The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 354: Unbreakable Protective Film

Naozao Tsukuchi looked at Chi Feng after registering Chi Feng's sentence: "Tartaros has eleven floors. From the first floor, the space is the largest. The space becomes smaller and tighter as you go down. You are detained. This floor, and it’s the last room, dedicated to the place where God-level powerhouses are imprisoned."

"But you don’t have to be imprisoned on the last floor. There are 20 rooms on the last floor. Now there are only seven people in it. Each of these seven people is stronger than you. It can be said that except for the seven people. Outside you are the strongest in this prison, and it is worthy of the name to detain you in the last room on the tenth floor."

"One or two criminals on the eleventh level are over a hundred years old. It is estimated that they will not last long. You will soon become like them, giving up resistance and everything." The gang killer whale finished this sentence. Looking at Tsukauchi Naomasa and Ekishoute: "Let's go."

Tsukauchi looked straight at Chi Feng and said guiltily: "I'm sorry that I deceived you before, but there is no way. I can only kidnap you with morals, and you will come with me willingly."

Chi Feng just looked straight at the mound but didn't say anything. Now it's too late to say anything. He must leave here, otherwise everything will be a cloud.

As Shenquan said, once you get in, you can't get out again.

At first, Chi Feng didn't care about Shenquan's words. After all, his strength lies here. He thought he could come out no matter what, so he wanted to see how the Island National Police Department would judge him.

As a result, he was brought directly to Tartaros Prison, a place where heavyweight criminals were detained. He thought he would be able to get out of the trap. As a result, the structure and defenses in this room were so strong that he was plunged into crisis.

Seeing that Chi Feng was unwilling to speak, Tsukauchi Naosi left with the gangster killer whale and Akishut.

After the three people left, the place instantly became quiet, only the white light was extremely bright.

Chi Feng looked around at the surrounding pinhole cameras, there are a total of eight, which can be said to be all-round death. Kakuzu took care of it, focusing on monitoring.

The key Chi Feng can't destroy these pinhole cameras.

In Chi Feng's impression, the AFO was held in Tartaros Prison, but I don't know where it is actually held. It may be the tenth or the eleventh floor.

Life is sometimes full of drama. He, a self-proclaimed righteous man, ended up being caught in prison, and he is also a prison for severe prisoners.

Is it possible that the human setting of a good person collapsed in this world? He is not a bad person, Chi Feng!

The surroundings were extremely quiet. Chi Feng swept his spiritual sense out. He soon saw criminals confined in the room. These criminals didn't even have the right to move. They were all fixed to death, like a vegetative person.

Only then did Chi Feng find some comfort, at least he was not treated like this.

In other words, there is no chance to communicate with people in this ghost place, it is too quiet.(Read more @

The mobile phone has no signal, and the computer cannot play games. Even if he can play Chi Feng, he has no thoughts. He wants to leave here soon.


"Night Legend was sent to Tartarus, I must not be able to get out in this life." Inside the Iron Alliance headquarters, Yindi said calmly.

"Unexpectedly, this Chi Feng was so courageous, he actually led a mysterious powerhouse to the Super League, and even Thanos died. It's a pity, I couldn't kill him personally." Yinzhe shook his head and said regretfully.

Chief Fu stood aside and didn't speak. The Attractor was indeed very strong, but he didn't think the Attractor could kill the Legend of the Dark Night.

The fact that Chi Feng was arrested in Tartarus Prison spread across the entire underground Heroes world in an instant, and some people who wanted Chi Feng's revenge were also discouraged and regretted.

Ida Tenya and his classmates had trouble meeting Chi Feng, and couldn't get into Tartaros Prison.

Aizawa Shouta told the students that Chi Feng would never get out after entering Tartaros prison.

Everyone feels sad. The classmates did not expect to reach this point. Everyone believes that Chi Feng is a good person, but he needs to pay attention to the law to live in the world. It doesn't matter if you are a good person or a bad person if you violate the law. It is treated equally.

Pingyuan Yuda, Bantian Ginsang, Matsuzaki and Muto are all hurting their minds hiding somewhere at the moment. Chi Feng, as their boss, is also a friend, so they will never come back.

It's not that I'm worried about Chi Feng's salary or something. After all, after so long together, individuals will have feelings.

The same goes for Bai Xuelanqi, Nishio Yuta and other friends who have been in love with each other. Chi Feng can be said to have a promising future, but it happened that he died at such a young age.

No one knew that Chi Feng entered Tartaros Prison voluntarily. Chi Feng also thought that he would be able to come out. He left when he wanted to, but the result was like this.

At this time, Chi Feng held the rusty iron sword and rolled up Yuanli, and then slashed it on the protective film in the room.


A violent counterattack came, Chi Feng stepped back and dropped his hands somewhat weakly. This was the Nth time he attacked the protective film by various means.

Up to now, the protective film in the room was trembling violently. Every time Chi Feng thought that he could tear off the protective film, the protective film would automatically heal again.

With a steady stream of energy replenished, Chi Feng can't break this protective film no matter how much he cuts.

"This guy has been attacking for three days, and I think he is about to give up." A group of people in the general surveillance room of Tartaros Prison looked at Chi Feng's surveillance screen and ridiculed.

"Let's bet, I think this guy will have to attack for two more days before giving up, I will pay a thousand." A prison guard said.

"I think he has to give up today, and I will also pay a thousand." Another prison guard said.

Next, more prison guards joined in, betting on when Chi Feng would give up the attack.

Chi Feng didn't know that a group of prison guards were gambling with him at this time. What he is thinking now is that the protective film is a bit weird, and it is likely that some kind of energy is providing it to repair it.

Anything and any defense will leave traces when it is attacked. After a long period of time, it will drip through and be breached, but Chi Feng can't see this kind of water dripping through the stone.

He felt that even if he attacked the protective film for a year, the result would still be the same.

At this time, Chi Feng calmed down instead, put away the rusty iron sword in his hand, walked to the middle of the room and took out the training futon to start practicing.

"What is this guy doing, meditating?" the guard said in a puzzled way.

"Don't say these are useless, get the money soon, you lose!" Another prison guard laughed, and just started betting on the other party and lost.

"It doesn't count now, do you know if he will attack again?" the guard retorted.

"Okay, then wait for a while, if he keeps doing this, you have to pay."

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