The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 5792 Bloodline Invasion

"Actually, in my opinion, the Immortal Emperor is stronger than the law, and may not have weaknesses in other aspects." Cangchen turned to look at Fang Yu and said, "I am quite interested in fighting the Immortal Emperor. Look at how big the gap is, even if you die in battle, it doesn’t matter.”

"It's a pity that in this era, the Immortal Emperor almost never appears. I don't have such a chance."

With the nine-step supreme state, I want to challenge the Immortal Emperor.

Such words may only come from Cangchen's mouth.

"I don't know about you..." Fang Yu still wanted to ask.

"Yu, I just got a certain piece of information."

At this moment, Leng Xunshuang's voice suddenly reached Fang Yu's ears.

Fang Yu's eyes changed slightly, and he responded with his spiritual consciousness: "Is it related to the senior leaders of Tianmeng?"

"Yes, what I can confirm at the moment is that among the top leaders of the Sky Alliance... there are gods!" Leng Xunshuang said in a solemn tone.

"Exactly the Gods?"

Fang Yu's eyes flashed.

"The aura emanating from their bodies... can confirm that they are the future gods." Leng Xunshuang replied.

"Are the senior leaders of Tianmeng... turning a blind eye to this?" Fang Yu frowned and asked in confusion.

Whether it is the Tianmeng or the Daomeng, although they are two opposing camps, they both belong to the Immortal Immortal Realm and the human race.

Now that there are non-human beings at the top of the Sky Alliance... won't this attract attention?

"No, in this era, they do not call themselves the Gods, and no one regards them as the Gods." Leng Xunshuang replied, "It is not known yet, but they were originally the human race... but they gradually transformed through blood in the later stages. Become the blood of the gods. Or their blood is not human in the first place, but has been mixed into the human race in some way, and will not be treated differently... If it is the latter, how can they be allowed to appear in the immortal fairyland? They can even become the Celestial Alliance core members?”

Leng Xushuang's words made Fang Yu frown.

There are divine monks within the Tianmeng, and their aura is obvious.

But in this regard, Tianmeng had no response at all.

What exactly is going on?

Fang Yu thought for a while and looked at Cangchen.

"You mentioned before that our human race is actually in the process of natural decline." Fang Yu said.

Cangchen nodded and replied: "It is true. After reaching the peak, there is only a downhill road to go. This is the law of all things in the world."

"One of the things you mentioned is called bloodline invasion." Fang Yu squinted his eyes and said, "I want to know what kind of bloodline invasion you mentioned specifically."

"Are you interested in this?" Cangchen's eyes moved slightly and he said slowly, "The so-called bloodline invasion is naturally a foreign bloodline invading our human race."

"Our human race is too powerful, so we will naturally attract countless foreign races who want to become a member of our human race. Although the Immortal Immortal Realm is the human race's fairyland, there are also many foreign races in it. For other major races, within the core fairyland The appearance of foreign races... is something that cannot be tolerated, but we humans don't care about it, because we are strong enough and confident enough, and we don't worry about these foreign races making trouble at all."

"Foreign races are low-level ethnic groups. They have no dignity in front of our human race, and most of them can only be slaves. And the situation I am talking about actually does not only happen in the Eternal Immortal Realm, but also includes other immortal realms."

Having said this, Cangchen paused for a moment.

"With the development of time, at least according to my observation, some foreign races have successfully become part of the human race. Their own bloodline has been transformed from generation to generation, infinitely closer to the human race, until they are completely integrated into the human race."

"This kind of thing is not uncommon, and there are not just one or two foreigners doing this kind of thing."

"Today, I think there are quite a few foreign races in the human race in the Eternal Immortal Domain... As long as they don't want to be exposed, I think it will be difficult to identify them."

Hearing this, Fang Yu was shocked in his heart.

