"AFO, is there anything else you want to say?" Chi Feng came to him and asked in a flat tone.

AFO lay motionless in a pool of blood, his body was wounded everywhere, and he couldn't see if he was dead.

At this moment, AFO shot a few energy tentacles with his fingers, and wanted to take Chi Feng's quirk as his own. Unfortunately, Chi Feng had already seen through this guy's tricks, and instantly turned into air and escaped.

When Chi Feng appeared, he had already stepped on AFO's face, "Don't use your cleverness to measure me, as you said, the era of All Might has passed, and your era has also passed."

AFO has been spitting blood out in anger, it seems that the last time he raised his hand just now has used up his last strength, and he can't resist at this moment.

There was no more horror in his heart, he was beaten like this, and the loss was too thorough.

A rising star defeated his AFO. The double quirk is actually not terrible. The horrible thing is that the double quirk is so strong. A person who can cultivate a single quirk to the extreme is a god-level powerhouse. At that time, he was already dominating the Quartet. This Chi Feng, double quirk has almost cultivated to the extreme, even if he is AFO, he can't beat the opponent.

There are many accidents in this world. AFO thought that Chi Feng was under his control. He wanted to wait for his strength to return to the peak and went to look for him, but he was shattered before his strength peaked. He had to come out to protect Shigaraki. Tomura's safety, fighting professional Heroes.

"You...how did you become so strong in such a short period of time?" AFO couldn't swallow this breath. He still couldn't understand why Chi Feng became a peerless strong in such a short period of time.

Chi Feng smiled at the AFO: "I won't tell you this kind of thing, so you can stay in Tartaros Prison for a lifetime with regret."

"Chi Feng, please give up resistance and go back with us!" Akishoute and the gangster orcas and others walked over and looked at Chi Feng and said unkindly.

Chi Feng took off the foot that was on AFO's face, turned his head and looked at Akishoute and the gangster orca with cold eyes, and said: "You two are really interesting. I thought I was fooled by me once, and I would be fooled by me twice. Are you fooled?"

The gangster killer whale stepped forward and directly attacked Chi Feng with his head, ultrasound.

Circles of ripples appeared, rushing towards Chi Feng, Chi Feng waved his left hand, an invisible energy instantly crushed the past, and then said: "This kind of attack is of no use to me, it is my turn."(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

The big air hand directly pinched the gangster killer whale's neck and lifted him up, "Who was laughing at me in prison before?"

"You! What do you want to do?" The gang killer whale cried out in horror. He didn't expect the opponent to be so strong and his attack would be ineffective. It was so easy to pinch him up. No wonder this strength could defeat AFO.

Everyone thought that Chi Feng is now the weakest time. After all, he has just played against AFO, and there should be quirk weakness and side effects, but now it seems that there is no sign at all.

Ekixute instantly turned into red lines and rushed towards Chi Feng. Chi Feng didn’t make any movement at all. A protective film of lightning appeared all over his body, intercepting all Ekixute’s attacks, and then was also caught in the air. The big hand squeezed the neck.

These two top ten professional heroes were pinched in the air by Chi Feng, and at the moment the camera is facing Chi Feng, all the things that happened before have been seen by the public. It is indeed the professional heroes who have done a little too much.

Chi Feng is now the heroes of the people and defeated the leader of the Villain Alliance for them. Under such circumstances, the professional heroes are actually disadvantageous to Chi Feng, which really makes them angry.

However, they also felt that Chi Feng had done a little too much, and he publicly slapped professional Heroes. How could this make them face?

"Boom!" With a crisp sound, the reporter on the helicopter suddenly found that the camera lens he was carrying had exploded, and the picture was instantly cut off.

"Why is it dark?"

"Is the live broadcast interrupted again? What's the matter?"

Citizens began to make noise, but there were no spare cameras on the helicopter, which meant that the live broadcast completely ended here.

The screens across the country have also returned to normal, and the screens have changed back to normal TV stations and some news. At the same time, news of the war in the Kano district is also being broadcast.

After destroying the camera, Chi Feng looked at the two and said, "I won't kill you, but I still need to teach you a lesson."

When the voice fell, Chi Feng smashed the two on the ground, and the two of them spit out a mouthful of blood, and their breath weakened.

"Chi Feng?" All Might was helped by Gran Torino, and asked some unknown reason, he thought Chi Feng was going to kill the gangster orcas and Ekishoute.

"Uncle Ou, I'm just teaching these two people," Chi Feng said flatly, and then changed the conversation, "From today on, I will be the world's strongest person. I will inherit your will and walk in the name of justice. In the world, the Villain I am facing, as long as I feel that I should kill, I will definitely kill. I will not abide by any laws and Heroes cannot kill people. In my eyes, those who deserve to be killed must be killed."

"Are you crazy?" Gran Torino shouted at this moment: "Do you know how heavy the title of No. 1 in the world is? Do you know how many powerhouses like AFO in this world? If you carry this title, You will live in a world fighting against evil and dark forces for the rest of your life!"

"I have already realized it. It will not be long before no one can shake my position. No matter who comes to die, I will kill him!" Chi Feng laughed, then looked at the silent All Might and said, "Oh. Uncle, when I really stand firmly on the top of the world, I will return to UA High School. At that time, when I said one, no one said two, you would naturally not be embarrassed."

"Chi Feng, you..." All Might seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by Chi Feng directly, "Uncle Ou, take care and leave!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Chi Fengyang laughed loudly and suddenly rose from the ground and turned into a thunder rainbow and disappeared into the sky.

All professional heroes watched Chi Feng leave blankly. No one tried to stop him, and no one dared to stop him.

After a long time, Matsuuchi rushed here with the police officers, watching the AFO lying on the ground and ordering the police officers to take him away, take him to Tartaros prison for treatment, and then directly imprison him in the prison on the eleventh floor. .

Naozao Tsukauchi will not make a second mistake. The first time Chi Feng was imprisoned on the tenth floor, he thought it was inexhaustible. Who knew that Chi Feng got out of trouble. This kind of thing happened once, not a second time.

At the end of the Kamiya War, AFO was arrested, All Might's strength returned to zero and exited the world stage. The legend of the night, Chi Feng, rose and successfully stood on the world stage. The dark forces were frightened, and at the same time undercurrents surged.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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