"Morning, everyone..." Aizawa Shouta greeted him, walked to the podium and scanned the classmates in a circle, and then said with a smile, "It seems that everyone looks pretty good, so I'm relieved. ."

"Morning, teacher!" the students responded enthusiastically.

"Then, today's [Heroes Information Science] has a special content."

Aizawa Shouta hadn’t finished saying a word, and the students underneath began to guess, is it possible that Mr. Aizawa is going to do something?

"Consider [Codename]...that is the name of Heroes. Actually, this is also related to the [Professional Heroes Recruitment Application] mentioned to you earlier. This recruitment application will have to wait for you to accumulate experience. Years later, it will become effective only after being recognized as combat power."

Aizawa Shouta patted the table, "In other words, this [recruitment application] sent to you in the first grade is closer to the professional Heroes' personal interest in your future prospects, once this interest weakens before you graduate. It is common to cancel applications unilaterally."

"In other words, the application received will directly become pressure on us, right?" Hagakure Toru asked at this time.

"Yes, then this is the application result calculated by the school." Aizawa Shouta pressed the remote control in his hand, and a row of application results immediately appeared on the screen. The students watched carefully.

Chi Feng ranked first, Shoto Todoroki second, Bakugo Katsuki third, Tokoyami Fumikage fourth, Ida Tenya fifth...

"In previous years, the applications will be more scattered. This year, all applications will be concentrated on three people." Aizawa Shouta pointed to the top three on the screen and said.

"Ah, it's heaven and earth." Kaminari Denki raised his head and sighed.

"Professional Heroes really have no eyes." Aoyama Yuga said unconvinced, why is he ranked so low.

"Chi Feng first, boom second, Bakugo third..." Erlang Xiangxiang said in surprise.

Although the event of the sports festival took place and affected the final result of the sports festival, the strength of Chi Feng is in the eyes of everyone, the strongest group of dark horses, so there will be many people who intend to recruit.

"Midoriya, you don't have any!" Mineta Minoru said, shaking Midoriya Izuku's shoulders with both hands, "Because your fighting style is so messy, everyone is scared by you."

"Maybe..." Midoriya Izuku didn't know what to say.

"The result is like this. Regardless of whether you have received an application or not, you have to participate in the so-called workplace experience." Aizawa Shouta said flatly.

Shoto Todoroki, Ida Tenya, Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku, and Kirishima Eijiro all looked at Chi Feng at this time. The workplace experience has been experienced several times under the leadership of Chi Feng, and in many cases it was a life of nine deaths.

"Leave aside the sports festival event. After the USJ event, you did experience the actual battle with Villain earlier than others, but the school hopes that you will experience the professional Heroes activities and get more substantial exercise from it." Aizawa Shouta glanced at the classmates and found that some people were very excited, while others were calmer.

Especially Shoto Todoroki, Kirishima Eijiro, Yaoyorozu Momo, Chi Feng, Ida Tenya, and even Midoriya Izuku, who has always been nervous, did not change his expression.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Have these people experienced anything?

This is the question in Aizawa Shouta's mind.

"That's why you want to name Heroes?" Sato Rikido said with a fist.

"It makes people look forward to it in an instant!" Uraraka Ochaco shook his small fist.

Aizawa Shouta continued: "Well, although the name of Heroes taken now is only tentative, if anyone dares to take it casually..."

"I'll let him see what hell is." Before Aizawa Shouta finished the last sentence, Teacher Midnight opened the door and walked in. She writhed in her tights, so that the classmates didn't even listen to what she just said. That sentence.

"After all, there are many people who got the name of Heroes in their student days, and they will be recognized by the world and become professional heroes directly." Midnight came to the podium, and Aizawa Shouta glanced at Midnight speechlessly. This guy always wears this way.

"Well, that's it. As for the taste of naming, it is judged by Teacher Midnight. I have no idea in this regard. Think about what I will become in the future, leave a fixed impression by naming, and then continue to work towards it. This It’s the so-called [named person], such as [All Might (Aii·Might)]."

"All Might..." Midoriya Izuku muttered in his heart, what kind of Heroes should he name.

Teacher Midnight sent a wipeable white card to everyone, and the writing on it can be corrected even if it is wrong.

Chi Feng got the white card and started to write. His quirk is the second coming of Thor, so the name of Heroes is conceivable, and he can afford it.

I don’t know how long it took, and Aizawa Shouta was sleeping in a sleeping bag. At this time, Midnight said, "The time is almost up. Let's announce it from the person who has already thought about it."

After Aoyama Yuga took the stage, he picked up the white card in his hand, and Yuga said: "Shining Heroes! I, can, not, stop, twinkling"

"It translates to [I can't stop shining]" Aoyama Yuga thinks this name is very good.

Teacher Midnight nodded to help Aoyama Yuga revise it, and Aoyama Yuga's Heroes name was decided.

Next, classmates took to the stage to show the heroes names they came up with. These heroes names may accompany a person, so everyone is thinking very hard.

Finally it was Chi Feng's turn. Everyone looked at Chi Feng at this time, wondering what kind of Heroes would the dark horse in this class think about?

"You are... the champion of the sports festival." Midnight didn't find Chi Feng at first, but only now.

In addition, three or four of this class are very strong, and they have been compared to other classes in the sports festival.

"Hey, the sports festival hasn't decided to choose the champion, okay." Bakugo Katsuki said unconvinced first.

Such things happened at the sports festival, and even the final champion was not selected. Although Bakugo Katsuki knew that he was not Chi Feng's opponent, he still felt uncomfortable.

Midnight didn't care about Bakugo Katsuki at all, just looked at Chi Feng and asked, "Then what is your Heroes' name?"

"Thunder God!" Chi Feng flashed the white sign in his hand. Does it still need to be said? Thor is coming again, of course it is the title of Thor Heroes. Only this kind of awesome title is worthy of him.


"Wow~ Thor, Chi Feng is so amazing."

All the girls in the class screamed for a while, and Yaoyorozu Momo looked at Chi Feng in amazement, his cheeks were still red, he was really a Haki man.

Midnight was also taken aback. The title of Thor is very scary to be associated with the word "God". If you have the ability to take on this title, it's okay. If an incompetent person assumes the title of Heroes with the word "God", he may die.

Midnight doesn't know what Chi Feng's specific strength is, but Chi Feng is only in the first grade. It is too trivial to assume this title.

"You can't afford this title. Change to another one." Midnight said directly.

Chi Feng waved his hand, "Only this title is worthy of me!"

At this time, Midnight's gaze was opposite to Chi Feng. From Chi Feng's eyes, Midnight saw his self-confidence. After a long time, Midnight had to sigh, "Did you really think about it?"

"Yes, I am Heroes, Heroes!" Chi Feng said firmly.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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