"Huh?" Qiao Beiqiao exclaimed in surprise: "Wait until you can beat the late Jindan? How long will it take? As far as I know, you are only now in the early stage of building the foundation."

"Yeah, I was in the early days of foundation construction, so I will go to the spirit stone mine to make a fortune soon. I believe that as long as I get the spirit stone mine, my cultivation level will be improved quickly, isn't it the same for you?"

"Hahaha yeah, I actually forgot about the spirit stone mine." Qiao Beiqiao said excitedly. With the spirit stone mine, his cultivation level will also improve quickly, and he will be able to do it when he trains on the ninth level of Qi. Leapfrogging challenges to build a base period.

Bai Xue didn't know exactly what Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao were talking about, but she vaguely guessed that the power system of this world is different from that of the earth. At least Chi Feng is not talking about superhumans, but a power system called monks.

Different worlds have different power systems. For example, in the previous small world, the power system of the people of the country is also different, and the ancient tower wizard does not belong to the power system of superhumans and monks.

So Bai Xue was just curious, but didn't want to go deep into it. After all, Chi Feng had to be willing to do this kind of thing, otherwise it would be bad to ask.

Chi Feng did not conceal some of his secrets from Bai Xue. He has no secrets anymore. After all, his strength has grown to such a level, he will soon be the first person on the earth.

This time Chi Feng intends to return to Earth after his strength becomes stronger. At that time, even if the hidden door asks him to trouble him, he is not afraid, but Chi Feng doesn't know when the world will be able to go back. It is likely that he will stay for a long time.

After drinking the last sip of tea, Chi Feng got up and left the house. He did not let Qiao Beiqiao follow him. After all, if Qiao Beiqiao also followed him, it would be troublesome in case something happened here, and Bai Xue would definitely not be able to handle it alone.

Chi Feng came to the entrance of the cave and swept his spiritual sense out. At this time, Qianjiangxing was resting cross-legged, seeming to be recovering his strength. Chi Feng waited at the entrance of the cave for a while, and when it was too early, he directly transmitted the sound to Qianjiangxing: "Friend Qiandao , I have to ask you for some things."

Qian Jiangxing immediately opened his eyes and walked out immediately. He saw Chi Feng waiting for him at the door and immediately asked: "Friend Qi, please tell me if you have anything, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse."

"Thank you. Actually, I want to go to the Lingshi mine you mentioned. I don't know if it is inconvenient for you now?" Chi Feng asked with a smile. The sooner you go to a good place like Lingshi mine, the better. What happened.

"Naturally, it's okay. It happened that we didn't receive the Lingshi from Rock Mountain this month. Now I'll take you with you." Qianjianggata nodded, then turned around and explained it, asking everyone to be vigilant, and then they came out to talk to Chi. Feng is going to the Lingshi Mine.

"I'll take you faster, and you can just indicate the direction." Chi Feng rolled up Qianjiang-shaped and left the rock mountain, Qianjiang-shaped immediately informed Chi Feng of the direction of the Lingshi Mine.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

Ten minutes later, Chi Feng fell into a pile of rubble. According to Qianjianggata, the Lingshi mine was in front of him.

If Qian Jiang Xing came here by himself, he would not be able to come in no more than two hours, but the time was directly shortened at Chi Feng's speed.

Chi Feng and Qianjiangxing walked forward and soon saw a rock cave. Standing here, Chi Feng could feel the aura of the rock cave. It was indeed a spirit stone mine.

"Qianjiang-shaped, who is this?" A figure quickly appeared at the entrance of the cave. This was a middle-aged man wearing a brown robe, staring at Chi Feng at this moment.

"Senior Tree, this is my friend. I am here today to receive this month's cultivation spirit stone." Qianjiang-shaped politely clasped his fist.

The middle-aged man named Shu Senior cannot see Chi Feng's cultivation base, but since Chi Feng is a friend of Qian Jianggata, his cultivation base is probably also in the foundation period.

"You wait here for a while." Senior Shu entered the mine immediately and appeared in front of Chi Feng again within ten seconds.

"This is your cultivating spirit stone from Rocky Mountain this month, you can go." Senior Shu gave the things to Qianjiangxing and issued an order to expel guests.

Chi Feng's spiritual consciousness swept out in an instant. Although there are shielding restrictions in the spirit stone mine, it can't stop Chi Feng from investigating. At this moment, he can clearly see the spirit stone in this spirit stone mine, densely packed with tens of thousands. .

But it is a pity that these spirit stones are similar to those given to him by Lu Dali. They are all very small. It is estimated that there were more spirit stones in the past, but now they are much less.

"You're looking for death!" How could Senior Shu not know that his spirit stone mine was inspected by Chi Feng, but he knew that Chi Feng couldn't see anything, because he had a shielding ban in the spirit stone mine and his cultivation base was low People who belong to him are invisible.

The reason for the anger is that this kind of rubbish dared to explore the spirit stone of the spirit stone mine in front of him. How could this be tolerated?

Just when Senior Tree was about to start his hand, Qianjiang Gata suddenly stopped him, and immediately asked, "Senior Tree, what happened?"

Seeing Qianjiangxing blocking him, Senior Tree didn't do anything directly, but said angrily: "This guy actually spied on my spirit stone mine. Do you think he is looking for death?"

Qianjiang's expression changed. He didn't expect that Chi Feng would actually use his spiritual knowledge to see Senior Shu's spirit stone mine. This is a big taboo. Peeking at others' privacy in front of the strong, this kind of thing is indeed going to be killed. .

"Senior Shu, he can't see anything because of his cultivation. Would you please spare his life for his first mistake?" Qianjiangxing said with sweat, and he regrets bringing Chi Feng here now. This may harm Chi Feng and himself.

"Hmph, do you think he would be over if he couldn't see it? Coveting my things in front of me, I don't agree to this matter without any explanation!" Senior Tree raised his hand and took out a machete, as if he was about to do it.

Qianjiang was in a hurry, and he didn't care about it at this moment. He took out the spirit stone in his hand, "Senior Tree, I don't want the spirit stone for this month. I beg you to spare my friend's life."

Qianjiangxing didn’t know that Chi Feng could fight the Jindanqi. Before, Chi Feng and the Jindanqi poison repair were on the mountainside of the rocky mountain. With the Qianjiang-shaped cultivation base, the spiritual consciousness could not be swept there, so Chi Feng No one knows the battle.

Senior Shu's eyes brightened, and it was good to be able to take one month's worth of spiritual stones out, so that he could practice for some time, so he stretched out his hand and took it.

At this moment, Chi Feng raised his hand and took the cloth bag containing the spirit stones, swept in the spiritual sense, and found that there are only fifty spirit stones, which is really a small batch.

Senior Tree's face was completely gloomy at this moment, the ant in front of him seemed to be really looking for death, and today he was going to kill this person no matter what.

Qianjiang's complexion became ashamed. At this time, Chi Feng actually took away the spiritual stone he was going to hand over. Now that it is useless, Chi Feng must be dying, and he can no longer intervene to save him.

"Senior Tree, the spirit stone you gave you can practice a fart. It's only thirty. It's not enough for me to stuff my teeth." Chi Feng looked at Senior Tree and sneered. Just now Qian Jiangxing didn't hesitate to save him. Chi Feng remembered this love after losing the Lingshi for a month.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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