"This is the bloodline invasion." Cangchen looked at Fang Yu and said calmly, "But this kind of thing develops very slowly, and it gradually takes shape in a subtle way... If you are not prepared at the beginning, there will be basically no way to change it later. "

"Of course, including my senior brother, many top pure-blood human monks have never taken this kind of thing to heart. In their view, the human race is the most powerful ethnic group. If foreign races are willing to transform their bloodlines over the years, they can become The human race is the embodiment of its heritage, which can make the human race stronger."

"In a sense, this idea is correct."

"But, do you think it's wrong?" Fang Yu frowned slightly and asked.

"It's not that I think it's wrong, it's just that I think... people who are not from my race must have different hearts." Cangchen said with a sharp light in his eyes, "These external races that have been integrated into our human race must have something like this The presence."

"They are just waiting for the opportunity. In the future, they will definitely bring huge trouble to us humans at some point in time."

"For example, some core members of the current Tianmeng and Daomeng, their origins are not necessarily purely human... However, they are already sitting in high positions. Think about it, if they still have thoughts about the ethnic group they are from, Well, they can do a lot of things. Some of them have gone too far, and next, I will want to find these guys out one by one."

Listening to Cangchen's words, Fang Yu's eyes became a little complicated.

Cangchen's prediction was completely correct.

Moreover, judging from this period, it may not take too long for the Gods to show their fangs.

"According to Cangchen's statement, then...the gods may be the product of bloodline invasion!" Fang Yu thought to himself, "The gods that existed in the past transformed their bloodline step by step in some way and integrated into the human race... And later on, he took advantage of the internal fighting among the human race and quickly became stronger by stepping on the corpse of the human race..."

Thinking of this, Fang Yu decided to be more direct and asked: "I want to know, have you ever heard of God..."

But at this moment, Cangchen's eyes suddenly changed.

He suddenly raised his right hand.

"Buzz buzz..."

In his palm, a golden flame burned, and it burned extremely fiercely!

The flames look like a mass, but in fact, clear outlines can be seen.

There seems to be a human figure inside!


The flames were swaying greatly, as if they were being blown head-on by a strong wind!

"Senior brother..."

Cangchen's eyes were stern, and a monstrous aura suddenly erupted from his body!


In an instant, this dilapidated temple collapsed!

A crater exploded in the ground.

Fang Yu took a step back and looked at Cangchen.

At this time, Cangchen's expression was unprecedentedly solemn!

Even when he faced the Emperor Star and many powerful men from the Immortal Court before, he had never shown such a look!

"What happened?" Fang Yu asked.

Cangchen did not answer, but stared at the flame in his palm.

The flames were still burning and swaying.

But it can be clearly felt that the intensity of the flames is getting smaller and smaller, and the amplitude of the swaying is also rapidly decreasing.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Soon, the flame was extinguished in Cangchen's palm.

Completely extinguished!

Seeing this scene, Cangchen's eyes burst out with bright golden light!

His expression was full of disbelief, and his eyes showed both fierce murderous intent and shock.

What kind of things has a strong man of Cangchen's level not experienced before? What kind of situations have he not seen before?

But at this time, he showed this complicated expression.

Fang Yu was shocked inside.

He knew... what was going to happen next might be the thing that would directly lead to Cangchen's downfall.

Did this thing... actually happen in front of him in this way?


Cangchen made a fist with his right hand, and a burst of golden light appeared under his feet.

The laws of space are already operating.

Apparently, he was ready to leave.

However, before leaving, Cangchen glanced at Fang Yu and his eyes moved slightly.


Fang Yu's feet also glowed with golden light.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Without saying anything, Cangchen took Fang Yu and left the place together!

"In the end what happened?"

In the space passage, Fang Yu asked Cangchen again.

Cangchen's face was twitching, and a terrifying fierce light burst out from his eyes.

"My senior brother... his life lamp has been extinguished."

Cangchen's voice was extremely low, but it exuded endless killing intent!

And Fang Yu was also stunned at this moment.

Xia Yuanhao... is dead! ?

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