This has been going on for half a month. Chi Feng's Qi Pills have been eaten several times. Now his Qi training base is constantly increasing, and he is a little stronger than he was half a month ago.

Chi Feng is lying on a wooden chair and basking in the sun. He enjoys this life very much, without restraint and without threatening feeling.

"I didn't expect that you would hide in this place." A voiceless voice sounded.

Chi Feng knew that someone was coming, and only then looked up and saw that it was a demon hunter.

This guy seems to really want to kill himself. It seems that these underground Heroes have successfully entered the country without any danger.

"Devil hunter?" Kurosawa Yiran was shocked. What is this guy doing here, and the devil hunter just said the word ‘hide’. Is he always looking for his own help?

The rest of the people also showed vigilant expressions, it is obvious that the demon hunter is not good at coming.

"Such a Yuga environment is like a resort hotel. To be honest, I want to live here." The demon hunter looked around and said casually.

If Li Guo didn't let them live in, he would definitely choose to live here, but now he is a little moved, and there are everything that should be here, except for some electronic equipment, which is perfect.

At least in a primitive society without electricity and technology, this kind of life belongs to the upper class.

"What are you doing here?" Chi Feng just sat up at this moment and asked in a very flat tone.

The demon hunter shook his head and said: "It's really ignorant. Do you think there are still people protecting you now? The powerful people in the island country are all in the country. You can't escape now."

Except for Chi Feng, everyone's expressions have changed. Even Bai Xue has no choice. She hides her strength, but it is much worse to deal with the top imperial powers.

"You want to kill me?" Chi Feng said in surprise.

"Knowingly asking, the main reason is that you have too much nonsense, even I dare to stand up, today is your death date." The demon hunter took out a two-edged sword from his back, and there was a hint of cold light on it.

Chi Feng stood up from the wooden chair, and Kurosawa immediately said, "Run now, it's too late."

"It's too late!" The demon hunter sneered, and the two-edged sword in his hand slashed directly at Chi Feng, and wanted to run in front of him, a top emperor. This was impossible.

Chi Feng was chopped in half by the demon hunter's two-edged sword without saying a word, and fell to the ground.(Read more @

Everyone's faces changed in vain, and the Dark Night Legend was directly killed in this way...

"It's over, it's all over." Kurosawa said with a grim face. Chi Feng's death was attributed to the power of the demon hunter, and now all of them are dead.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect this kid to be so casually chopped. He died with just one sword. It's really boring." The demon hunter licked his lips and glanced at Bai Xue and Lan Qi.

These two chicks are in good shape and look good. You can have fun this time, and then kill them again. None of the people here can let go, otherwise the strong people of the island country will know that he did it. , Will definitely be troubled.

"You guys don't move, I will perform a dragon show and two phoenixes in front of you. If you act rashly, I will kill you immediately." After the demon hunter finished speaking, he looked at Baixue and Lanqi, "You two will take off by yourself. , Or should I help you?"

Bai Xue's face was like frost, and it was impossible to insult her, even if she desperately died, she would not let the demon hunter succeed.

"You don't look at what you look like, you actually want to hit our idea?" Lan Qi said with a sullen expression.

"It seems that you two don't want to give in, hey, there is no way, I can only help you personally." The demon hunter is ready to do it.

It was only then that Bai Xue noticed that Chi Feng's split body had no blood, not even internal organs, the fracture was transparent, and there was nothing.

Chi Feng also knew that he couldn't put it on anymore, otherwise Bai Xue and Lan Qi would be in danger, so he healed again in the eyes of everyone.

After Chi Feng healed, he touched his helmet, which was also split in half. It seems that the things made by Gong Lao were also split in front of the top powerhouse.

After turning around, Chi Feng immediately replaced the damaged helmet with black sunglasses.

The whole demon hunter was a little unbelievable, he clearly killed this guy, why did he close it again, do he do magic?

His two-edged sword knew best by himself, how could it heal after being split in half.

"Why are you okay?" The demon hunter really couldn't figure it out. Isn't this guy's quirk air? How can it be healed after being split in half?

Thinking that Chi Feng's quirk is air, the demon hunter frowned. Could it be that he can be elementalized?

Impossible. Elementalization requires at least the strength of the second emperor or even the first emperor. The demon hunter knows that Chi Feng's current strength cannot be elementalized.

"Originally I wanted to let you go, but in the end you had to come and die, that's no fault of me." Chi Feng said in a flat tone. Although I don't know who the Demon Hunter is better than the Idol King, it doesn't matter who it is. They couldn't directly hurt him.

The demon hunter was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly laughed, "Are you dreaming? After being stabbed by me, you just didn't die. You actually slapped your nose and wanted to kill me?"

Kurozawa Yilang and the others were dumbfounded. Not only did Chi Feng not die, he actually uttered wild words. You must know that this one in front of you is the first emperor, the top powerhouse, and it is not something they can deal with.

"Brother Dark Night, what's the matter with you?" Kurosawa asked tentatively. He thought that Chi Feng's brain was abnormal. Shouldn't he take everyone to flee at this time? How could he provoke a ruthless person like a demon hunter? .

"You guys step back, today is the time for you to see my true strength." Chi Feng waved his hand and signaled Kurosawa Kazunami and others to step back.

"Aren't you serious?" Kurosawa was about to cry all the time. It was this time that the Dark Night brother was still able to do it. He knew how many kilos and a few kilos of Kurosawa had a wave, even if the Dark Night brother had hidden his strength. It's impossible to beat a demon hunter.

"Go aside, don't hinder me." Chi Feng is a little annoyed, Kurosawa's eyes are blinded by fear, and now it's useless to say anything to him.

Kurosawa Kazuki wanted to say something, but Shirayuki stopped him, "Let's listen to him and let him do it himself."

Kurosawa had no choice but to retreat. If Chi Feng died and they would not survive, it would be better to face it calmly.

"Hahahaha," the demon hunter laughed a few times before looking at Chi Feng, "are you looking down on me, or do you know that you are going to die and be a Heroes before you die?"

"Don't talk nonsense, grandpa, I don't have so much time to talk with you here. This place was built by me. I have to hit it outside." Chi Feng looked around, still felt that it was not appropriate to do it here. Flew up and flew away.

"Looking for death!" The demon hunter acted directly, and a cyan flame slashed along the double-edged sword and struck Chi Feng behind.

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