have a chance to visit Guiyi Sect... I really want to see what this Immortal Sect is like, and how it is different from the sect we practiced before." Cheng Xuanxuan blinked, with a hopeful look on her face. Said hopefully.

"Me too." Fang Yu agreed.

In fact, Fang Yu's mood at the moment was indeed very complicated.

On the one hand, he felt heavy.

Because he knew Cangchen’s ending.

On the other hand, he was looking forward to everything he would see next.

Now, with Cangchen by his side, he has the best viewing angle.

Thinking from this point of view, he always felt as if Cangchen deliberately chose him and followed him around.

But if you think about it from this point of view, it means that Cangchen knows his existence and even knows his purpose of returning to this period of history.

If this is the case, then this piece of it still true?

Is everything happening before our eyes the same as what happened in history?

Fang Yu couldn't be sure of this.

He also tried not to think in more complicated ways.

"Anyway, let's see what happens next." Fang Yu took a deep breath to calm his thoughts.

When he looked forward, he could see Cangchen's burly back.

In the dark space passage, the light of stars is still shining.

This space passage is not long.

It didn't take long for them to reach the exit.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Cangchen rushed out first, followed by Fang Yu and the other two.

Vision returned to normal.

Looking forward, Fang Yu and the two people next to him looked surprised.

Because the scene they saw was completely different from what they expected.

Surrounded by a barren flat land.

And directly in front, it looks like a remote mountain village.

There are ordinary bungalows one after another on the flat land, not even decent buildings.

Is this the Guiyi Sect?

No way?

The top clan...the number one immortal sect of the human race, the holy land of cultivation that has cultivated countless top powerhouses and could this be such a scene?

No monk can believe it!

However, in front of them, they could indeed see a standing but crooked stone tablet.

Above are three very simple words.

Return to one door.

Everyone can see it clearly.

"Is this... really the same family?" Cheng Xuanxuan asked with a dull look on her face.

Bai Daohe on the other side was obviously still in shock and couldn't speak.

Although Fang Yu was also surprised.

But he didn't think it was impossible.

Going back to not uncommon.

The Guiyi Sect can become the number one immortal sect in the human race, which naturally has its special features.

If it were like other top powers, all kinds of magnificent buildings... would seem vulgar.


Qin Tianbei also flew out of the portal.

The three generals of the Dao League did not appear in front of the Guiyi Sect, perhaps because they did not receive permission.

At this moment, those present were Cangchen, Fang Yu, and Qin Tianbei, a total of five people.

"Lord Cangchen, is this... the same sect?" Cheng Xuanxuan couldn't help but ask.

Cangchen looked ahead, nodded slightly, and replied: "This is the Guiyi Gate."

"But it's not the current Guiyi Sect."

Hearing this, Fang Yu's eyes moved slightly.

Cheng Xuanxuan and Bai Daohe both looked puzzled.

Qin Tianbei walked to Cangchen's side and asked: "Sir Cangchen, I once heard that the Guiyi Sect has only moved once since its establishment..."

"So... is this place the original Guiyi Sect?"

"Yes." Cangchen replied, "This is the original Guiyi Sect."

The original Guiyimen can also be called the old site of Guiyimen.

No wonder there was no trace of the monk.

"From Cangchen's words, he knows that this is where the first Guiyi Sect was...did he really once practice in Guiyi Sect? Is Xia Yuanhao really Cangchen's master?" Fang Yu's eyes flickered, his heart He thought, "No matter what the relationship is, Cangchen must have stayed at Guiyi Sect...otherwise, Xia Yuanhao would not let Cangchen come to meet at the old location of Guiyi Sect."

Cangchen walked forward.

Fang Yu and his party also came to their senses and followed immediately.

The five people slowly passed the stone tablet and entered the interior of Guiyi Gate.

The buildings inside are very dilapidated and look like they have gone through an unknown number of years.

There are no traces left by the monks in the entire sect, and it has obviously been abandoned for a long time.

Although no one was seen, and no breath appeared... Cangchen seemed to know where to go, and led the group all the way deep, slowly entering the depths of the old site of Guiyimen.

Cangchen didn't stop until he reached a dilapidated temple.

There are a lot of dead trees around here, surrounding this small temple.

"I can't tell, you are quite nostalgic." Cangchen stood in front of the temple and said calmly, "I thought you would take me to visit your Guiyi Sect."

"You won't like the current Guiyi Sect. There is no need to make you unhappy." A deep voice came from the temple.

"I won't be unhappy." Cangchen smiled.

"No." The voice in the temple was very calm, "On the surface you don't care, but in your heart you won't accept it."

"You are my junior brother. No one knows you better than me, Cangchen."

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