The battle is almost intensified. Almost all of the Heroes Class A students in the facility are already very weak. There are many Villain in the Villain Alliance. Although the overall strength is not very strong, it is better than the number.

In terms of numbers, the students of Heroes Class A are weak, but they are stronger in terms of cooperation ability and quirk actual combat.

At this stage, the Villain of the Villain Alliance has also been reduced by most, and it seems that the Villain Alliance is about to be declared a failure.

But in the core area of ​​the facility, it is the key to the battlefield.

At this moment, in front of the door to the outside world...

"The black hole that can suck everything in and crush it, that's it, it's really an amazing quirk..." Kurogiri's body is constantly being absorbed and crushed by the black hole No. 13, but it doesn't seem to affect his body. No., you are Heroes who are active in disaster relief, sure enough...compared to the average Heroes, the combat experience is still slightly inferior!"

At this moment, Kurogiri turned on the teleportation function behind No. 13, and the pulling force of the black hole on No. 13 instantly transferred to herself. At this time, she had no time to react, and her back was directly torn, and the space suit was dark. A piece of it, can't see the main body.

"It's... It's a hit." No. 13 stopped the pull of the ‘black hole’ and slowly fell down...

Ashido Mina yelled anxiously: "Teacher!"

No one thought that such a change would happen. Originally Teacher No. 13 suppressed Villain, but he was attacked by a counterattack.

"Ida, run!" Sato Rikido looked at Ida Tenya anxiously, "Quick!"

Ida Tenya seemed to be struggling violently in her heart. After a few seconds, her eyes suddenly became firm, and the engine accelerated and rushed towards the door, "Damn it!"

"The children have all been broken up. The only person waiting now is All Might. If we call other teachers, it will be very bad for us." Kurogiri suddenly appeared in front of Ida Tenya. The teleport function is turned on, and Ida Tenya must be sucked away.

"Everyone...all... Entrusted to me..." Ida Tenya kept hinting to herself that he is now carrying the life of the entire class, and everyone is weighed on him. He can't fail!

At this time, if it was Chi Feng, what would Midoriya do?

Mezo Shoji suddenly rushed over and wrapped Kurogiri with six hands to prevent him from dealing with Ida Tenya, "Go!"

"Everyone, wait for me to come back!" Ida Tenya speeded up and rushed towards the door with his feet puffing smoke, almost.

Kurogiri was a little angry, "I will show off my cleverness, and I will never let you out." Kurogiri's head swept toward Ida Tenya, regardless of his hands, feet, or head can perform teleportation functions.(Read more @

"Automatic door." Ida Tenya analyzed the door as he ran, "Do you want to kick it through? Can the thickness be kicked through!?"

As Ida Tenya was thinking, Kurogiri had already come behind him, "You are too arrogant, four eyes, go away!" The black mist instantly surrounded Ida Tenya, and there was nothing to see in the mist.

"What's the matter?" Kurogiri was surprised. He found that he had actually moved away from the four-eyed boy, flying towards the back, and his body became extremely light, and he was out of his control for a while.

"Although I don't know what the principle is, but if you wear this, it means you still have a physical presence, right." Uraraka Ochaco played a big role at the critical moment, throwing Kurogiri into the sky and shouting, "Go Come on, Mr. Ida!"

Ida Tenya nodded gratefully to Uraraka Ochaco, rushed to the door and broke the door with both hands, opening it abruptly.

Although Kurogiri was thrown into the air by Uraraka Ochaco, he was the veteran of the Villain Alliance. How could he be defeated by a student's trick? He rushed towards Ida Tenya again.

"Don't think about it!" Sero Hanta bent his elbow, and the tape launched from his arm stuck to Kurogiri's silver armor. Sato Rikido seized the opportunity and pulled the tape back and pulled it hard. Kurogiri didn't move forward and went back Was dumped to the sky.

Ida Tenya finally opened the door and rushed out. What he now bears is the life of everyone in the Heroes Division A class. He must use all his strength to complete it.

"Engine, push!"

The engine on the calf suddenly burst out with a red light, and a burst of white smoke rose out quickly, and Ida Tenya quickly disappeared from the outside of the facility.

"Reinforcements are coming..." Kurogiri in the facility was a little angry, but in order to maintain a gentleman's manner, he did not slaughter students frantically, "The game is over."

Chi Feng has fainted at the moment, this is caused by too much physical exhaustion.

However, he can be conscious in his system. At this moment, he is standing in an extremely empty room, with a huge roulette hanging in the sky directly in front of him. This should be his usual lottery roulette.

On the left is a family-like furnishing, with a sofa, coffee table and refrigerator, which looks like a lounge area. Chi Feng walked towards the refrigerator and found that there were drinks inside, and many more.

After taking a bottle of Blue Bull out, Chi Feng leaned on the sofa. He naturally knew that his body had fainted, otherwise it would not be possible to appear in such a strange place. Although he knew it was his own system, such a thing was also the first thing to do. Once it happens, it will inevitably be a little nervous.

System: MMP, you are leaning on the sofa with drinks, still nervous?

Of course, the system will not talk to Chi Feng like this. There is no sound in this huge space and it is extremely quiet.

Suddenly a color screen appeared directly in front of Chi Feng. On the screen, you could see the situation in the USJ facility and the scenes of the students at this time.

Seeing everyone working hard, Chi Feng felt emotional. After all, the power of one person is small, and the power of everyone is strong. He remembers that Bakugo Katsuki saved him in the end, which is really surprising.

Bakugo Katsuki usually hates him Chi Feng, but at the critical moment, he is not sloppy at all, and he can distinguish the priority.

This is what Heroes did. It is not the kind of person who has little belly and chicken intestines. Chi Feng really didn't make a mistake. Although Bakugo Katsuki's personality is very bad and very popular, he is still very upright and worthy of relying on.

"System, check the rescue points."

System: "Save 350 points."

Chi Feng was stunned. Unknowingly, he had 350 salvage points. After looking at the records, he found that most of these salvation points were given by his classmates, and 50 salvation points came from Aizawa Shouta.

Under Nomu's blow, Chi Feng rescued Aizawa Shouta, which may be the reason.

Chi Feng thought, since he has rescue points and he is in the system space now, can he draw a lottery directly?

"System, lottery." Chi Feng exclaimed tentatively.

As a result, the lottery roulette actually turned, Chi Feng stood up in surprise and was saved!

As long as he can draw something to recover his body, he can fight again. Currently Ida Tenya is running to school, but after all, he is not so fast. Aizawa teacher and Shoto Todoroki alone cannot beat Nomu unless All Might comes. Up.

After the pointer stopped, Chi Feng was still a little happy. It was Quirk Boosting Dan, but he was not happy the next moment. What is the use of this now? He is in a coma and can't use it!

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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