The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 472 The Ultimate Battle! (on)

Li Yueyao stood on the top of Huashan Mountain and looked at the sky. Her eyes were full of worry. Master Hua Nianyun had left Huashan Mountain at this moment and seemed to fight against alien creatures with Chi Feng and prevent alien creatures from entering the earth.

At this moment, it's not just Li Yueyao. Even the master of Yinmen is standing on the mountain and looking at the sky in the distance, with Liu Yuan Guy and Tong Jiayu standing beside him. They are also worried.

What is interesting is that there is a TV set in front of them, and the screen is still 42 inches, which is enough for these people to watch the live broadcast.

This is true in all the hidden gates in China. Some hidden gates cannot receive the signal and can only come out to watch the live broadcast. Those who have the strength to help Chi Feng, the suzerain of those sects, or the ancestors who are in retreat.

Only some disciples who watched the house were left, and all the others who were capable were dispatched.

In the Western Holy See, Michaelis is standing on a plain, behind him is an old building, retro and mysterious.

Behind him stood many people, all of the Holy See, even people with the strength of Michaels could not participate in the war, and could only guard his pure land.

"Listen, everyone, after today is a matter of life and death. Whether humanity can reverse it depends on good fortune. You must go all out and kill the non-my race directly!" Mijiales suddenly raised the cross sword in his hand. , Roared loudly.

"The Holy See is forever!"

"The Holy See is forever!"

"The Holy See is forever!"

In the island country, the streets are now fully armed with self-defense forces and professional heroes, as well as special government departments. Basically all people with a Heroes license are dispatched to maintain the areas under their respective jurisdictions.

"Humanity has finally reached this kind of moment. Of the Nth contact with an alien civilization, this time is the most intuitive. I finally understand where my weapons should be used."

Zhao Yan lit a cigarette and looked at the not very clear sky, and slowly said, carrying a silver box in his left hand. He was still dressed very formally with a neat suit.

"The god team is worth some at this moment. We have been fighting in the nest for many years, and now it is the most united one?" Mauki Heng smiled faintly, and also lit a cigarette.

"Who said no..." Zhao Yan snorted, somewhat free and easy.

"Xiaomeng, are you scared?" Lan Zhenxian draped his long blue hair on his shoulders. He hadn't read it for a few days, and said at the moment when he looked at his sister who was only 1.5 meters away.

Lan Xiaomeng is more than a star and a half stronger than before. She has completely controlled the power in her body. Now her strength has broken through to the realm of the gods. At this moment, the people of the gods are sending to guard this area with Lan Zhenxian. .

"Brother, I think Chi Feng has a heavier burden than ours. He is our role model, of course I am not afraid." Lan Xiaomeng's little hand held Lan Zhenxian's hand.

Lan Zhenxian didn't speak, he felt the temperature in Xiaomeng's palm, and he was obviously nervous.

But at this time, neither of them had the intention of shrinking from fear, they had to face it.

"Wanted criminals, today is the time for you to exert your strength. Let those disgusting alien creatures taste the horror." The Idol King laughed loudly. There were people standing around him. If you look closely You will find that most of the most wanted criminals in the world gather here, including Death Scythe.

The sickle of death held a pitch-black sickle in his hand and waited quietly, as if a hunter was waiting for the prey to appear.

Imperial League.

All the imperial leagues in the world have all opened their military systems. On the huge fortresses, a series of technological guns have been erected, and people are standing around them.

The Three Emperors, Seven Saints and Five Kings, as long as they are from the Imperial League, all are on the front line.

Hokkaido Underground Heroes, Shibuya Underground Heroes, Miyazaki Underground Heroes, Kyoto Underground Heroes, Tokyo Underground Heroes, and Kanagawa Underground Heroes are all in place.

Manshan bared his teeth and looked at the sky. He hadn't moved his hands for a long time. Peng Bai's power in his body finally had a catharsis. As long as the alien creatures dare to step on the earth, he will use all his strength to kill.

Not only did he think so, but most of the underground Heroes did.

The Super League, the Conferred Gods, the Justice League, the Magic Hall, the Iron Alliance remnants, and the dark forces in various regions have long been waiting for them.

The teachers of Heroes Academy are even on the frontline battlefield, as long as alien creatures appear, it is the moment when the war begins.(Read more @

Satellite images were broadcast in all buildings and shopping malls in the world, and reporters rushed out to record this historic one for the first time.

Ten hours later, the sky was completely dark. Today's sky is abnormally transparent, and the stars can be clearly seen.

Chi Feng flew directly out of the atmosphere with a group of powerful men, standing on the back of Emperor Yan in the universe beyond the earth, beside him stood Huanianyun and the ancestors of other sects, as well as ten people from the Western Holy See. , There are more than 30 people in total.

Hidden people are the majority, followed by the Holy See, Chi Feng is regarded as the strongest among these people.

Chi Feng added air control to everyone, so that everyone can breathe in the universe, and the battle is unimpeded.

