The Strongest Qi Refiner

Chapter 823 Multiple illusions!

Fang Yu raised his head and looked forward.

The scene in front of him has changed.

There was still a large hall in front of him, but Fang Yu's position had become the center of the hall.

In front of him is a very high ladder.

Above the stairs is a huge throne.

But at this time, there was no living creature sitting on the throne.

But beside the throne, stood a huge pickaxe.

Su Lengyun was tied in front of the two crossed blades at the top of the pickaxe.

Su Lengyun looked at Fang Yu, her beautiful eyes widened, her eyes filled with tears and fear.

"Brother Yu... save me." Su Lengyun said in a trembling voice.

Fang Yu stood there, looking at Su Lengyun, his eyes were slightly cold.

Although everything around is real.

But... it's still not right.

Everything in front of me is still an illusion!

He is still in illusion!

Fang Yu's idea is firm.

But this time, the surrounding scene has not changed.

Su Lengyun was still at the top of the pickaxe, and Fang Yu called out for help.

The voice of calling for help entered Fang Yu's ears, like a demonic sound filling his ears, forcing Fang Yu to believe that all this was in front of him was reality.

But Fang Yu thought this was an illusion.

"No matter who you are, it's best not to provoke me again." Fang Yu said coldly, "Otherwise, when I break your illusion and go out, there is only a dead end waiting for you."

Fang Yu's words did not get a response.

At this time, Su Lengyun, who was tied to the pickaxe, suddenly fell down.

The height of the top of the pickaxe is about fifty meters.

Su Lengyun screamed, fell to the ground, and made the sound of bones shattering, which was quite real.

"I have to say, you successfully angered me." Fang Yu's eyes glowed with golden light, and he said coldly.

"Multiple illusions... I don't care how heavy you are, I will directly destroy the environment in which you built the illusion... How many illusions must be broken!"

Fang Yu's face was cold and his right foot was raised.


The right foot condensed true qi, and a strong golden glow appeared, and slammed to the ground!


A powerful force that runs through the entire ground at this moment!

The space in front of him could not withstand such a blow at all, and countless cracks appeared, bursting suddenly!


The scene in front of me changed again.

The ground beneath his feet turned into a black-red spring like blood.

The colors of the sky and the earth also turned blood red.

Looking forward, I can't see anything. In my field of vision, there are all black and red spring surfaces.

Fang Yu looked down at his feet, and through the surface of the black-red spring, he could vaguely see that there were various corpses piled up under the black spring.

Not only the corpses of humans, but also the corpses of alien creatures of various shapes, which look particularly infiltrating.

There was a dead silence all around.

Fang Yu floated in mid-air, looking forward.

"Easy to break my hallucinogenic mystery, not bad." A red light suddenly condensed in the air ahead.

The red light expands, forming a huge outline, taking on a translucent form.

Just looking at it like this, the translucent outline in front of him looks a bit like a larger human, except that it has wings on its back, and it also has a lot of sharp-edged armor, holding a machete.

"Who are you?" Fang Yu asked coldly.

"Prison Demon's bodyguard, Red Soul." The translucent outline made a sound and said.

"Where did you take the people beside me?" Fang Yu asked.

Hong Po raised his left hand, and a red glow appeared in the air again.

Su Lengyun appeared in front of Fang Yu's eyes, but her eyes were closed, as if she had passed out.

"You broke into the abyss with the intention of getting the inheritance of the Prison Demon Lord?" Hong Soul asked, "Your courage is commendable."

"I don't care what you inherit or not, just return the person to me, she better not be injured, otherwise I will flatten you here." Fang Yu said impatiently.

Hearing this sentence, Hong Po looked at Fang Yu, and the red glow on his body was a masterpiece!

"Those who enter the abyss must pay the corresponding price!" Hongpo raised the scimitar in his right hand, pointed at Fang Yu, and said, "If you want to get the inheritance of the prison demon, you must sacrifice her! Or you will sacrifice yourself, and exchange She has to accept the inheritance of the prison demon!"

"Sacrificing you... I'm afraid that's the best way."

Fang Yu's icy voice came out, and his figure disappeared instantly.

"call out!"

In an instant, Fang Yu came to Su Lengyun in the air.

