In the distant universe, a purple planet not knowing how many light-years away from the earth, this is the home star of Lars, Zize star.

The planet is full of purple gas. Everyone looks like Lars, but there are some differences.

This cosmic nation is a combination of technology and combat, and it was once a fighting nation.

Lars is just a pathfinder on this planet. Zize Star has too many pathfinders. Send them all to the depths of the universe to see if they can find a new life planet. colonial.

The buildings of Zize Star are basically minarets, and the degree of prosperity is dozens of times stronger than that of the earth. Almost all of them are high-end technology, which is not visible on the earth.

Pedestrians on the street are of different shapes, some are tall, some are short, some are big and small, and some are small and big.

There are two types of people, one is the fighting blood, similar to Saiyans and Namek people, and the other is the intellectual brain type. They don't rely on force or body, but on their brains.

These two kinds of people cast Zize Star, one is the master of the planet, and the other is naturally the fighter who relies on force to conquer.

At this moment, in the center of Zize Star, there is a huge purple fortress. At the top of the fortress, there is a purple needle, which is designed to receive signals from the universe.

This planet is very unified, there will not be as many countries as the United States, China, island countries, Russia, etc., like the earth, Zizexing has only one commander, and only one country.

"General, I have received a message from the Milky Way..." A purple star quickly rushed into the main control room, his tone a little excited.

"The Milky Way?" This general is very tall, more than several times stronger than the previous Ras on the earth. He turned to look at the man and asked: "Where is the Milky Way and who is sending the news back? ?"

Suddenly a lot of people stood up in the main control room. They all looked at the person who rushed in to report. This is undoubtedly good news. It is very likely that the Zize star person who went to the galaxy found the planet of life. They can only determine the coordinates Ask directly.

"Back to the general, here are the coordinates and directions." The man immediately took out a purple object and handed it to the general.

The general excitedly took the purple object and immediately transmitted it to the science and technology tree. The science and technology tree immediately locked the Milky Way, and at the same time displayed the information of the earth.

"Projection mode." The general exclaimed excitedly.(Read more @

After the projection mode appeared, all the Zize Stars in the main control room could see clearly, and the earth appeared in front of everyone.

"This planet is so beautiful!" someone exclaimed.

"This time we Zize Stars have a new colony, General, when shall we leave?" A Zize Stars exclaimed excitedly.

The general was equally excited, but he was not blinded by the excitement, and suddenly turned his head and asked the human who came in: "Who is the conveyer?"

Hearing the general's question about this, the Zize star suddenly felt depressed. After a while, he said, "It's G98, the 98th Zize star soldier sent out. He has been sacrificed on earth. "

"Able to kill the warriors of Zize Star, it means that there are people on this planet who are threatening us, so don't be careless, let me look at the information on the earth first." The general's hands began to operate non-stop. The information on the earth appeared in a while.

Earth (Earth) is one of the eight planets in the solar system. It is ranked third in the order of distance from the sun. It is also the most terrestrial planet in the solar system in terms of diameter, mass, and density. It is 150 million kilometers away from the sun. The earth rotates from west to east while revolving around the sun. It is currently 4 to 4.6 billion years old. It has a natural satellite-the moon, and the two form a celestial system-the earth-moon system. Originated from the primordial solar nebula 4.6 billion years ago.

After the above information appeared, there was still a lot of information. Finally, the generals and others saw the information about the superhuman and the hidden door of cultivation.

As for the Holy See, it didn't appear, it seems there is no record.

"So, this planet is really interesting. It is necessary to go there. In short, G98 cannot be sacrificed in vain. He is a respectable soldier. The order will be passed on to appease the relatives and friends of the martyr G98 and give the greatest favor. After the sub-colonization succeeds, G98 will become the most respected fighter of the Zize Stars." The general exclaimed vigorously.

"The general, when shall we leave!" someone asked.

"I will go to the commander's place now and ask for instructions on the meeting. After the results come out, I can go directly on the road." The general laughed and waved his hand and left the main control room directly.


Chi Feng has returned to the island country. He who could have been relaxed is now a little stressed. After all, he could not stop Lars' ambition, so part of the reason is to blame on him.

At present, no country on the earth knows about this, and Chi Feng has not had time to say it, or it is not yet at the point of informing all countries.

However, Chi Feng is not the kind of person who has no brains. Russ said that the people from his home planet may have come to the earth for only four months, but in case Russ lied to him, it may come in two months, or Is it a month?

Therefore, we must prepare for the worst. The two most powerful factions on the planet are the Hidden Gate and the Holy See, followed by the god-level powerhouses and the emperor-level powerhouses among the superhumans. As for the seven sages, Chi Feng didn't even think about involving them.

The earth is just not unified, everyone has their own position and will not go all out, so Chi Feng must resist all the consequences alone.

The people on Ras’s home planet don’t know how strong they are. According to Ras’s strength, they are almost always between the imperial realm and the god realm. If the people of the Holy See and the Hidden are willing to make a joint move, it is estimated that this time The crisis will be lifted.

What Chi Feng doesn't know is that as the pioneer of pathfinder, Lass is the weakest group of fighters in Zize Star. After all, pathfinders don't need to be strong, and the strong will stay on the home planet.

"The house is well decorated." After Chi Feng returned to the new house, he found that Bai Xue had made arrangements long ago, and the eye-catching feeling was comfort and peace of mind.

However, Bai Xue realized that Chi Feng seemed to have something on his mind, and asked, "I don't think your complexion is very good, what happened?"

In fact, the monk's face was the best, but Bai Xue could only say so tactfully in order to ask Chi Feng what happened.

Chi Feng walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and sat down, looking at the bustling traffic downstairs, and said, "Remember that alien creature? I couldn't stop its ambition and let it send the earth's azimuth coordinates back to the home star. Alien creatures will come to Earth in a few months."

Bai Xue was surprised when she heard it, and then looked at Chi Feng and said, "You can't be blamed for this thing, even you can't stop it, so who else in this world can stop it?"

Chi Feng smiled at this time, "You can't say that, after all, I have the ability to stop it, but I was delayed by a guy."

Read more @ Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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