Early the next morning, Chi Feng's shop opened again, and Chi Feng also moved into a new house.

Nishio Yuta, Mishima Kaze, and Matsuzaki continue to take charge of the main duties of barbecue. Shirayuki and Lanqi are also mainly responsible for reception. Pingyuan Yudai and others are responsible for serving tea and pouring water. Everyone has their own things to do.

Chi Feng received the call from the Imperial League and got up and went to the Imperial League. The running dog of Da Muxian, Chi Feng, didn't bother to care about him, but the Emperor Bai was all scumbags in front of him.

"Hahaha Chi Feng, congratulations, for defeating AFO." Da Mu came out to greet Chi Feng with a smile, his face at this time was completely different from what he used to be.

Standing next to Oki Xian are barbarians and Kurosawa Ichi. Chi Feng came here this time partly because of Kurosawa Ichi. He wants to take Kurosawa Ichi out. After all, Kurosawa Yilang is also in the Imperial League. There is nothing to develop, and Chi Feng, the resource of the Imperial League, doesn't look good at all. He must keep his friends by his side.

Manshan has already changed his view of Chi Feng at this time. He can be said to have misunderstood. At that time, Chi Feng's strength was between his peers, but since Chi Feng came out of the small world, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, keeping him far away. Thrown away.

He also wondered if Chi Feng got some chance in the small world, that's why he became so strong.

Now all this has nothing to do with him, because it is impossible for him to beat Chi Feng at all, and Manshan even doubts whether Baidi is not Chi Feng's opponent.

Although his current strength of Barbarian Mountain has entered the imperial realm, he is still almost too far from Chi Feng.

"Go in and talk..." Chi Feng said lightly, and walked into the headquarters first.

The face of Da Muxian behind him is a little hard to look like, this Chi Feng is too arrogant, and now he doesn't give him any face. You must know that this is the Emperor League, and the Baidi is here, not where you Chi Feng can go wild!

Da Muxian's face was seen by Chi Feng's divine sense. Since Chi Feng broke through the foundation construction period, his divine sense can directly sweep a radius of two kilometers. Now he is in the late stage of the three-story foundation construction, and his divine sense is very clear within three kilometers.

This is the power of the immortal cultivator. Within three kilometers, Chi Feng is invincible. He can judge the attack freely. Even if someone bombs him with a missile, he can predict it in advance.

"Come on, let me come here?" After Chi Feng walked into the lobby of the Imperial League headquarters, he sat on the sofa in the center for himself, and the seat was still the main seat.

Kurosawa Yilang is secretly proud of his heart. Chi Feng is so high-profile now that he doesn't take Oukixian in his eyes at all. However, he is still a small scum, and he needs to always look at Oukixian's face to act.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Although Da Muxian was angry in his heart, he did not dare to show it. Who made Chi Feng so strong? I am afraid that only Baidi in the Imperial League can speak on an equal footing with Chi Feng.

"Just recently there was an S-level mission I want you to help. The Emperor League is currently short of manpower, basically the strength of the third emperor and the second emperor, but they can’t do the S-level mission, so they can only let you come. "Now," Da Mu Xianxian said with a smile, feeling helpless. If Chi Feng had already let him sit on the side, where could he sit in the main seat, but he was sitting in the guest seat.

After hearing this, Chi Feng asked indifferently: "Can you explain to me the difficulty of S-level?"

Da Muxian said patiently: "The S-level is equivalent to the top imperial-level powerhouse. The Imperial League currently does not have such a powerhouse, so I can only help you go."

"No?" Chi Feng touched his chin and said, "Not necessarily?"

"Uh..." Da Muxian asked suspiciously, "What can't it be?"

"Isn't there still Baidi in the Imperial League? He can completely complete this task." Chi Feng nodded seriously.

Da Muxian couldn't stand it anymore, his face sank and looked at Chi Feng and said, "The Emperor Bai is in charge of the Imperial League and has to deal with a lot of things every day. How can I go out and take care of these things?"

"Oh? So, do you mean that I am more free?" Chi Feng laughed, saying as if Baidi was really busy, maybe.

"Hehe Chi Feng, if you think you are capable, you can go to the position of Baidi, but I want to tell you that this position is not so easy to sit, even if you defeat AFO, it does not mean that no one can do you anymore. There are many strong ones." Da Muxian's tone became frivolous. Since Chi Feng doesn't give him face, why should he give Chi Feng any more face.

Chi Feng has already understood that whether it is Da Muxian or Baidi, he does not know that he has killed Zeus, the leader of the World Underground Heroes Association. Zeus's strength should be the top combat power in this world, except for All During the heyday of Might and the heyday of AFO, Zeus should be the world's most powerful man.

However, this strong man was slapped to death by his slap...

Maybe Da Muxian thought that Bai Di could beat him, Chi Feng just smiled in his heart.

"Da Muxian, I will not do your task, because your Imperial League has nothing to give me. Unless you have a gas stone, I am willing to help you." Chi Feng waved his hand and said no Willing to help the Imperial League again.

"Are you crossing the river to demolish the bridge?" Damu Xian said excitedly: "The Imperial League has trained you. Now that you become stronger, you will kick the Imperial League away? That's great!"

"Ahahahaha!" Chi Feng laughed a few times and stared at Da Muxian and said: "The Emperor League has nurtured me. I think you are dreaming, self-directed and acted. I just got some reagents from you. I still pick out the rancid, and I deserve the reagents. So, what have you cultivated me?"

If he insists that the Imperial League cultivated him, then Chi Feng only knows that he did make a fortune when he went out to take up the task, but this has nothing to do with the Imperial League. It all depends on his own strength.

According to Chi Feng, Da Muxian is really speechless. Chi Feng's sense of belonging in the Imperial League is not strong, or he has no sense of belonging at all. Chi Feng has not lived in the Imperial League for a few days, so give it to him. 'S houses have also been vacant.

Thinking about it this way, the Imperial League hasn't cultivated Chi Feng, but it seems that Chi Feng deserves it.

"If you don't want to work in the Imperial League, just let me see Baidi, and you can talk to him personally." Da Muxian knew that he couldn't talk to Chi Feng anymore, his level was obviously not enough, and it was his turn to call the shots. The matter has to be handled by Baidi.

"No problem, I will finish handling the matter here today." Chi Feng stood up and let Da Muxian lead the way.

Man Shan stood aside and didn't speak. He actually wanted to ask Chi Feng what chance he got and how he suddenly became so strong, but he didn't dare to ask such questions.

It's not before now. If the two of them were about the same strength before, he could ask Chi Feng about this, but it is obviously not suitable now.

If asked about these sensitive topics, Chi Feng was angry with a thunder and lightning and chopped him to death, it would not be worth it.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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