"Hey look, who is that?" an operator inside the US Space Agency called out in shock.

At this moment, dozens of operators and officers in the space agency heard the sound, and when they saw the satellite image, they were all shocked.

"Are these two people?" an officer smacked his tongue.

"To be precise, two people are sitting on two chairs with a table in front of them." Another person added.

"We are not blind. Of course we can see what you can see. What I only care about is how the two people do it, or that the two are not people?"

"Enlarge the screen, turn on the audio function, and see what those two guys are doing there."

At the same time, in China, in Russia, in India, in Dibai, in island countries, in the space agency around the world, all saw this picture.

Although the space agency has confidentiality regulations, it is difficult to stop the video from flowing out. At this moment, the video has been uploaded to some websites. Although the image looks a little fuzzy, it can still be distinguished between two people.

This really shocked the teeth of too many people. Outside the atmosphere, in the universe, there are still people alive, and there are tables and chairs. If there are two more tea sets on the seat, you would think that you can drink tea in the universe.

This picture was suddenly terminated in the outside world, and the insiders began to observe what the two people in the universe were doing.

Chi Feng had seen the satellite in the distance a long time ago, but he didn't care about it. He transmitted the voice to Qiao Beiqiao to tell him not to talk nonsense.

Huanian was trembling with anger at this time, and the two guys were sitting in Gangqi space in front of him, looking like an old god was there, they almost took a teapot out to drink tea.

"By the way, I still have some good tea. Let's taste it." Chi Feng then took out a box of tea leaves, took out the tea set, and finally took out a pot of hot water to make tea.

In Chi Feng's three-meter range, it belongs to Chi Feng's own domain, which is the domain of air manipulation. No matter what you do in this domain is the same as on the earth, so the tea will not float, and the water will not float. .

"My God, what do you think the two of them are doing?" Numerous voices rang out in the NASA images around the world.

"Damn, these two gods are actually going to drink tea?" Someone exclaimed.

"Drinking tea in the universe, I have only seen it in my life, it is really worth it to die." Someone sighed.

At this moment, an electric fan was spinning on the man's head, and it suddenly fell off, cutting off his head directly...(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Too many people are talking about Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao, but Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao are completely ignorant at the moment and are making tea.

"You two, don't deceive people too much!" Hua Nianyun said tremblingly. It's rare for a strong person like her to be angry like this, but being angry can affect Dao Xin.

But these two people are too Damn it, she can only watch but can't kill.

"Where did the voice come from?" The space agencies everywhere responded with this, because there was indeed a voice just now, but no one was seen.

The satellite started looking for the source of the sound, but it didn't find anything.

"You have to wait here, then I can only drink tea to relieve my boredom, and see who consumes it." Chi Feng put the brewed tea on his nose and smelled it, then said'good tea' and sipped it. One mouthful, endless aftertaste.

Qiao Beiqiao also took a sip of the teacup. To be honest, drinking tea in the universe is absurd, but it really happened, not to mention that drinking tea in this mood has a special flavor.

Time was running away unconsciously, and Chi Feng was not idle either. He took the futon that Qiao Beiqiao used to practice before and started to practice.

Qiao Beiqiao also needs to practice, but there is no aura in the universe, so Chi Feng gave him a Qi training pill.

"Why do you still have this?" Qiao Beiqiao was dumbfounded. Isn't this the pill for building the foundation? The pill he used when he was building the foundation, now Chi Feng actually still has it.

At that time, I heard Chi Feng say that this was only the last one left, but that was not the result?

Chi Feng casually explained to Qiao Beiqiao, Qiao Beiqiao took the Qi Pill and began to practice. There may be many eyes staring at this place, so he must be careful when speaking.

Seeing that Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao actually started to practice, Hua Nianyun was already a little numb. She couldn't practice high in the sky. It would take effort to maintain this height, let alone practice.

There is no time to practice. Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao’s practice took just one week. Hua Nianyun has been waiting in the original position for one week. At this moment, Chi Feng's cultivation level has been steadily rising.

I felt a little hungry without eating for a week. Chi Feng raised his hand and took out some food to share with Qiao Beiqiao. Qiao Beiqiao was actually too hungry for a long time, but he couldn't bother Chi Feng.

Originally, he would not be hungry at all when he practiced for a week during the foundation period, but now that his cultivation level has stabilized at the fourth level of Qi training, he will be hungry much faster than during the foundation period.

The two began to devour and eat, and everyone in front of the satellite image at the moment was confused. These two guys sat motionless for a week before, and now they actually took out something to eat, those things. Where did it come from?

Not everyone knows about nano storage boxes. Although nanotechnology is popular, there are very few people who can use them. The price of a nano storage box is very high, and the average person cannot afford it.

As a result, some people don't know where Chi Feng's food comes from.

Hua Nianyun finally took a breath and said, "You have a kind, and if you have a kind, don't come back forever!"

After saying this, Hua Nianyun turned around and left. She didn't have so much time to wait for the two ants. The affairs in the sect needed to be dealt with. It is very likely that Junior Brother Fang already knew that his nephew was dead.

"Walk slowly and don't give it away!" Chi Feng smiled slightly, but there was no smile at all. This old lady has been chasing him for so long and staying guard him for a week. It is so patient.

Now that Hua Nianyun is gone, Chi Feng naturally wants to leave, but he has to wait.

Sure enough, Chi Feng waited for an hour before he heard a cold snort in the distance. With the disappearance of this cold snort, the depression in Chi Feng's heart completely disappeared.

"Cunning guy," Chi Feng tweeted, and then put away the tables, chairs and tea sets, and even the leftover food was taken away, but he couldn't leave rubbish in the universe.

"Can I go now?" Qiao Beiqiao said uncertainly, he didn't want to be chased anymore.

"Okay, let's go back to the island country directly." Chi Feng transmitted the voice to Qiao Beiqiao, then rolled him up and flew directly towards the island country.

After entering the atmosphere, there is no such threatening feeling, Chi Feng is relieved, the old lady is very insidious, maybe this time she will go back to deal with the matter or come out to find his trace.

Although Chi Feng found it a little troublesome, he did it and did it. Everyone killed him and he didn't regret it. That person should die.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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