The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 470: Taming the Red Dragon

Chi Feng didn't have too much time wasting in the small world. He came to the small world to practice. Now that he has got the gems of King St. V and the Ancient Pagoda Wizard, everything will be done.

For the rest, Chi Feng has to do one thing, and that is to tame the creature in the volcano and see if he can take it out.

When he came to the crater, Chi Feng recalled the scenes of being besieged here and the scenes of manipulating the weather to rain. These scenes seemed vivid.

It seemed like it was yesterday. Time flies quickly. He is now at the apex of the world, completely different from the past.


A roar interrupted Chi Feng's thoughts, and it seemed that the creatures in the volcano had sensed Chi Feng's existence.

The bright red and huge body flew out from the crater. Chi Feng's eyes fell on the creature. To be precise, it was a dragon, similar to the legendary western dragon.

A pair of wings, two feet, two hands, a long neck, and a half-moon crown on the dragon's head, about 15 meters high, in short, it is a giant.

"Yes, I decided to take you out of here." Chi Feng smiled, this red dragon is very strong, and it needs to be known after playing against it.

The red dragon seemed to be able to understand what Chi Feng meant. It opened its mouth angrily and sprayed out a crimson lava. Chi Feng was taken aback. The dragon sprayed magma when it didn't breathe fire. It was amazing.

However, Chi Feng, who was magma, was not afraid at all. He raised his hand to cool the magma directly, and then punched the dragon's body with a punch.

The red dragon screamed in pain, rushed towards Chi Feng frantically, and grabbed Chi Feng's head with a paw.

Chi Feng raised his hand to block this guy's claws. At this moment, Chi Feng almost knew the strength of this red dragon, at least the strength of the Yuan Ying period. Perhaps the ordinary hidden ancestors are not the opponents of this red dragon.

But Chi Feng is a little puzzled, why this red dragon has such a strong strength but stays in the volcano every day. There are many species in this world, and even the people of the country are still alive. Isn't this red dragon willing to kill?

Perhaps the red dragon knew that after eating all these creatures, there would be nothing to eat anymore, so he kept on stocking? Then regularly let the people of the country or other creatures bring food?


"Dead!" Hong Long actually vomited, opening his mouth and rushing with more violent magma.

"Just let you, you are still on the face." Chi Feng flashed directly behind the red dragon, grabbed its neck and punched out.

This punch hit the red dragon directly to the ground. The red dragon wanted to get up again. Chi Feng shot ten lightning chains with both hands to bind it, and the red dragon fell to the ground with a roar.

"Is it convinced?" Chi Feng asked with a smile.(Read more @

The red dragon is very angry. It wonders why there are creatures stronger than it. This is impossible.

But in fact, it really has nothing to do, because the lightning chain on its body makes it unable to move, this human being is really strong and outrageous.

"Human, let me go!" Red Dragon roared.

"I give you two choices, first, surrender to me, second, die, choose one." Chi Feng said lightly.

"I would rather die if I surrender to you." The red dragon said without thinking, how could it be possible to let it surrender to a human being, it is a noble dragon.

"Then I will let you feel the feeling of death." Chi Feng directly stretched out his hand and held it, and the red dragon could no longer breathe. As the red dragon's eyes slowly widened and continued to struggle, Chi Feng was able to know this guy's The vitality is extremely strong.

Five minutes later, the red dragon's struggle gradually eased, and it looked like it was about to die.

After a while, Chi Feng let the red dragon breathe. The red dragon immediately breathed in oxygen. It took three full minutes to breathe and it didn’t get over. Just then, the red dragon realized that he couldn’t breathe again, and his eyes burst out. Now, this human being actually plays it like this.

A few minutes later, Chi Feng let the red dragon breathe again. When the red dragon was about to talk, Chi Feng let it continue to suffocate. It was only an hour later that Chi Feng completely stopped the repetitive work.

Hong Long didn't have any words at all this time, and opened his mouth and said: "I'm taking it, I'm willing to surrender to you, I'm taking it..."

Chi Feng laughed, jumped off the red dragon's back, looked at it, and said, "It would be fine for a long time. I know you have a high heart, but there is nothing wrong with you surrendering to me."

Chi Feng raised his hand and threw hundreds of spiritual stones to the Red Dragon, "These are good things, swallow them and have a look."

The red dragon just glanced at Chi Feng, then opened his mouth and sucked away hundreds of spiritual stones on the ground. The red dragon's eyes suddenly lit up, it felt the power, and the damage it suffered before seemed to be relieved.

Good thing, Hong Long also understands it very well, looking at Chi Feng with some expectation.

"I still have a lot of these things. As long as you behave well, some of them are when you eat them." Chi Feng laughed and jumped directly on the back of the red dragon, and then told the red dragon where to go.

The red dragon spread its wings and swept away quickly. At this speed, Chi Feng felt like a fighter.

"My dear, what is this thing?" Qiao Beiqiao was awakened by the loud sound of breaking through the air, and saw the huge monster flying over not far away.

He who wanted to do it when he saw Chi Feng standing behind the creature, he was relieved immediately.

The oppressive force of this red dragon is very great, and Qiao Beiqiao feels that it will be difficult to deal with if he doesn't show some skills. After all, he is not Chi Feng and he does not have double quirk.

"Is this the legendary dragon?" Midoriya Izuku and the other students looked at the red dragon flying from a distance in shock.

The red dragon stopped on the grassland, and its eyes swept across the people on the ground with disdain in its eyes.

Everyone also saw the disdain in Hong Long's eyes, but they felt a little bit interesting.

Chi Feng briefly talked about his gains this time, and then each assigned a training task, and everyone started to strengthen day by day.

Chi Feng and Qiao Beiqiao want Baixue. They naturally focus on cultivation. The classmates of Heroes Class A, Chi Feng first asked them to continue to improve their quirk, and then considered letting them practice together.

Chi Feng feels that if he goes on like this, he will be fast for the whole people to cultivate immortality.

With the passage of time, three months later, Chi Feng's cultivation reached the fifth floor of the out-of-aperture period, and the consumption of spirit stones also increased.

However, Qiao Beiqiao and Bai Xue did not change in any way, and they were still stuck at the peak of the Nascent Soul Stage, so they used the slowest spirit stone.

Qiao Beiqiao was also puzzled, why he was stuck in the Nascent Soul Stage for such a long time, and now he can't feel that level of cultivation barriers at all.

Chi Feng didn't know how to talk to Qiao Beiqiao. After all, he broke through the out-of-aperture period in an instant, and it was difficult to explain it even in an instant.

It only depends on personal chance and luck.

On the contrary, Xiaoxue has made rapid progress, and his cultivation has reached the fourth floor of the foundation building. Seeing that he is not far from the Golden Core Stage, Chi Feng is very surprised.

It seemed that Bai Xue's qualifications combined with his qualifications made Xiaoxue's qualifications very good.

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