The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 156 Teacher Saitama?

Chi Feng thought about it carefully, and finally knew who Barconana was. She was the second holy in Tokyo. When he came to the underground Heroes venue in Tokyo with Kurosawa some time ago, he saw Barconana on the ranking list.

"Okay, I know, then the second sage, how did you come to my room?" Chi Feng cares about this. People who can appear in his room out of thin air are definitely not ordinary.

At present, there are two people known to Chi Feng that have this ability. The first is to pass Million, his quirk is penetration, and the other is Yongjixing, teleport. These two people can appear in him without warning. In the room, then this woman's quirk must be similar to the previous two.

This kind of quirk is very difficult to grow to a certain level, but Chi Feng is not a soft persimmon, anyone can pinch.

"I can't tell you this, you just need to answer me, are you the Seven Sages or the Five Kings?" Barconana said flatly, looking at Chi Feng Chiguo's body without any reaction.

"Seven Saints." Chi Feng answered very concisely. He would not do anything before he knew the woman's quirk.

"What is the holy?" Barconana asked next.

"The Seventh Holy."

"Okay. Excuse me, then." Barconana sighed, and suddenly a gap opened in the space behind her, and she took a step back and disappeared into the room.

"What quirk is this?" Chi Feng was shocked. The feeling that the gap can lead to any place is a bit like tearing apart the space of the plane.

But Chi Feng knows that this is impossible, even if the quirk is strong, it is impossible to tear the plane, so the quirk of Barconana has yet to be verified.

Chi Feng suddenly smiled. This Bark Nana is a bit interesting. It seems to be looking for teammates. Maybe Kurosawa is the next one. But doesn't she know that all the teammates who live in the same room are all teammates?

The afternoon passed quickly. When Chi Feng opened the door, he saw Kurosawa Yilang coming out. At this moment, Kurosawa Yilang's expression was a little bit unpleasant.

Chi Feng laughed, "Is that woman in your room?"

Kurosawa stunned for a while, then looked at Chi Feng in surprise and asked, "Did she go to your room too?"

Chi Feng nodded and said that he was tacitly aware. He looked at Kurosawa with a smile, "I think you are not frightened. Fortunately, the game will not start until tomorrow. In the evening, Namba will show up again, so you can just do it. She will do it!"

"But I can't beat it." Kurosawa said with a black face, if he fights too early, he will do it.

Chi Feng chuckled and did not speak. After opening the door, he walked out and headed to the open-air restaurant on the top floor.(Read more @

One of the biggest features of Daiichi Hotel is the open-air restaurant on the top floor, where you can almost enjoy the whole view of Tokyo, and it can give people a different feeling at night, looking at the mountains and small mountains.

Participating in the qualifying contest are the Seven Sages and the Five Kings. As for the Three Emperors, except for the Black Kobe from Miyazaki Underground Heroes, there is no second Three Emperors, which makes Chi Feng's abacus empty.

Originally, he thought that each region would send a three emperor, but that was not the case. If Chi Feng came to Chi Feng, he could thank him in person. Even if he didn’t come, Qiao Beiqiao would be fine. This is said to be an old Taoist priest. I should have a chat with myself.

When Chi Feng and Kurosawa entered the top-level restaurant, there were already nearly half of the people inside. These people wore all kinds of clothes, including men and women. Among them, there were more men and women were only a few. Just a few, they were all sitting on the same table, and Bai Xue was among them.

This may be the arrogance of these women. They don't want to be with men, and they don't even sit together.

Chi Feng's gaze swept across the round table at the dinner. He saw Man Shan sitting alone in the corner, holding his arms in his hands and closing his eyes to rest. When Chi Feng's gaze swept over, Man Shan seemed to feel sensitive and opened. With his eyes closed, it happened to be in line with Chi Feng.

There was a hint of puzzlement and a hint of anger in Manshan's eyes, with a little arrogance. The legend of the night brought him too much shock. He thought it was just a little hard-to-kill ant, who knew that his strength could be equal to him.

Chi Feng smiled at Manshan, ignoring his eyes, and randomly found a middle position and sat down, with the table next to Baixue, which seemed a little closer.

After Chi Feng sat down, she found out that Bai Xue's table was basically all beautiful women, but some didn't know her. Except for Barconana and Bai Xue, the other female Chi Feng didn't know what her name was.

Bai Xue obviously saw Chi Feng, but he didn't mean to say hello.

Chi Feng is not passionate either. Since Bai Xue wants to pretend not to know him, then don't say hello.

Kurozawa sat down and took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, took out one of them, lit one of them, and sighed after taking a breath: "There are few people who can participate in the Imperial League for two consecutive years. , It’s the first time I participated. Last time I was in this position of the Fifth Sacred by someone else."

Chi Feng nodded and said, "It's normal for a new generation to replace an old one."

There are a lot of underground heroes that rise up every year, and all of them come through this elimination system, but there are also strong people who can stay in their position for several consecutive sessions.

For example, Bai Xue has participated in two qualifying competitions, but it seems that her performance in the qualifying competitions is not very outstanding, so everyone cares about her appearance, whether she looks good or not, and her strength is just average.

But Chi Feng knew that Bai Xue's strength was definitely more than that. He might have deliberately revealed his weakness, so no one paid attention.

As time goes by, more and more people come in. Chi Feng feels different strengths and weaknesses in these people. Among them, there are at least a dozen powerful people, and at least five are occupied by the Heroes in Shibuya Underground. .

The rest come from different places, but the strength is still not to be underestimated.

"Can you give me your position?" A flat voice sounded, and Chi Feng looked up and saw a bald head smiling at himself.

Chi Feng rubbed his eyes, thinking that he was wrong. Isn't this Mr. Saitama?

"Are you Saitama teacher?" Chi Feng was startled. The bald eyes looked too like Saitama, but Chi Feng knew it could not be Saitama.

"You are wrong. My name is Wang Qi. Although I am a little bit close, I am very close." Wang Qi smiled.

A black line crossed Chi Feng's forehead. This name is simply literal.

Kurozawa patted Chi Feng on the shoulder and said, "King Qi is the No. 1 Saint in Kyoto, and he is very powerful!"

Chi Feng was just surprised, but didn't mean to give up his seat. He looked at King Qi and asked, "What do you want my seat to do, aren't there still several places on the side?"

"This..." Qi Wang grabbed his bald head a little embarrassingly, and glanced at Bai Xue's table with reckless eyes.

Chi Feng immediately understood that this guy wanted to be closer to the beauty.

Kurozawa stood up and said to Qi Wang, "If you don't mind, take my seat."

For this kind of strong Kurozawa, he did not dare to offend him. He did not have the fearless nerves of Chi Feng. Everyone dared to offend. You must know that underground Heroes are distributed throughout the country, and there are different organizations behind each holy. So offending people is not a good thing.

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