The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 70 Fighting Earth Element quirk

"Goodbye everyone." Chi Feng stood up. At this moment, he has won 50 million, and even four million more. Winning again may cause discomfort to these people, and he simply won't play.

If the four of you here knew that Chi Feng was thinking this way, they would have vomited out blood and caused discomfort? From the beginning you won money and we are not ill, okay.

After transferring the five thousand four Million to the bank card, Chi Feng left the casino directly. In his spiritual sense, he observed the steward Takagi standing with a strong man.

This muscular man gave Chi Feng a stronger feeling than Muto, and seemed to be comparable to the Seven Saints. It seems that Guan Shi is determined to get rid of him.

Chi Feng didn't bother to find Gao Mu in charge. It's not the time yet. At the moment, building his equipment is the most important, and everything else is secondary.

After leaving the underground Heroes venue, Chi Feng rushed directly to an uninhabited ruin, where it was demolished some time ago but was abandoned before construction could begin.

Hamaguchi, who was following Chi Feng, became a little confused. According to the truth, the other party did not know that he was following, but why did this guy rush to no man's land?

Muto and Matsuzaki seemed to do the same before, but after following each other, it seemed that the legend of the night had done it deliberately. Hamaguchi did not believe that the legend of the night had discovered him because he had the confidence to hide his whereabouts.

"Don't hide, there are no cameras and no one here." Chi Feng stood on the ruins and suddenly turned around.

Bangguchi walked out of a hidden trash can, looking at Chi Feng coldly, "How did you find me?"

Chi Feng spread his hands: "Why should I tell you?"

"Haha," Bangguchi approached Chi Feng with a smile, "My mouth is really hard, I will let you know what it means to be unable to survive or die."

It is now certain that Chi Feng has a secret Hamaguchi. His tracking and concealment work is so good that Underworld can still find him, which is enough to explain the problem.

Thinking about it this way, it can be explained that Tales of Night wins money in the underground Heroes Casino. Since he can find his existence, he can naturally see other people’s cards. Thinking of this, Hamaguchi's heart suddenly heats up. He knows the quirk of Tales of Night and this special. His ability has nothing to do. If he gets this special ability, does it mean his rise in the future?

"Generally, people who pretend to be forced in front of me don't end well." Although Chi Feng said so, he was still very vigilant in his heart. The strength of this guy should not be underestimated.

"I can't help myself." Hamaguchi stopped talking nonsense, closing his eyes seemed to be mobilizing Quirk's power.

The next moment Chi Feng felt that the ground around him seemed to be shaking, his face changed slightly, and he was guessing what the other party was quirk.(Read more @


The ground where Chi Feng was on suddenly violent, and the mud instantly surrounded him.

"Soil quirk!" Chi Feng finally knew the opponent's quirk. It seems that he has chosen a site that is beneficial to the opponent. The ruins are full of mud, like a fish in water.

Chi Feng broke the bondage of the earth with a punch and jumped out from inside, but a huge earth fist greeted him.

The wind blade cut out and cut the big earth fist in half. At this moment, Bangkou was covered with mud all over his body, and he began to manipulate the underground soil to encircle Chi Feng.

To be honest, the soil quirk is the same for Chi Feng. No matter whether it is Thor's return or air manipulation, it will not be suppressed, and it seems that there is no natural enemy.

Seeing that Bangkou's body became bigger because of the soil, Chi Feng sneered: "It's a pity that such a large living target is."

As soon as the voice fell, Chi Feng hovered in the sky with his hands clasped together, clenched, slowly lifted up and then quickly slammed down.

There seemed to be an invisible huge force above Hamaguchi that instantly pressed down, directly smashing the big clay figure into a meatloaf.

"This is the end?" Chi Feng couldn't help being a little disappointed. He thought that the strength of this guy could fight him, but it ended with just one blow.

"I think it's good," suddenly the smashed clay figure reorganized and stood up again, and Hamaguchi said: "No wonder you dare to talk to me like this. There is indeed some strength. Muto is indeed not your opponent, but he wants to defeat me. It's still a bit worse."

Hamaguchi's eyes sharpened. Chi Feng's blow just smashed him down. Although he couldn't kill him, he still suffered some injuries.

"Tu Zun Shura!" Bangkou let out a low voice, and the earth began to tremble. The next moment, a native Shura-like native condensed from the ground, which was three meters high.

The fierce Shura stepped forward and struck Chi Feng with a punch.

Chi Feng was suspended in the air. This time he didn't even use the quirk. He split more than a dozen wind blades. When the wind blade touched the native Shura, he cut instantly, and the native Shura dispersed into dozens of segments and then fell to the ground.

But this didn't seem to have changed the essence. The native Shura was like an Immune to Death Xiaoqiang, condensing again.

Chi Feng suddenly realized that if he didn't kill the guy from the soil element, this kind of native people would continue to form, even if it hits dawn, they won't be able to finish it.

"Want to kill me?" Chi Feng was happy. The purpose of this guy must be to kill him, fight him with natives, and then save his strength.

Chi Feng won't let him succeed. This time Chi Feng took a little more seriously. He stretched his hands, and the power of air manipulation came directly to the body of Bangkou through the native Shura, forming a circle within five meters of it. Vacuum zone.

Air locks up, oxygen locks up!

When Chi Feng performed this big killer move, the sweat on his forehead also flowed down. According to his current air control level, performing such a trick is very laborious, but the effect is outstanding.

Hamaguchi was looking at Chi Feng with a sneer, as long as a while later, he could condense another Shura. When the time comes, Shura will continue to deal with this dark night legend, and it will not take long for him to be exhausted.

Just when he was full of confidence, the surrounding air seemed to undergo inexplicable changes. The next moment his body could not move, even breathing.

"What's the matter?" Bangkou shouted wildly in his heart. What kind of means was the other party that could make him unable to move or breathe!

The air manipulation is so terrifying, how can it be a vain name...

The native Shura disintegrated instantly without Hamaguchi's control. At this moment, only Chi Feng and Hamaguchi are competing between life and death.

Three minutes later, Chi Feng could no longer hold on. He slowly fell from the sky, but he did not relax at all. This earth-type guy was very strong, and his resistance was very fierce. If it weren't for Chi Feng, he is now practicing Qi IV. The level of cultivation may have been freed by the opponent long ago.

"Die me!" Chi Feng suddenly yelled. After exhausting his strength, the air around Bangkou paused, and then there was a loud explosion. Bangguchi bleeds from his seven orifices with this explosion, and at the same time his breathing has stopped.

Hamaguchi, die!

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