The red soul seemed a little unresponsive.

At this time, Fang Yu had already embraced Su Lengyun with one hand.

"The two must sacrifice one person!" Hong Po said angrily, and the machete slashed towards Fang Yu.


The machete emitting an astonishing red glow pierced through the air and made a whistling sound.

Fang Yu raised his right hand and stood in front of him.


The machete slashed on Fang Yu's arm, making a loud noise.

The power of the red soul is extremely powerful, making Fang Yu, who hugged Su Lengyun with one hand, fall to the black spring below.

Thinking of the many corpses in the Black Spring, Fang Yu felt nauseated, released his True Qi, and stabilized his body before touching the Black Spring.

He raised his head again and looked at Hong Po.

At this moment, Hong Po raised his machete again and slashed towards Fang Yu!

There is still Su Lengyun who is unaware of the situation, Fang Yu does not want to entangle with the red soul for too long.

Solve it as quickly as possible!

"The Vault of Heaven Holy Halberd!"

Fang Yu's thoughts moved, and the Vault of Heaven Holy Halberd glowing with silver light appeared in his right hand.


Fang Yu grabbed the Vault of Heaven Holy Halberd and blocked it in front of him.


The machete slashed on the halberd of the Heavenly Vault Saint Halberd, making a roaring sound.


The black spring below Fang Yu was directly blown into a big hole by this powerful momentum.

The black-red spring water spreads around like a whirlpool.

At this time, Fang Yu grabbed the Heavenly Vault Saint Halberd and rushed towards the red soul above!

Although the power of the red soul is strong, its size determines that it is not flexible enough!

"call out!"

In an instant, Fang Yu came to the top of Hong Po's head.

He clenched the Vault of Heaven Holy Halberd, the sharp blade, aimed at the red soul below, and stabbed it sharply!

Red Soul wanted to escape, but it was too late.


The silver glow from the Vault of Heaven Holy Halberd instantly pierced the head of the red soul.

Cracks appeared one after another in the translucent body of the red soul, shooting out silver-white rays of light, and then bursting!

The power emitted by the explosion sent Fang Yu flying into the air.

After ascending about fifty meters or so, it barely stopped.

At this time, the figure of the red soul has completely dissipated.

The Vault of Heaven Saint Halberd turned into a white awn and returned to Fang Yu's body.

At this time, Fang Yu checked Su Lengyun's situation.

There wasn't much of a problem, it was just a coma.

Fang Yu's fingers touched Su Lengyun's forehead lightly, and a ray of light flashed.

Su Lengyun's slender eyelashes trembled as she opened her eyes.

Seeing Fang Yu in front of him, Su Lengyun's eyes flashed with surprise, and at the same time, he turned slightly red, and said softly, "Brother Yu..."

"How do you feel?" Fang Yu asked.

"I just had several dreams..." Su Lengyun replied.

"Did the content of the dream die in front of me in various ways?" Fang Yu asked.

"...Yes." Su Lengyun replied.

"Sure enough, it is multiple illusions, directly using other people's memories to build illusions." Fang Yu thought.

"Brother Yu, I... can stand by myself." Su Lengyun realized that she was still in Fang Yu's arms, her face flushed and said.

Fang Yu nodded and let go.

Su Lengyun released his true energy and stood beside Fang Yu, observing the surrounding situation.

Seeing the endless black spring, Su Lengyun was stunned, turned to look at Fang Yu, and asked, "Brother Yu, this is..."

"According to what the red soul just said, this is the so-called abyss burrow." Fang Yu said, "As for where the exit is, you have to look for it, and I didn't have time to ask."

In the next ten minutes, Fang Yu and Su Lengyun flew a long distance forward.

But the scene in the field of vision has not changed.

Below is the Black Spring, and there are no buildings in front of it.

"Brother Yu, what did you see when I was in a coma just now?" Su Lengyun followed Fang Yu and asked.

"It should be the same as what you dreamed about, but from a different perspective." Fang Yu said, looking ahead.

"Then you..." Su Lengyun wanted to say something.

But at this time, Fang Yu raised his hand and made a silent gesture.

His gaze was cast on the spring in the distance ahead.

There seems to be something floating in that position...

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