"Look, Mr. Chi Feng is already in place." Kirishima Eijiro stood on the empty street and suddenly cried out, with classmates standing beside him.

"It's so handsome." Kaminari Denki laughed, and the high-definition picture on the satellite showed Chi Feng standing on the head of Emperor Yan, very Haki.

"Come on!" Ida Tenya suffocated these words for a long time.

"If all of us are fine this time, I will kiss Mr. Chi Feng when it is over." Ashido Mina said with her hands on her chest.

At this moment everyone looked at her: "Chi Feng has a wife and children. Isn't that good?"

"Why, can't the kiss of friendship work? Foreigners are much more open than us, okay?" Ashido Mina said unconvinced.

"Hahaha, can you give me a kiss then Ashido Mina classmate!" Mineta Minoru smiled with his eyes wide open, this smile is very awkward.

"OK, as long as you can live, kiss you." Ashido Mina didn't object.

Mineta Minoru got excited all at once, and yelled.

Everyone in the world is watching satellite images. On the one hand, they are broadcasting Chi Feng and the crowd, and on the other hand, they are broadcasting the dark sky of the universe.

Every leader of the state department began to feel nervous, and the alien civilization was coming soon.

A few minutes later, Chi Feng's eyes moved, and he said with a serious expression: "Come on!"

All the strong men around Chi Feng immediately took out their weapons and looked at the depths of the starry sky not far away.

Purple ships appeared quickly, and then more and more, more and more.

With the appearance of more and more ships, the expressions of these powerful men became a little difficult to look at, mainly because they were too many to count.

"Commander, we have reached the earth!" General Kira exclaimed excitedly.

"I know, but look at what it is?" The commander pointed his finger forward.

General Kira immediately looked forward, but he didn't see clearly, but saw a red object floating in the void.

"What's that?" Kira also asked a little strangely.

"Enlarge the screen to see." The commander said immediately.

The operator immediately zoomed in on the screen, and all the purple battleships could be seen clearly. This is a red creature with people standing on its head and back, looking like it is waiting for them?

"Just so few fleas want to block our army?" Kira suddenly laughed.

Everyone in Zize thinks this is very funny, and it feels like a play.

Everyone on Earth could see the picture clearly, and the densely packed alien warships made everyone feel cold.

Leaders of various countries began to talk about it. They were considering whether Chi Feng could not stop the need to use the ultimate weapon to deal with aliens. After all, there is only one chance, and it can only be safe if it is released in the universe.

Some people said to look at the situation first, after all, it has not yet reached the worst moment.

A dense cluster of purple warships came to the front, about a few kilometers away from Chi Feng, but even this way, Chi Feng looked at these warships as extremely large, which can be said to be five times larger than the aircraft carriers on the earth.

Chi Feng swept the world out, and after a careful analysis, he said: "There are a total of five hundred warships. There seem to be two different creatures of the same kind in the warships, one is a warrior type like Lars, and the other is. The body is small, but it seems that the brain is abnormally developed. According to a rough statistics, it is estimated that there are millions of extraterrestrial creatures."

"Do you count Million?" Hua Nianyun turned to look at Chi Feng and said, "How sure are you, how many warships are you blocking?"

Chi Feng suddenly laughed, raised his hand and took out the black sword to gather his strength, "It's in my dictionary, don't leave one!"

After saying this, Chi Feng floated up into the air, flew tens of meters forward, and suddenly slashed with a single sword. The pitch-black blade of light seemed to tear the world, and the black light of tens of meters turned toward the front row of battleships. Sweep away.

"What is this guy doing?" Some generals on the purple battleship looked at Chi Feng in confusion.

"Such a little guy actually wants to block our army, hahahaha, it's almost deathless..."

Before he could finish his sentence, he saw a dark blade of light rushing towards his battleship, and the next moment he directly split the battleship in half. A huge spark lit up and exploded in the universe to form a brilliant fire. Bright the sky.

The Zize star who spoke just now didn't know what happened before he died, it was incredible.


Excited shouts rang out from all over the world. This sword Haki was so extraordinary that the heart of mankind that had sunk to the bottom was burnt, and he had great confidence.

All Might looked at Chi Feng standing in the void with tears in his eyes, and muttered to himself: "Chi Feng boy, this man has finally become that insurmountable mountain, everyone's support."

This idea is not just generated in All Might's heart, most people familiar with Chi Feng have this idea. Now, Chi Feng is the support of mankind.

"What's the situation, what happened?" Kira roared, his tone was full of horror, and it was impossible for them to destroy Zize Star's battleship with just one attack.

"I really underestimated human beings!" The commander was full of anger, and slammed a fist on the table in front of him and shouted: "Fire with all his strength and wipe out all these grasshoppers in the universe!"

"Yes!" The operator began to convey information to the warships.

The remaining 499 warships immediately opened the protective film, and at the same time opened the weapon system and aimed at Chi Feng and others. Blue lasers rushed in, seeming to be an alternative attack energy.

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