The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5790 Self-weakening

His status is too high, no one will bother him at all!

Therefore, who is stronger or weaker between Cangchen and Xia Yuanhao... Perhaps Cangchen, the junior brother, knows the best.

"Cangchen thinks Xia Yuanhao is much stronger than him... If he wasn't modest, would Xia Yuanhao have already achieved enlightenment and become an Immortal Emperor?" Fang Yu thought to himself.

"I have always had great respect for my senior brother, and even regarded him as the target of my pursuit." Cangchen said, "until he was elected as the leader of the Tao Alliance."

"That's when I started questioning his behavior."

"I don't think there is any need for a war between the Heavenly Alliance and the Dao Alliance. There can be normal grudges and hatreds between the forces... That is a reasonable competition. However, forcibly dividing the human race in the Immortal Immortal Domain into two halves and carrying out this Such large-scale cannibalism is absolutely self-destructive.”

Having said this, Cangchen turned around and looked at Fang Yu.

"I want to know, what do you think?" Cangchen asked.

"What do I think?" Fang Yu was stunned for a moment, then immediately put on a panicked look and said, "Master Cangchen, how dare you comment on this kind of thing..."

"Stop pretending." Cangchen frowned and said coldly, "I'm having a serious discussion with you!"

These words shocked Fang Yu's heart.

He raised his head and looked at Cangchen.

Cangchen's eyes were still as sharp as before.

"Do you know who I am?" Fang Yu asked after thinking again and again.

"I don't need to know who you are. Here, you are Yu Qianqiu." Cangchen said coldly, "You are just a follower that I like."

"In front of me, don't pretend, just show your truest self."

Fang Yu took a deep breath.

Cangchen has already reached this point.

He was still not sure whether Cangchen knew his true identity or just noticed his extraordinary skills before.

But no matter what, Cangchen has made it very clear.

Fang Yu's identity is not important, see through it without telling him.

He can still think of himself as Yu Qianqiu.

In this case, there is really no point in Fang Yu pretending anymore.

"I think the reason for the war between the Tianmeng and the Daomen is indeed very strange. Even those who have reached the level of intermediate generals or even generals do not have a unified explanation." Fang Yu said in a deep voice, "Moreover, the Tianmeng For battles with the Taoist Alliance, the battlefield must be graded so that only monks of similar realms can fight."

"In a real battlefield, the fight is life and death to see who can crush whom first. Such rules are impossible."

"Judging from this point alone, the goals of the Tianmeng and the Daomen are not like completely annihilating each other, but more like extending the battle line infinitely."

"So, what do you think is the purpose of doing this?" Cangchen asked.

Fang Yu glanced at Cang Chen and said: "Lengthening the battle line, neither side intends to really destroy the other side, but just allows the war to continue."

"Looking at the surface, the purpose is obvious... it is to keep the human race in internal strife for a long time, causing continuous casualties to the human race, and ultimately... to let the human race decline."

Cangchen squinted his eyes, nodded slightly, and asked: "In your opinion, who is the leader of this matter...?"

"I think it can only be Xia Yuanhao." Fang Yu replied without hesitation, "Xia Yuanhao's status in the human race is that of the master of tens of thousands, with disciples all over the world. He is the core of so many top forces in the Immortal Immortal Realm. The members are all his disciples...and now the Immortal Immortal Realm is divided into two, either members of the Tianmeng or Daomen."

"There are naturally many of his disciples in these two major alliances."

"In the Immortal Immortal Realm, and even in the entire Immortal Realm, the only one who has the ability to control such a big game... is Xia Yuanhao."

Having said this, Fang Yu did not make any secrets.

Since Cangchen asked him to show his truest appearance, he would tell everything in his heart.

It just so happened that he also wanted to know from Cangchen... what was the reason why the two alliances had to fight in Xia Yuanhao's mouth.

After listening to what Fang Yu said, Cangchen's expression did not change.

He just nodded slightly to express his approval of Fang Yu's idea.

"So, what do you think the reason my senior brother said could be?" Cangchen asked.

This question stunned Fang Yu.

This was the question he wanted to ask Cangchen. Why was it the other way around?

"I don't know." Fang Yu shook his head and said, "Although I have several guesses, there is only one correct answer, and... you already know the answer."

"I did get that reason from my senior brother." Cangchen replied, "But I don't believe it that much."

Fang Yu frowned and asked doubtfully: "You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, why do you want Qin Tianbei and others to return to the Dao Alliance? Why don't you continue to wipe out the remnants of the Immortal Court?"

"I don't believe that reason, but I believe in Xia Yuanhao." Cangchen's eyes flickered slightly and he said, "As I said before, he is stronger than me in all aspects. I believe what he does is far-sighted."

"And the reasons he said, even though I don't believe it, are very reasonable."

"What's that reason?" Fang Yu asked.

"His reason itself has no substantial evidence to support it. It is just a summary of past patterns." Cangchen did not answer Fang Yu directly, but said, "But all the signs he mentioned did happen. So his reasons are reasonable from this perspective."

"The reason why I don't believe it is because I feel..."

Cangchen's eyes flashed with fierce light.

"This reason...can't be explained clearly?" Fang Yu asked.

Cangchen looked at Fang Yu and said nothing.

He seemed to be still considering whether to tell Fang Yu that reason.

"I can tell you that I came here just to find that reason." Fang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "Not only that reason, what I want to know more is...the truth."

"I want to know what happened here."

"That's my only purpose."

Cangchen looked at Fang Yu, his eyes flashing with golden light.

"I believe what you said." Cangchen smiled and said, "Actually, this reason is not a big secret."

"I can't say it's just to avoid disrupting my senior brother's current layout."

"But I think I can tell you."

Fang Yu stared at Cangchen closely and said nothing.

"My senior brother's reason is that the human race is too powerful and needs to weaken itself, otherwise it will suffer catastrophe. The intensity is far more terrifying than the declining peak clans in the past." Cangchen opened his mouth and told the reason.

Hearing this, Fang Yu was shocked.

This reason is indeed not a big secret.

It's not even a new idea to him.

From the past, he knew that human immortal emperors would always die for some reason.

According to outside rumors, it was obliterated by the laws of the plane because it was too powerful.

However, Fang Yu didn't expect... Cangchen's era already had such a statement!

I didn’t expect that the current war between the Dao League and the Tianmeng was all based on this point!

He originally thought that the war between the Dao League and the Heavenly League... would involve the Gods!

Unexpectedly, it was such a reason!

"Before the Tianmeng and Daomeng were founded, many problems had arisen within the human race." Cangchen said, "including collusion with foreign races, spreading the secrets of the human race, and even bloodline invasion, etc... The development of these things will eventually It will inevitably lead to the decline of the human race."

"This is something that every peak clan has experienced in the past, and the human race is no exception. It is a natural law."

"But if it declines naturally, that's okay. But what senior brother is most worried about is not this gradual decline, but the sudden demise, which is enough to make our entire clan disappear in an instant. It is different from the past."

"Why is there such a difference?" Fang Yu asked.

"Because our human race is so powerful as never before, the targets and attacks we receive will also be unprecedented. Just like the amazing immortal emperors that have appeared in our human race, each of them will have difficulty escaping their fate in the end... This is also the case for other This is a situation that has never happened to the top clans.”

"My senior brother believes that the rate of decline of our human race must be accelerated in order to avoid the coming devastating blow and prolong the existence of the human race."

Fang Yu's eyes flashed, and his heart was shaken.

Compared to Xia Yuanhao's reasons, he cared more about one sentence in Cangchen's words.

All human immortal emperors are cursed and cannot escape their fate!

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