The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 303 Killing Black Nomu (Plus 2/2)

After doing all this, Chi Feng looked at the black Nomu in front of him and said, "I had nothing to do with you last time at the USJ facility. This time, let's try again?"

Hei Nomu can't speak, it can only receive commands, so he would not understand what Chi Feng said.

The next moment Hei Nomu moved and rushed towards Chi Feng directly, his fists hit like a shadow quickly. Chi Feng is not so stupid to fight against such a guy with his fists. Although Chi Feng is also very strong now, he is still unwilling to fight with him. This kind of guy who can only brute force fights in close combat.

The endless shadows of fists hit Chi Feng's body but layers of blue light appeared, but Chi Feng stood still and nothing happened.

Black Nomu only receives commands, but doesn't know that Chi Feng is elementalized, so he is still attacking.

"You have to use overwhelming power to deal with you!" Chi Feng directly shouted, "Thunder God is coming again!"


With a shocking sound, Chi Feng's body suddenly rose up, and a white and blue human figure more than three meters high appeared, raising his hand and shouting: "Wan Lei!"


In the sky, dense thunder and lightning suddenly appeared, hundreds of thousands of trees split all the surrounding trees, and then scorched them into ashes.

Chi Feng put his hands together, and the dense lightning quickly compressed into the area where Nomu was located. Although the black Nomu was very fast and had been avoiding these lightning, but Chi Feng was faster and blocked the black Nomu's path directly. , And then smashed firmly on his body.

Hei Nomu cried out in pain, blood stains appeared on his body, which were still expanding, but the next moment Hei Nomu began to regenerate, and the broken skin began to heal.

Chi Feng sneered: "I want to see if you heal faster or my lightning attack is faster."

Dense lightning strikes Hei Nomu's body without interruption, and the newly healed wounds quickly ruptured, and then more and more.

Chi Feng didn't use air at all, and the black Nomu could no longer bear it. How can Chi Feng compare with him when he was in USJ at this time? It's totally a sky and an underground.

The black who keeps roaring Nomu wants to break free of Chi Feng's thunder and lightning, how can Chi Feng make him do what he wants?

"Lei Ying!" Chi Feng held up a ball of thunder ball with one hand, which quickly grew bigger, and then violently threw it at the black Nomu. After throwing one thunder ball, the next thunder ball was condensed again, with an interval of more than ten seconds. time.

When Lei Ying exploded on Black Nomu one after another, Black Nomu really couldn't bear it. It was very strong and there was nothing wrong with it, but it was also purely strong in strength and body. When it comes to quirk and damage absorption, it is far from Chi Feng compared to.(Read more @

Even if the body absorbs lightning damage, it won't help no matter how much it absorbs under the continuous attack.

"Square lightning pillars!" Chi Feng raised his hand again and slid in the air a few times. Four huge lightning pillars fell from the sky, directly inserted into Black Nomu's hands and feet, and nailed them to the ground.

At this moment, Black Nomu could no longer move, Chi Feng raised his hands high, and a larger thunderball began to condense and grow bigger and bigger.

"What's going on with Nomu?" Shigaraki Tomura in the bar asked Kurogiri without looking up while tapping on the table with one hand.

Kurogiri turned on the teleportation and returned to the bar a few seconds later, with a somewhat ugly face and said, "We seem to have done something wrong."

"What's the matter?" Shigaraki Tomura knew when he heard Kurogiri's tone that there was a problem with this action again, "Underworld legend intervened?"

"No..." Kurogiri's tone trembled a little, "We always thought Underworld is Underworld and Chi Feng is Chi Feng, but we were all wrong."

"What do you mean?" Shigaraki Tomura became a little irritable, and he faintly felt that things were in trouble.

"Night Tale helped UA High School and Chi Feng's classmates not because he had a good relationship with Chi Feng, but because he was Chi Feng." Kurogiri shook his head and said, "My guess was correct. Chi Feng is a double quirk. But I didn’t feel what Chi Feng’s other quirk was at the time, but now I know that it is exactly the same as Underworld Legend, so the two people are originally the same person.”

"What?!" Shigaraki Tomura smashed the wood on the bar directly, and said with teeth cracking: "I was actually deceived. I have been tricked for so long!"

"Calm down Shigaraki Tomura, Chi Feng is no longer something we can deal with. This matter must be brought to your teacher. Only he can kill Chi Feng and take away all his abilities!" Kurogiri immediately spoke out to discourage Shigaraki. Tomura, otherwise he would do something stupid.

Shigaraki Tomura took a few heavy breaths, and then said: "Okay, very good, a kid has this kind of ability. He absolutely has a big secret, and only this kind of good thing can tell the teacher, I think he will definitely happy."

"Yes, as long as the boss gets his abilities, no one can be an opponent of the boss." Kurogiri agreed.

"Kurogiri, go and bring Black Nomu back. Although this operation failed, at least we have figured out the true identity of Chi Feng." Shigaraki Tomura immediately issued the order, since Chi Feng was destined to fail in that mission.

"Black Nomu can't be brought back. As long as I appear near the black Nomu, the air will be locked. Even my teleportation will not help." Kurogiri shook his head and said, Chi Feng's quirk can restrain him.

"Can't bring it back?" Shigaraki Tomura's eyes widened. "That is our advanced masterpiece. It has undergone several transformations and cannot be destroyed over there!"

"Then I'll take you over to see it." Kurogiri knew it was useless to say anything, so he could only take Shigaraki Tomura to the scene.

When Kurogiri's teleportation quirk was turned on, it came to a few tens of meters within the range of Black Nomu. As soon as Shigaraki Tomura's head stretched out, an extremely huge thunderball fell and hit Black Nomu's body.

"Go!" Kurogiri directly rolled up Shigaraki Tomura and disappeared without a trace. The consequences of a late step might be disastrous.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded, and the entire sky was illuminated like daylight. When the light dissipated, Nomu was already torn apart and his head was blown apart.

A huge deep hole was sunken in the ground. Chi Feng's consciousness swept across the stump of the black Nomu's broken arm, and found that there was no life sign, even if it had super regeneration, it would not help. To die is to die.

Chapi received the order and left with the rest of the people. This time the action was unexpected, but it was not without results.

After the people of the Villain Alliance retreated, the students returned to the place of accommodation. Aizawa Shouta saw Chi Feng coming from a distance and asked, "Did you fight just now?"

"Obviously," Chi Feng said with a smile: "The people from the Villain Alliance were attacked this time, but they have been beaten away by me, so don't worry."

"The stay is over here, no matter how to proceed, it is meaningless." Aizawa Shouta glanced at the rest of the students: "Fortunately, Chi Feng is present, otherwise I'm not sure what bad things will happen."

At this time, Chi Feng is a mysterious existence in the eyes of the students. As for how strong Chi Feng is now, no one knows.

When all the students came back, one of Midoriya Izuku's hands had been lost. It seemed that he had already fought the muscular man, but the other Villain was sent back before he could act.

After Mr. Bradkin called the police, the police rushed to the location and the stay ended. Originally, Chi Feng thought that the stay was just for eating and drinking, but there were still some episodes.

Chi Feng also knew that Kurogiri and the others already knew their true identities, and it is likely that the next time it will be a thorough final battle, with the bald man.

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