The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 109 What is the situation?

Shoto Todoroki stared at Chi Feng for a few seconds, then turned his head awkwardly.

Chi Feng squatted down, not afraid of Shoto Todoroki's sneak attack on him, and said in a voice that only two people could hear: "Are you interested in joining the office?"

Shoto Todoroki's strength Chi Feng can see that it is much stronger than in the original book. Maybe he put pressure on Shoto Todoroki, so his strength has improved very quickly.

"What are those two guys doing?" Bakugo Katsuki in the preparatory zone watched Chi Feng talking with Shoto Todoroki so close, obviously there was a problem.

No one does this kind of thing during the fight, maybe only Chi Feng did it.

Midoriya Izuku didn't know what Chi Feng was talking to Shoto Todoroki there, but he was nervous at the moment, because the next game was a match between him and Xiaosheng...

Bakugo Katsuki suddenly said to Midoriya Izuku: "Hey, it's stinking for a long time, don't lose too fast, I want to punch you more!"

"I won't lose." The tension in Midoriya Izuku's heart suddenly disappeared. When Xiaosheng said this, he was relieved and must go all out.

Bakugo Katsuki stared into Midoriya Izuku's eyes, rarely getting angry. He saw a belief in Midoriya Izuku's eyes, and this belief was like an infinite charge.

He doesn't know when Chou Jiu started to have this kind of courage, but as a person who has been bullied since childhood, Bakugo Katsuki has only one feeling in his heart, that is, other than himself, no one is qualified to bully Chou Jiu.

Perhaps this is an alternative way of expression, interpreting the insignificant bond between the two, or a bad friend.

Midoriya Izuku saw that Xiao Sheng didn't get angry at her, but turned his head to continue watching Chi Feng's game. He felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart, which was very strange.

Shoto Todoroki was still unable to act at this time. After Chi Feng asked about the firm, he asked: "What firm?"

"Bosu City, the firm of Underworld Legend, are you interested?" Chi Feng laughed.

The idea of ​​recruiting Shoto Todoroki Chi Feng has long been there. His firm is an ordinary one-star firm. The firm has eight stars, and one star is the lowest-level firm.

On the bright side, it was Muto Matsuzaki who registered. Although the two of them helped Takagi Dragon in the underground Heroes Casino, Takagi Dragon’s opponents were not too cumbersome. They helped Muto and Matsuzaki clean up their foundations, so the professional Heroes would not look at them. they.

Although it is only a one-star office, it can also accept tasks. The tasks are issued by the police station and the government. Each office can receive tasks, but the content and level of the tasks are corresponding to the talents of the office. receive.

Otherwise, if you have a one-star office to pick up tasks with a high risk factor, that would be death-hunting.(Read more @

With Shoto Todoroki, the operation of the firm will be much better, which can be regarded as giving Shoto Todoroki more experience, and by the way, you can also get in touch with the underground Heroes.

Maybe Shoto Todoroki knows the underground Heroes, after all, Endeavour is his father, these things should be told.

"Underworld's office?" Shoto Todoroki knows who Underworld is. The Night Heroes in the people's mouth, specializes in acting at night to punish evil and promote good. It is just an unregistered person without a Heroes license.

And he also knows another identity of Underworld, the Seventh Sage of Shibuya, which is the news he saw in the drawer of Father Endeavour's room.

The strength distribution of the underground heroes Shoto Todoroki is very clear. He once thought about what number he could rank in the underground heroes.

"Yes, although it is currently a one-star firm, I don't want it long before the star level of this firm will increase." Chi Feng explained.

Shoto Todoroki seemed to have forgotten the general competition, and said, "But I don't even have a Heroes license. How do I enter the office?"

Chi Feng was taken aback. He actually forgot this. To enter the office, you need a Heroes license, and at worst, you need a temporary license.

Seeing that Chi Feng was stunned, Shoto Todoroki shook his head and said, "I don't consider entering the office now, but if you can let the legend of the night take me through the experience, I would agree."

"There is no problem at all." Chi Feng said directly with a wave.

"Can you call the shots?" Shoto Todoroki looked at Chi Feng suspiciously. The Legend of the Night is also a Seven Sage, how could he listen to a student of Chi Feng.

Chi Feng looked at Shoto Todoroki speechlessly. Laozi is the legend of the night. Can you say that you can call the shots?

"It's okay," Chi Feng stood up slowly, "I am wronged you to leave the field now. It is not a good thing for us to delay the game."

It is a trivial matter for him to lose, anyway, there will be a U.A sports festival every year. The most important thing is experience. Only by constant experience and fighting can he grow!

"You helped me up, my legs are still numb." Shoto Todoroki was a little reluctant. He underestimated Chi Feng's paralysis effect. He thought he would recover in a minute or two. Now at least five minutes have passed, and his legs are still paralyzed.

Chi Feng snickered for a while, helped Shoto Todoroki up, and the two slowly walked towards the border.


What about this f*ck?

During the game, what is the situation of the good pictures of the two brothers? If you want to play, you can play well. They were still playing in full swing before, but now they are all hugging each other.

Present Mic is no longer able to complain. He feels that Chi Feng is the biggest dark horse of the year and the most unpredictable person of the year. In these few minutes, the two of them talked a few words and hugged each other like this, and it seems Shoto Todoroki didn't resist at all, it was completely voluntary.

"What the hell is going on with classmate H and classmate Chi Feng?" Uraraka Ochaco opened his eyes wide, and watched in surprise as the backs of the two of them were gradually walking outside the bounds.

Ida Tenya looked at Chi Feng and Shoto Todoroki with a serious expression. After a while, he said, "Do they have any bad habits? It's some kind of... some kind of..."

Speaking of later, he couldn't go on anymore. Uraraka Ochaco looked at Ida Tenya: "Huh? Ida-san, why would you think of such things."

"Cough cough, look!" Ida Tenya's face flushed. He likes to think about comprehensive analysis when he speaks, so he only said this when he saw Chi Feng and Shoto Todoroki. At this time, he pointed to Chi Feng's back and said: "Before Chi Feng Jun and Jun Hong communicated for a few minutes, and Jun Hong seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with Jun Chi Feng, so they compromised."

The students looked at Chi Feng and Shoto Todoroki one after another. After analyzing them, they felt that it made sense. It was much more reliable than Ida Tenya said at the beginning.

Ida Tenya pushed his glasses frame, "Then the question is, what agreement did they reach?"

"What agreement?" the students asked.

"I do not know!"

The classmates fainted...

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