In the week of rest, apart from one of the days Chi Feng will go to the police station to report, there are still six days.

Chi Feng intends to make good use of these six days. He needs to make money and also needs to improve his strength. So where is the best place to go?

black market!

Hit the black punch!

That’s right, Chi Feng decided to go to the black market to fight black boxing. There are too many capable people and strangers in this kind of place. If he goes here, he will not only make money, but also improve the strength of quirk, why not do it. ?

Regarding Sister Ying’s proposal, Chi Feng refused. He felt that he could not live with Inoue Ying yet. After all, he was not a sister and brother, and there was a difference between men and women.

Chi Feng is like this to Inoue Ying, but not to his classmates. Those long ones are really shameful to the country, and they are simply a curse.

Because of Heroes, the general black market has closed down, and only a few black markets can take a long time in the underground market.

The black market that Chi Feng is looking for is this kind of place, deeply rooted.

But it's not easy to find it. Chi Feng is carrying a shoulder bag in the streets and alleys and asks some people who seem to be foolish.

Generally this type of person knows more things, but when Chi Feng sometimes misses, the other party doesn't know anything.

"Excuse me..."

"Fuck away, don't bother Laozi!" Before Chi Feng finished speaking, he was interrupted by the yellow-haired man in front of him and cursed Chi Feng.

"Oh, hey," Chi Feng said, rubbing his hands, "It's really a toast, not eating or drinking fine wine!" After the words were over, Chi Feng picked him up and walked to an uninhabited alley.

"What are you doing?" The yellow-haired man suddenly became angry. Why, just start beating someone with a few curses?

But the next moment he was shocked to find that he was actually unable to move, as if he was controlled by some kind of airflow or something else.

After entering the alley, Chi Feng saw a camera facing him in the distance. He raised his index finger and moved to the side. The camera immediately moved to the side, avoiding Chi Feng.

"Tell me where there is a black boxing place nearby." Chi Feng put the yellow-haired man on the ground and said kindly.

This little yellow-haired kid didn't commit any crimes. He didn't need to beat others just because the other party scolded him. For example, if a dog bites you, would you still bite it back?(Read more @

Even if you want to earn salvation points, it is not earned like this.

"Black boxing?" The yellow-haired man was stunned for a moment, and then began to think. After a few minutes, he said, "I know there is a black boxing place, but it is very insecure and may die at any time."

"Oh?" As soon as Chi Feng heard this, he liked such a place, "Where is it?"

Seeing that Chi Feng was a little excited, the yellow-haired man was surprised. Don't be a murderous maniac. If you look at this, you will know that it is not a good bird, and the quirk is also very weird. It is estimated that it is true in all likelihood.

Immediately he took out his mobile phone and showed Chi Feng the specific location.

Chi Feng remembered the location and asked the yellow-haired man to leave. The location on the map showed that it was in Shibuya. This place is a fashionable district with a lot of people.

Chi Feng didn't hesitate, and immediately bought a ticket to Shibuya. According to his current strength, the average guy is not his opponent at all. He can kill even the junior Nomu. Is he afraid that those gangsters will fail?

However, Chi Feng didn't care about it. There was a mixture of dragons and snakes in that kind of place, and maybe there were really masters on the scene.

After arriving in Shibuya, Chi Feng went to the black market. About half an hour later, Chi Feng came to the back door of a shopping mall. The back door was made of a metal door, which looked very hard. There were two bald heads wearing suits at the door. The man stood, seeming to be the gatekeeper.

"I want to hit black boxing." Chi Feng walked over and said directly.

The two bald heads glanced at Chi Feng in surprise, and one of them said, "My kid, who told you there was a black punch here?"

"A friend of mine often mixes in here, he told me." Chi Feng didn't care either. Since a yellow-haired kid he asked casually knew about this place, naturally there was no problem with this place.

"I'm sorry, underage people are not allowed to enter here, no introducer, no identity is not allowed!" The bald man seemed to have no interest in Chi Feng, so he stopped paying attention.

Chi Feng frowned. Is a black punch so troublesome?

In desperation, Chi Feng found a corner, took out the cloak that he usually wears at night, then put on Tiga Altman's mask, and came to the two bald heads again.

"Are you?" One of them asked cautiously with a bald head. People dressed like this generally have a lot of background, and he dare not easily offend him.

"Don't you see who I am?" Chi Feng said in a low voice.

The two were taken aback, they really didn't see who it was.

"I didn't see it, please let me know my identity." The bald man said kindly. Although they are cautious, it doesn't mean they are afraid. This underground black market is not something that everyone dares to provoke. It has a background.

"Two straight men with cancer." Chi Feng snorted coldly, and said, "I am the legend of the night."

"Legend of the Night?" The two were stunned for a moment, and then one of the bald heads suddenly remembered, and said in surprise, "You are the legend of the night that only works at night and punishes evil and promotes good?"

"I finally recognized it." Chi Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and then said, "Yes, it's me."

"But I still ask you to show your credentials, because we can't tell if you are really the legend of the night." The bald man said blankly, but he was still quite surprised. This is the legend of the night. They have only heard of it. , And have not met me.

Chi Feng moved his fingers, and the two suddenly floated, "Do you believe it now?"

"I believe it, I believe it." The two nodded again and again, and the quirk that could give them both to the person who was hanging in the air, and who did not show their sensuality, wasn't the Underworld Legend?

They know that the quirk of the legend of the night seems to be an invisible force. Some say it is wind quirk, some say it is airflow, and some say it is buoyancy. In short, there are many versions of the legend of the night, which have not been confirmed.

After the two opened the metal door, Chi Feng walked in. In the dark underground passage, suddenly the two walls lit up with a faint red light, which was actually a candle.

There are about hundreds of steps in this passage. When Chi Feng reached the bottom, a huge red metal door stood in front of him. At the door stood a crocodile head and a dinosaur head man.

Wearing a black cloak, Chi Feng walked over without speaking, neither did the two speak, and consciously opened the door.

When the red metal door opened, Chi Feng heard the sound like a tide coming towards him. It was a loud shout. Chi Feng saw all kinds of people, surrounded by a huge ring, with bright lights inside. , Like the day.

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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