Shinos felt that Chi Feng was a little bit motivated, and he was not so impulsive when he was teaching in Nashi, why did he start with the Megiddo Association, and it was in full view.

Now, Chi Feng’s videos are everywhere on the Internet. Although many videos have been deleted, there are still many videos circulating. There is a steady stream of them, and they can’t be deleted no matter how they are deleted.

Even some people who can make videos help Chi Feng make some animation music, and make ghosts and animals.

In short, Chi Feng is on fire, completely on fire, no, it should be the legend of the night, everyone only knows that this powerful man who was born in the sky is called the legend of the night.

Although Chi Feng killed hundreds of people, people all over the world are not necessarily scolding Chi Feng, because many people in the Megiddo Association have investigated. It is an out-and-out dark force, and the members inside are doing some harm to the world. The thing, in short, is definitely a wicked person.

And the legend of the night has destroyed the Megiddo Association alone, and many people have also spoken in support of the behavior of the legend of the night, which has removed the malignant tumor for the society.

All over the world, everywhere in society, there are more positive reviews than negative reviews, so Chi Feng is a good person in the eyes of everyone.

However, the legend of the night has since become the target of the dark forces. People in the world and all over the world did not know the legend of the night, and now they all know it, unexpectedly such a strong guy was born, and it was horrible. .

All in all, regardless of whether the world has praised or bad reviews of Chi Feng, whether it is praise or derogation, Chi Feng is regarded as breaking the law, at least the government of Die will not let Chi Feng go.

However, even if Dibai had blocked the local airport and ships at this moment, he could not stop Chi Feng, who had already left.

"I have been low-key for too long. Now I am a god-level powerhouse. There is no need to flinch. As long as it is evil and dark, I will get rid of it." Chi Feng is not worried, he is now. Strength, you can run even if you can't be beaten by siege, no one can stop it anyway.

The only thing that worries Chi Feng is his friends in the island country and his barbecue restaurant.

At this time, Qiao Beiqiao called.

"Chi Feng, you are so brave, you can die if you keep a low profile, you know, now even the professional heroes and police stations of the island country are looking for you!" Qiao Beiqiao's voice was much louder than before.

"How is my store?" Chi Feng asked immediately.

"Your barbecue restaurant is now closed, because people in the police station know that Chi Feng is the legend of the night, but I have arranged for your people to close the door in advance, so they just closed your restaurant instead of bringing your friends. Go." Qiao Beiqiao sighed on the other side of the phone.

He Qiao Beiqiao is doing some tomb robbery in foreign countries to make some extra money. In the end, Chi Feng was even more ruthless than him, and he killed the door directly. What a hatred this is.(Read more @

Chi Feng chatted with Qiao Beiqiao on the phone and then hung up.

At this time, too many people called Chi Feng, but Chi Feng did not answer a call, except for Qiao Beiqiao.

It is his classmates who called Chi Feng. Although most people in the world only know the identity of Chi Feng's Dark Night Legend, they don't know the true name and identity of Chi Feng.

But his classmates have already obtained the true identity about the legend of the night, that is, Chi Feng.

The three of Shoto Todoroki, Bakugo Katsuki, and Midoriya Izuku were the most shocked.

Of course, Ida Tenya and others are also extremely shocked, until now they can hardly imagine that Underworld and Chi Feng are the same person.

Inoue Sakura did not call Chi Feng. Chi Feng felt that it was Inoue Sakura who didn't know about this at the moment, or it was possible that Sister Ying had been taken by the police station for questioning.

Chi Feng didn't worry too much. He just needs to become stronger now. As long as no one can catch him, he can snatch some training resources from the dark forces.

Before long, his double quirk will become LV10 and reach the strongest state. At that time, he will basically be his opponent in this world.

It was already dark when he arrived in India, and Chi Feng took advantage of the darkness to turn into a thunder rainbow and disappeared on the vast land.

When Chi Feng came to the village of Bisha, Lisha was sitting alone on a large rock. The village was surrounded by rocky cliffs on all sides, and it was a bit depressed.

The houses are very old wooden houses, which are far behind Chi Feng's construction in the small world. Looking at the way Bisha sits on a rock, Chi Feng knows that Bisha may not have a sense of belonging at all. , After all, everything here is strange.

"Hesha, what are you looking at here?" Chi Feng quietly came to Pesha's side.

"Look at the stars..." Hesha just replied at random, and then suddenly realized that the voice was somewhat familiar, and immediately stood up.

"Ah, Chi Feng, how did you come?" Bisha exclaimed in surprise.

"I came from Dibei, you may not know this place, or even what I have done recently." Chi Feng's consciousness swept around in this village and found that the TVs here are very old. , And many radio stations cannot be received.

So Hesha naturally didn't know what happened to him in Die.

"Are you so empty these days? Is the business doing well in the shop? Is it hard to find me here?" Hesha asked a lot of questions, and Chi Feng answered truthfully. As for what he did in Dibei, naturally, there is nothing to do. Say.

In the evening, Bisha gathered all the people in the village and held a party. Chi Feng brought out some good food, which moved the local villagers very much.

According to Bisha, this village is his father’s former village. Now it has been replaced for many generations, and there is only the last one who is related by blood. He is still a 70-year-old man, and is the grandson of Bisha’s father. , In short, many generations.

Chi Feng stayed here for two days in Bisha, helping Bisha’s village to renew the local buildings before leaving.

Bisha is a friend of Chi Feng, and he met from another world. It is also right to come and help Bisha and the people in his village to improve their lives.

Even Senos installed several signal-enhancing machines in the village of Pesha. From then on, people in this village can search all the TV stations when watching TV.

Chi Feng is now looking for the Idol King. There are definitely a lot of good things in this guy. After all, he was born in a family robbery, but the only difference is that the Idol King, whether good or bad, is robbed.

Sometimes North is there, and it doesn't take much effort to find the Idol King.

According to Zenos, the King of Idols is living in the kingdom of Idols, which is a force he created, in an uncontrolled area. These days, he has been relatively honest, and it seems that he has never left the kingdom of Idols.

Chi Feng hurried over according to the direction given by Shinos.

Coincidentally, the Idol King will hold a sacrifice today to kill and worship the Idol!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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