The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 142 (Auto Generated Chapter Title)

Thanks and more conditions

Thank you readers for your support along the way. Persevering in writing is also closely related to your encouragement and support.

Here I would like to thank those readers who have always supported me, such as the readers of "The Legend of the Legend", the lingering wood, the broken dawn, the Tianxin Charity, the real red Shana, the autumn orange hey, the beautiful Xili and so on. .. Anyway, thanks to those who support me.

Then talk about adding more conditions:

In a natural month, monthly tickets over 100 plus one chapter are recommended, and 200 plus one chapter is recommended for weekly tickets.(Read more @

Ten chapters for the leader, fifty chapters for the Silver League, and one hundred chapters for the Golden League!

As long as the leader’s conditions are met, ten chapters will be added within one week. The fifty chapters of the Silver League will be added and updated within half a month. As for the golden leader, 100 chapters will be added within one month. I will add them even if I don’t sleep. Finish.

The rudder master adds one more.

The hall master adds two more.

Guardian plus three more.

Elders add four more.

The head adds five more.

Grandmaster adds six more.

But I think there may be none of them haha, which is a way of encouragement for myself, thank you for your support!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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