Just when Chi Feng was puzzled, a light from the sky above the canyon shone on a cliff. Three people stood on the cliff. When the light shone on them, everyone could see clearly.

The light came from the helicopter. The helicopter hovered above the sky, and the three people below stood on the cliff. For a time, all the Thousand Powers in the canyon were quiet.

Shenquan opened his eyes and stood up, looking up at the cliff.

"Who are these three people?" Chi Feng asked.

Qiao Beiqiao curled his lips and said, "Who else, the three giants."

"Three giants?" Chi Feng asked puzzledly: "Who is that?"

"Why don't you even know these three people, let me explain it to you." Qiao Beiqiao said silently, "The three people standing on the cliff, one is the Dragon Emperor of China Imperial League, and the other is the U.S. Imperial League. The Emperor Arthur, and the other is the Titan Emperor of the Rus Country."

"Why didn't the Baidi from the Imperial League of the Island Kingdom come?" Chi Feng nodded to express his understanding.

"Bai Di didn't have a good relationship with them, so I didn't come. Besides, is it not enough to come three emperors?" Qiao Beiqiao patted his butt and stood up.

"Listen, everyone. This is the second full moon night, but it's the first time you entered. If there are too many, I won't say anything. Keep order and enter. I can't control what you are doing inside, but If you dare to do something outside the canyon, don't blame me for being polite." The Dragon Emperor who stood in the middle said in a tone that could not be disputed.

Chi Feng nodded and said: "As expected to be the Dragon Emperor of China, speaking hard."

No wonder no one dared to make trouble. These people seemed to know that there would be three emperors, so they didn't dare to do anything.

After Arthur of the United States said a few words, the foremost position of the canyon suddenly began to produce wave distortion.

Everyone knows that the so-called space-time gap has opened.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, a spatial crack appeared. From the outside, the green shade was dense in the crack, and towering trees appeared one after another, as if it was still daytime.

Everyone was excited, this is a great leap forward, and the underground Heroes will become stronger in this opportunity.

But again, the benefit is not just to favor underground Heroes, otherwise, what is the face of professional heroes and government police stations.

This month, the underground Heroes will enter, and next month, professional heroes and some high school students will enter it to find opportunities. Fengshui takes turns, and everyone can take turns.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Chi Feng also just learned about this, which means that next time he can enter with his classmates, it is really cool.

"The crack is not stable at the moment, everyone will wait a while to enter." Just after Dragon Emperor said this, three shadows suddenly rushed out from the other side of the canyon. The three shadows before and after were all different from each other. Appeared in the direction of, and rushed towards the crack very quickly.

With Chi Feng's strength at this time, he could only see a little outline clearly, and then the three black shadows entered the cracks one after another and disappeared.

Long Di's face was a little hard to look like, it wasn't that he didn't stop the three dark shadows just now, but couldn't stop it at all.

Among the three shadows, one is the sickle of death, and the other two are the idol king of India and the ghost of non-state. These three guys are all internationally wanted criminals, whether they are professional Heroes or underground Heroes. It is a wanted object.

And these three guys come from different countries, but the ability to escape is first-rate. Maybe some of the people present can stop these three guys, but because there are three emperors here, they can’t take a rush, causing the three to enter. In the cracks.

"It seems that the crack is very stable." Emperor Arthur said blankly.

How could Emperor Long couldn't hear that this was a bit of blame, but he didn't want to say anything to Emperor Arthur at this time, but immediately said: "Everyone will enter one after another!"

As soon as Dragon Emperor finished speaking, the strong men present began to leave. First of all, the Super League members were at the forefront, and they were the first to enter the cracks.

Then one after another the strong entered, and the strong on the island country also began to enter. Chi Feng and Kurosawa stood up and were ready to enter.

"Do you think we will be in the same place when we go in?" Kurosawa said nervously. He was afraid that everyone would be separated, and that would be the end.

"I don’t know. Those researchers say that the space inside is not stable, so there are many unknown factors. Let us be careful. Even if everyone is separated, don’t worry, stay vigilant and look for what you want. Hide, I will come to you." Chi Feng patted Kurosawa's shoulder and said.

"Well, I hope we are all safe." Kurozawa said with a firm gaze.

"Let's go kid, I don't even have to drink the soup when it's late." After Qiao Beiqiao finished speaking, he leaped into the crack.

Chi Feng flew in as soon as he got into the crack. The moment he entered the crack, he suddenly felt the sky spinning. I don’t know how long it took. He only heard the sound of'cang'. Chi Feng fell to the ground and hit his head. On the rock.

"It's dizzy." Chi Feng shook his head to make himself more awake.

A few minutes later, Chi Feng put the helmet away. There was no one around him. He was in a tropical rainforest, surrounded by rocks and tall bushes, there were many towering trees, and some strange sounds from a distance. It came, not like the calls of ordinary animals.

Afterwards, Chi Feng was pleasantly surprised. The aura content here is much richer than that of the treasure that Qiao Beiqiao found. If he cultivates here, his cultivation level will be able to break through again.


A big hand suddenly fell from the sky and hit Chi Feng.

Chi Feng didn't evade, and punched directly into the sky, and an invisible shadow of the fist rushed out, smashing the big hand directly, and the flesh and blood immediately fell aside.

"Ah!" The attacker yelled, fell from a height, fell to the ground and looked at Chi Feng with some horror.

"Caucasian?" Chi Feng frowned, staring at him and asked: "With your strength, how did you hide in a tree shortly after you came in and then attack me?"

"I'm telling you, can you not kill me?" The white man cried out in horror. The guy in front of him is too strong, he is not an opponent at all.

"Don't talk nonsense, talk fast!" Chi Feng shouted.

"Okay, okay, I said." The white man forcibly suppressed the fear in his heart, took out a bottle of medicine from his arms and said: "We know that entering here will temporarily dizzy, and then this medicine is to prevent dizziness, I don't know why you just It's alleviated within a few minutes after entering, and most people need at least 20 minutes to recover."

"So that's the case." Chi Feng sneered, and directly condensed a big air hand, slapped it down, and took the bottle of medicine over at the same time.


The white man was instantly bloody and could not die anymore.

"Everyone abides by the rules and the law outside. It's ironic to kill whoever you are when you come in." Chi Feng sighed, but he seems to like this model better. Since the other party wants to kill him, he must die. Consciousness.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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