With the golden light of the king shining, all the soldiers in the country seemed to become stronger in an instant. Originally, the underground Heroes had to occupy a position of suppression, but now they have been suppressed.

In just ten minutes, dozens of people died on the underground Heroes side. Following this trend, it won't take long for the underground Heroes to be wiped out.

"You hide with the familiar Seven Saints, the next battle is not suitable for you to participate in the battle." Chi Feng came to Kurosawa Yiran and said.

Kurosawa wanted to retreat a long time ago, and now Chi Feng said that he immediately nodded and said: "Leave this to me. Be careful yourself."

Then Kurosawa went to Shirayuki and the others immediately.

At this moment, Chi Feng saw King Qi rushing into the camp of the soldiers of the country, and saw that he killed the soldiers of the country with one punch, and he was invincible.

At this moment, King Qi is already in the imperial realm. He has been stuck in the first saint for several years. If it weren't for the side effects of quirk, he would have entered the imperial realm a long time ago.

At this moment, the king of the country was shining to the holy light by accident, so that King Qi was rescued and his strength greatly increased.

In the blink of an eye, more than one hundred soldiers of the country had been hit by King Qi. The Guta wizard and the king both noticed this ‘perverted’ guy, and no matter who hits him, it’s a punch.

"This person must be killed!" The ancient tower wizard became anxious, and slew towards King Qi, with the skeleton scepter in his hand emitting a black light, rushing towards the underground Heroes in all directions.

Some of the underground Heroes that were hit by the black light immediately turned black all over, and finally died.

King Qi is not good at dealing with this kind of witchcraft. He is only suitable for close combat. The ancient tower wizard kills him, he immediately turned his head and ran, and rushed into the soldiers of the country.

The Guta wizard immediately acted, and the death light rushed towards King Qi. King Qi reacted quickly. He grabbed a soldier of the Kingdom of Jin and stood in front of him. The death light penetrated into the soldier of the Kingdom of Wei and died before long. Up.

The Guta wizard was furious and attacked King Qi frantically, but King Qi was wandering among the soldiers of the country like a loach, and all the dead light shot by the Guta wizard was blocked by the soldiers he grabbed.

In this way, the ancient pagoda wizards are all slaying people, and there have been dozens of them so far.

"Generals, grab this guy!" Guta wizard shouted, she was running out of time.

Those Admiral soldiers have seen the ferocity of King Qi a long time ago, so how dare they come forward to fight, even if they are favored by the Holy Light, it is impossible to catch that guy so easily.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

In short, whoever goes up first will die first. These Admiral troops are not stupid. Regardless of their unity on the surface, they are actually scared to death when they really fight. The most important point is that the people on earth are too fierce.

If the earthlings were weaker, they would naturally be willing to catch them personally, but the earthlings were so fierce that the country would be in jeopardy, no matter where the overall situation was concerned.

There are now a bunch of Admiral troops from different factions. No matter how angry the ancient tower wizards roar, few Admiral troops are willing to listen to her, because the ancient tower wizard killed many soldiers of the country just now.

Seeing that no one listened to her, but her own subordinates died and injured, the ancient tower wizard suddenly stopped chasing, and flew to the head of the golden lion sculpture outside the city wall.

"What happened to the ancient tower wizard?" Some Admiral troops looked at the ancient tower wizard in doubt, why suddenly fly so high.

"I don't know, is there any big trick?" Admiral Army said, rubbing his chin.

In the distance, the Admiral Army always felt that something bad had happened.

"A bunch of rubbish, dare not to listen to me," the ancient tower wizard's face suddenly became grim, "the time is almost up."

From the beginning to the end, the king did not do it himself. From the beginning of the battle to the present, he saw everything in his eyes. The ancient tower wizard was suspicious and there must be a problem.

Sure enough, I can't help it now.

Not long after the ancient tower wizard finished speaking, the soldiers of the country fell one by one without a fight, and more than two thousand people had fallen in an instant.

Coupled with those killed by the underground Heroes, the only Admiral soldiers who are still standing in the country are now.

"What the hell is going on?" The Admiral soldiers said pale, the sudden change made their scalp numb.

"Hahaha, you idiots, isn't it obvious that the old witch has touched you on your body, and when the time comes, you will all be poisoned and killed." Hota laughed, and now the situation of the battle began to reverse. So many soldiers died in the country, and now there are only more than one hundred Admiral troops left.

The underground Heroes breathed a sigh of relief. This battle was too difficult to fight. If this continues, they really won't be able to hold on for long.

Fortunately, they have all fallen to the ground now, and they all seem to be dead.

The ancient tower wizard looked at Horta coldly, "Human, you are a lot of nonsense, I will kill you first in a while."

Horta said indifferently: "Don't talk big, old witch, now you can't protect yourself."

There were only more than 300 people left in the Underground Heroes. More than 500 Underground Heroes died in this battle. Among them, the Seven Sages died more, and the Three Emperors also died a lot, but some of the powerful people are still alive. .

The ancient tower wizard did not continue to pay attention to Horta, for the person who scolded her old witch was already on her death list.

"Gutta Wizard, you came up with asking the soldiers to drink together last night, so..." the king finally said.

It’s just that when he was halfway through, the ancient tower wizard sneered, “Sage V, you guessed it, it’s just that the wine I gave you all last night contained my secret poison, these toxins. It is colorless and tasteless, so there is nothing wrong with you drinking it."

"The only regret is that this poison is not effective for people with strength above the Admiral army, so you idiots are really lucky." Guta wizard Jiejie said with a smile.

"Guta wizard, why are you doing this for?" King Saint V looked at the ancient tower wizard and said, "Is the treatment our country gives you not good enough? Basically, you can enjoy everything I can enjoy. Why do you want to betray me?"

"Hahaha betrayal?" The Guta wizard suddenly laughed, and then looked at King Saint V with a grim expression: "Have you forgotten your clan? Who destroyed my Wu clan?"

Suddenly the fifth king did not speak, he slowly stood up, waved his right hand, and immediately a soldier walked up and took a golden longbow and a trident.

"Since you mentioned this, there is nothing to say. This is fate, and you and I must fight." Saint King V became serious.

The underground Heroes in the dead man's pile are all dumbfounded. Is this an infighting?

"Don't worry now, wait until I kill those humans before torture you slowly!" The ancient tower wizard sneered.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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