The Strongest Reincarnation Boss

Chapter 4 Changing Identity Again

Xiao Yue looked at the lines in her mind, and her mind began to turn quickly, but now the most urgent thing is to say the lines, otherwise NG will be miserable.

She followed the lines and said, "Hello, we are students of the nearby Soul Shadow University. I heard that this small building has the spirit of the past..."

[Movie reminder: The third-line actor Xiao Yue did not shoot according to the requirements of Scarlet's lines, resulting in a slight NG, and 10 points of old credits will be deducted. 】

"It's so risky, but fortunately, there are not many deductions." Xiao Yue breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that she still has some things that are not in place.

Lu Fan was a little speechless, these students really didn't know what to do, the news said that it was very dangerous outside, and they dared to run around.

So he said angrily: "There is no old spirit here anymore, you students, go back quickly."

"Who do you think you are? We came here so hard, why should we go back?" At this time, a man with a strong figure and a ferocious expression behind Xiao Yue asked displeasedly.

In fact, Curen didn't want to say this, because he remembered that this man was an exorcist, and he might still count on him in the future.

But who knew that this sentence was a bloody line, he had to say it if he didn't want to.

[Movie Tip: The third-line actor Ke Lun did not shoot according to the requirements of Scarlet's lines, resulting in mild NG, and 10 points of old credits will be deducted. 】

Originally, this arrogant line needed to be yelled out, but when Curran said it, the momentum was much weaker, resulting in a slight NG.

The other third-line actors also looked at Ke Lun with pitiful expressions. This is the rhythm of being a villain.

The villains in horror movies have no good results, and usually die miserably.

Lu Fan frowned slightly, looked calmly at the college student in front of him who looked older than him, and said lightly: "My name is Lu Fan, and I am an exorcist. As for why I let you go back, of course there are legitimate reasons. .”

After Lu Fan finished speaking, he kicked backwards, kicking against the dilapidated iron gate behind him as fast as lightning in the howling wind.


The entire iron door, together with the wooden door inside, was kicked into the house, and it continued to break through the wall of the living room and fly out of the house.

"Boom" sound!

The rusty iron sign of No. 43 Yinming Road fell to the ground, making a piercing sound.

"Is this reason enough?" Lu Fan asked with a sneer.


"Enough, enough, this reason is enough, let's go now, let's go now." Curran was startled, and quickly said according to the white reference lines in his mind.

Of course, he was really taken aback.

This iron gate weighs at least 80 kilograms, and it is firmly fixed on the wall. It can be kicked so far. Is this still human?

The others were also taken aback, looking at Lu Fan as if they were looking at a monster.

At this moment, time and space seemed to be frozen, and everything in the picture stopped moving for an instant, and a cold voice sounded in their minds.

[Movie reminder: The old spirit of the detection target has disappeared, and the movie will automatically end early]

[Movie reminder: The task is completed, and the payroll will be settled. 】

[Movie Tip: Successfully pass the main task and get paid: 200 reincarnation coupons]

[Movie reminder: May I ask the actor whether to quit the movie world now, if you don’t make a choice, you will be forced to quit after 30 seconds]

Xiao Yue looked at several teammates blankly, and asked in an unbelievable tone: "The movie just... just ended like this???"

" seems to be." Curen was also a little dazed, but they had just arrived!

"So, don't we have to die?" The other three became excited in an instant. They thought they would die in this horror movie, but who knew that they had completed the task inexplicably just after entering.

[Movie reminder: When the selection time is up, the forced deportation will begin for actors who quit]

As the cold voice fell, Xiao Yue's beautiful figure began to fade slowly, and finally disappeared into the air.

Before leaving, she took a deep look at Lu Fan, maybe they were able to complete the task ahead of schedule, it should be thanks to this exorcist named Lu Fan.

As for whether they will be discovered by the natives of this world, there is no need to worry.

Because after the movie is completed, the time in this world is frozen, and only after all the reincarnated actors withdraw from this world, will this world return to normal.

Time and space began to rotate again, a gust of wind blew across his cheeks, and Lu Fan stood there in a daze.

Although he couldn't move just now, he clearly saw these people disappear before his eyes without leaving a trace.

"Damn, these people are reincarnations." Lu Fan complained in his heart, "There are even reincarnations, what kind of world is this?

However, these people looked so weak, and they felt like they could kill everyone with one punch. "

"Forget it, don't worry about it, anyway, this world is very weird, and it is not unacceptable to have reincarnated people now."

Lu Fan laughed heartily, resting his head on the back of his head carelessly, and walked towards his second-hand Styx car.

He was ready to go home and sleep.

After all, whether there are reincarnations in this world is none of his business. Anyway, he is doing well with food and drink now, and he has never thought about changing his way of life.

As for the life in the previous life, it is not worth nostalgia.

On the way home, Lu Fan watched the news on his mobile phone, and occasionally looked at the road ahead, while the engine of the second-hand car he was sitting in was roaring, and the speed was flying.

As a confident man, he was not afraid of being run over to death by someone.

Just then, a phone call came in.

"Too many excuses, too many reasons"

"In order to survive, I have betrayed everything"


"Principal Zhang's phone call."

Lu Fan was a little puzzled, when did he add this person's number.

As a time traveler, he has always acted in a low-key manner, except for the calls of a few important people, he does not add any other calls.

However, exorcists can also be regarded as a member of the service industry, and serving customers is the basic criterion.

So, he swiped the phone screen and hung up the phone...

"Well, I'm in a good mood today, and I don't want to answer the phone." Lu Fan, who just completed an order, thought happily.

However, not long after he hung up the phone, Principal Zhang called again.

Lu Fan had no choice but to park the car on the side of the road, grabbed the phone and asked angrily, "Hey, who are you, what's the matter?"

"Professor Lu Fan, you still know how to answer the phone." An old and serious voice sounded from the other end of the phone, "The biology class is about to start, where have you been, don't you need to come back and prepare?"

"Biology class?" Lu Fan looked at his phone and touched his chin again. He felt that he might have changed his identity again.

As for the possibility of being a liar, he didn't think about it. After all, under normal circumstances, there would be no dead people in this absurd world, so those law enforcement officers have a lot of time to catch these criminals.

Of course, even if you are cheated!

The one who was injured must also be the person who called.

Of this, he was sure.

Of course, the main reason why he chose to believe so quickly was that if his identity was exposed, something unknown might happen.

It seemed like acting, he couldn't reveal that he was not the actor, and even tried his best to hide his original role, otherwise he might die a miserable death.

This is what the bitter voice told him deep in his heart.

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