The Strongest Quirk in My Hero Academia

Chapter 84 Fighting the Trident of the Seventh Shengxu County

"Yes, just now I found out the news. The Legend of Dark Night is indeed going to challenge the Seven Sages. It seems to be challenging the Trident of Xu County." Scar said truthfully.

To be honest, Scar felt that Gao Mulong had made a wrong move, and the strength of Dark Night Legend could challenge the Seven Sages. There were a lot of people like this who wanted to draw in, but Gao Mulong had offended it.

Although Gao Mulong can call a lot of powerhouses under his hands, Scar knows that these powerhouses together cannot kill the legend of the night.

Unless Gao Mulong can borrow someone from the hand of the leader, in this way can he kill the legend of the night.

But how could the first-in-command call Gao Mulong, a third-in-command who watched the scene, to call his deli subordinates. The first-in-command now needs protection and can manage Gao Mulong.

"Don't act rashly. If he loses the challenge, we won't be too late. If he wins..." Gao Mulong knows that if the Dark Night Legend wins, it means that his status has risen sharply. Gao Mulong is no longer able to move easily. People out.

Moreover, the two of them have long had feuds. If the legend of the night becomes the seven sages, it means that he has the qualifications to confront Gao Mulong head-on.

Gao Mulong knows the temper of Xuxian Trident. Xuxian Trident will not indiscriminately kill innocents. After defeating the opponent, it will only leave a mark on the opponent's body. Other than that, there is no killing heart.

"Understood, then I'll go and observe him first." Scar left after speaking, Gao Mulong took a breath and drank the red wine on the table.

"Senior Dark Night, Xuxian Trident accepted your challenge at 3 o'clock in the afternoon." The middle-aged man who was in charge of the registration hurriedly came to Chi Feng and said, even his title was changed to senior, regardless of whether Chi Feng wins next. If he loses, he will be famous in the underground Heroes, and it is only natural that he is called Senior.

Chi Feng nodded to express his understanding, now he just needs to wait.

In just ten minutes, the news that the Dark Night Heroes challenged the Trident of Xu County spread throughout the entire Shibuya Underground Heroes. For a while, those who were at work asked for leave to come to the underground Heroes venue. This kind of challenge is rare for the Seven Saints. They don't want to miss the game they see.

Some people who missed the Wild Mountain challenge the Skeleton Killer, at this time desperately rushed to the underground Heroes venue, they wanted to witness this moment.

Chi Feng sat quietly in the corner. As time passed, the number of people on the negative fourth floor increased from dozens to hundreds, and now there are as many as thousands of people. It is conceivable that, After a while, the water will be blocked.

But no one seemed to pay attention to Chi Feng sitting in the corner. It seemed that he was like a passerby.

At 2:45, there was a boiling sound. Chi Feng looked up and saw a naked man stepped onto the ring with a green trident on his back.

"It's started..." Chi Feng slowly stood up and walked from the corner towards the ring, the noise around him one after another.

"How long has the Trident of the Seventh Shengxu County haven't appeared? It seems that it has been a few months?"

"Yes, I didn't expect two people to challenge the Seven Sages recently. It's really scary for the future generations."(Read more @

"Don't tell me, I have heard the name of that dark night legend, but it has been very popular among our citizens recently."

"Does he have a chance to challenge the seventh saint?"

"Cut, how can anyone challenge the Seventh Sage? I think the Dark Night Legend is useless."

"I can't see it, I just know it after comparing."

Among the crowd there were praising Chi Feng and derogatory Chi Feng, but Chi Feng didn’t care. He walked into the crowd and saw Himiko Toga looking at the Xuxian trident on the ring with excitement. Chi Feng was a little confused. Today Isn't it Friday, this little girl doesn't go to school?

I can't control Himiko Toga at the moment. When Chi Feng walked into the crowd, he used air manipulation to separate the crowd and stepped onto the ring from the other side.

At this time, everyone saw Chi Feng, dressed in a black cloak, wearing a cool helmet, and a long sword on his back that was particularly dazzling.

Himiko Toga's eyes were instantly attracted by Chi Feng, and stars seemed to appear in his eyes.

"Legend of the Night?" Xuxian Trident asked blankly.

Chi Feng looked at Trident in Xuxian County. He was a short-haired man with well-proportioned features. His naked upper body could see the power contained in his muscles.

"Yes, I am the legend of the night." Chi Feng held one, with the long sword behind it in the palm of his hand.

"I can't remember how long no one has challenged me. In short, they all ended in failure." Before the game time, Xuxian Trident was willing to chat.

"I am different from others, just like a wild mountain, who would be optimistic about him at the beginning?" Chi Feng smiled slightly, not caring at all.

"Manshan?" Xuxian Trident narrowed his eyes. "Even the Skeleton Killer is not his opponent, how can I comment."

"Hello everyone, audience friends!" At this time, Nishimi Ichiro took the microphone and said: "I think all the friends present must have not watched the game two days ago, so today, it just happened to make you enjoyable because of the challenge. The Legend of the Dark Night, will fight the Trident of Xuxian County, let's wait and see!"

"Xu County Trident!"

"Xu County Trident!"

"Xu County Trident!"

Almost half of the people who came here were cheering for the Trident in Xuxian County, and few helped the legend of the night.

Chi Feng didn't care. He looked at Xuxian Trident and said, "Go ahead, otherwise there will be no chance."

"It's crazy..." Xuxian Trident sneered, the green trident on his back was taken down, and a green smoke was rolled up towards Chi Feng.

"Come on, quirk of Trident in Xu County, Green Mist!"

The Trident of Xuxian County, quirk-green mist, attacked Villain with visible green mist. If the opponent inhales the green mist, the whole body will be weak and weak, and even hallucinations will occur.

Chi Feng took a step forward, the long sword in his hand suddenly slashed, and the air manipulation swept out, smashing the green fog instantly, and the sword wave quickly arrived in front of the Xuxian Trident.

"Two things!" Xuxian Trident's pupils shrank, and after a step back, the trident in his hand moved forward. The green mist formed a barrier and blocked Chi Feng's sword wave.

Chi Feng already knows the approximate strength of the Trident in Xuxian County, which is weaker than that of the Seven Saints Ochiai in Tokyo. His sword is far less powerful than that in Ochiai Koto, so he can estimate the approximate strength of the Trident in Xuxian County. .

"Since you only have this strength, then I am embarrassed." Chi Feng inserted the sword back into his back and rushed towards Xuxian Trident.

Xuxian Trident's face was cold, and a rising star dared to speak to him like this. Even if he had a good temper, he couldn't stand the insult. The green mist in the green trident spread wildly and surrounded Chi Feng.

Chi Feng didn't even look at the green mist. The air around him was instantly manipulated by him, isolating the green mist, and it couldn't penetrate at all.

"What's going on?" Xuxian Trident's expression changed. The quirk he relied on for survival was actually useless for this dark night legend...

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