"What's your name?" Pingyuan Xiongda asked.

"The Dark Night." Chi Feng didn't hide it, after all, he can only use this name now.

"Such a soil name," Pingyuan Xiongda seemed to have never heard of the legend of the night, and then persuaded him after touching his chin, "I said you, don't think about this kind of death, I think you can only challenge Challenge that kind of little ringmaster, oh no, maybe the little ringmaster can kill you."

"Why, look down on me so much?" Chi Feng is upset, do you still want Laozi to invite dinner?

"It's not that I look down on you. Underground Heroes is not so easy to deal with. Do you think that professional Heroes are very strong, and that kind of office is very strong?" Pingyuan Xiong shook his head and said, "Neither, nor, really powerful. They are all in the dark, they are the kind of people who can forbear lurking in the dark, not those who are glamorous and surrounded by everyone."

Chi Feng agrees with this point. Xiaoyin is hidden in the wild, and the big hidden in the city. There are people who hide their strength no matter where they are.

"I think the person named Qiao Beiqiao seems to be the name of a Chinese person."

"Yes, he is from China, and his strength is very strong. Why, are you stupid enough to challenge him?" Pingyuan Xiongda said with some worry. After all, if Chi Feng died, he would not have to eat.

Chi Feng didn't speak, and asked after a while: "Is there a Five Kings game recently?"

Pingyuan Xiongda immediately said: "Yes, at 8 o'clock tomorrow night, the small steel cannon ranked fourth among the five kings will be challenged. There will be a good show."

"Okay, then we'll see you tomorrow." Chi Feng turned to leave after speaking, and soon disappeared into the crowd.

Pingyuan Xiongda is a bit speechless, doesn't this guy really want to challenge those characters?


Chi Feng didn't leave the black market directly. Instead, he moved around. There are people who openly sell bullets and guns. It seems that the business is good, but there seems to be a rule that people who have bought it once cannot buy it a second time.

Chi Feng was not interested in these, but when he was about to leave the black market, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

Himiko Toga?

Why is he here? Chi Feng was taken aback. He wanted to say hello in the past, but at the moment he looks like himself, it is not appropriate to say hello. Moreover, there were some embarrassing things between the two at the beginning. Chi Feng felt that he should not say hello anymore and wait for the next time. .

Anyway, there will be a small steel gun game among the five kings tomorrow, and Himiko Toga should be here.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

On the way home, Chi Feng picked up a few rascals and earned 100 rescue points. In addition to the end of the Villain Alliance incident, Chi Feng received a total of 800 rescue points.

Most of them come from classmates, even All Might's.

At present, Chi Feng does not plan to purchase the quirk promotion pill. He currently has a quirk promotion pill obtained by the lottery, but he is not in a hurry to eat. Now the experience required for Thor's return and air manipulation has become more, and every time he upgrades Will change more.

At that time, he needed to earn salvation points desperately, but it was also good to fight black punches in the black market. He could exercise quirk directly, which saved a lot of quirk promotion Dan.

Chi Feng sat on the sofa watching the latest news, when his cell phone rang, it was actually a call from All Might.

"Chi Feng boy, please come to the police station the day after tomorrow. You need to take care of your affairs." All Might said kindly. Chi Feng is a key figure in the Villain Alliance incident. If there is no Chi Feng, maybe the students There were also casualties.

Of course, the credit of Ida Tenya cannot be concealed, and the school knows this very well.

"I understand." Chi Feng responded.

"Don't stress, nothing, you did a great job this time, Chi Feng boy!" All Might encouraged him, and Chi Feng hung up after a few casual conversations with him.

It was already 9 o'clock in the evening. Chi Feng thought that Sister Ying should be off work soon. He looked out the window, and suddenly his pupils shrank and stood up immediately.

Coming to the window, Chi Feng found that the Fujiwara Convenience Store where Inoue Sakura was located was on fire!

"Sister Ying!" Chi Feng didn't have time to think, and jumped directly from the window. Even if the quirk was exposed at this time, he couldn't control so much. Sister Ying is important!

The fire is raging, and there are many people around watching. Some people are holding buckets and pouring on the fire, but they don’t seem to have any effect at all. None of them quirk has a suppressing effect on the fire, so they all Helpless.

Chi Feng controlled the airflow and ran directly to the Fujiwara Convenience Store after falling downstairs. A bad premonition in his heart really happened. Sister Ying said that she often dreamed about fires. Chi Feng thought there was nothing to do, and it was just a dream. That's it.

It doesn't seem to be the case now. Sister Ying's dream seems to have a foreboding, but Chi Feng didn't care about it at the beginning, but now it really happened.

Chi Feng crossed the crowd and plunged directly into the flames. The blazing flame was one meter away from Chi Feng, unable to get close. Chi Feng anxiously looked for Sister Ying, and kept saying in his heart that nothing will happen.

However, after ten seconds, despair appeared on Chi Feng's face, and he did not find Sister Ying.

Just when Chi Feng was going mad, he suddenly heard a voice in the warehouse. He immediately rushed over. The door was locked, but it was not difficult for Chi Feng. After opening the door, he found that Inoue Ying was lying on the ground weakly. The broom knocked on the door.

Chi Feng burst into tears immediately, hugged Inoue Sakura, then punched through the wall of the warehouse with a punch, and swiftly headed to the nearby hospital.

Chi Feng ran at full strength like a human-shaped lightning, constantly rushing on the road, even the speed of the car was beyond the dust.

After arriving at the hospital, Chi Feng handed Inoue Ying to the doctor, while he waited at the door.

He couldn't understand why a small convenience store caught fire suddenly, and Sister Ying was locked in the grocery warehouse. This was absolutely man-made. Someone wanted to kill Sister Ying, or did they have other purposes?

Chi Feng thought carefully and was terrified. He guessed some eyebrows. Maybe Villain wanted to draw him out, or experimented with Sister Ying to see if he would help him.

"No matter who it is, if you dare to challenge my bottom line, you will have to pay the price of your life!" Chi Feng said harshly.

Half an hour later, the door of the emergency room opened. Before the attending physician walked out, before he could take off the mask, Chi Feng said anxiously, "How is my sister!?"

"There is no life worry, but the inhaled carbon dioxide is too much, leading to a coma. At present, he still needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days." The doctor patted Chi Feng on the shoulder and then left. He had other things to do.

Chi Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said to the doctor's back, "Thank you doctor."

"You're welcome." The doctor waved his hand and left.

It's okay, Chi Feng fell to the ground with a rock hanging in his heart, and then went to the inpatient department on the first floor to pay for the hospitalization.

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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