“You, what do you want to do!”

Uchiha Mikoto’s body was stiff, not daring to make any movement, the sword was on her neck, even if she wanted to move, she had to consider the sword on this neck.

The shock in my heart for Dugu Taichu was the same.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the profiteers of this black shop turned out to be so strong.

“Nothing, just want you to put your fingers down.”

Dugu Taichu said lightly.

Then, he also saw Uchiha Mikoto obediently lower the hand pointing at him, and he slowly withdrew the real martial sword, leaned back, and directly leaned on the chair.

“Little girl film, if you can’t afford it, go quickly, don’t disturb my nap.”

Dugu Taichu also waved his hand at Uchiha Mikoto, and yawned in his mouth, the meaning was simple and clear.


Uchiha Mikoto was really angry by Dugu Taichu’s words, isn’t the other party’s tone a disguised way to say that she is poor?! Can this be tolerated? As a member of the Uchiha clan, she is.

Living in a family that seems arrogant like Uchiha as always, it is inevitable that there will be a little arrogance and arrogance.

Therefore, as soon as she heard Dugu Taichu say this, she competed with Dugu Taichu.

“You, you, you wait for me.”

It’s like after losing a fight, let go of a cruel word.

After saying this, Uchiha Mikoto also stomped her foot fiercely, and then trotted away.

“Cut! Little girl, it’s a little stupid. ”

Dugu Taichu’s closed eyes also opened slightly at this time, looking at the back of Uchiha Mikoto leaving, he also slowly shook his head and said lightly.

He just made a little trick, look, this little girl from the Uchiha tribe just obediently jumped into his pot.

Calculating a little girl like this, he didn’t feel very good.

However, think of your own points.

He still felt that his own affairs were more important, anyway, after knowing the benefits of internal strength, this little girl would still be grateful to him.


Sure enough.

It’s only half an hour.

The little girl who left reappeared in front of him, gasping slightly, as if because of the hurry, she was a little tired.


“Profiteer, give me all the good things in your store.”

This time, Uchiha Mikoto was very tough on his table, and said loudly, it seems, because this time, with enough money, it seemed to be particularly tough.

“Oh, enough money?”

Dugu Taichu opened his eyes, glanced at Uchiha Mikoto, and said lightly.


Uchiha Mikoto said confidently.

“Oh, go and buy what you want yourself, in addition, about cheats and things, you can’t open it privately, otherwise, this account will be directly calculated on you.” Dugu Taichu glanced at Uchiha Mikoto lightly and said.

Saying that, Dugu Taichu continued to lie back.

“Hey, hey, you profiteer is too irresponsible.” Seeing that the profiteer in front of him ignored himself and lay down directly, Uchiha Mikoto didn’t know where to spill this anger.

“Am I a customer, not a customer? That’s how you treat my only guest! Uchiha Mikoto said angrily, but since she had learned a lesson earlier, she would no longer do the same way of pointing her finger at Dugu Taichu.

“Customer first?”

Dugu Taichu glanced at Uchiha Mikoto with squinted eyes, and couldn’t help but chuckle out loud: “I’m really sorry, in my place, there is no customer first purpose, you can buy if you want, please go out if you can’t afford it, save me a waste of time.” ”

Saying this, Uchiha Mikoto also bit her lips and teeth lightly, looking at Dugu Taichu with hatred, too angry.

Why did she enter this black shop today?

Moreover, especially this shopkeeper, a dead profiteer, a bastard, an uncle who does not even understand a little politeness.

Especially this profiteer said this.

She had to buy something here no matter what she said.


Uchiha Mikoto turned her head and walked into the store, the size of the renovated store is already several times the original, and it is also more than a hundred square meters in size.

But well, selling this thing, but making it so big, is really a bit of a waste.

“Basic internal strength, what is this thing? The secret to cultivating internal strength? Like Chakra, is it a force that increases strength? This is fake! ”

“Thirteen Swords of Clear Breeze? Sword art? Can this stuff be sold? ”

“Five Tiger Broken Door Knife? Is this knife technique? ”

“Why so many weird things, martial arts? Aren’t these ninjutsu? ”


Although the sparrow is small, but the victory is in all the organs, this small shop has been divided into a format by Dugu Taichu, at least, the type, can still be seen clearly.

One is the weapons area, and the other is the martial arts cheats area.

On the one hand, he specializes in selling the weapons he sells from within the replica, and inside that he does not need.

On the other side, there are martial arts secrets such as basic internal skills.

Although there are not many things, but when his copy is brushed, it is inevitable that something better will appear.


Mikoto Uchiha came to him with a black face.

“Profiteer, what you are selling is a fake, how can there be other cultivation methods besides Chakra.” Uchiha Mikoto looked straight at him and said loudly.

“Little girl film, you don’t know before speaking, it’s best to think about it in your mind to say, what I have here is selling real and genuine products, if you can find a fake one from me, fake one pays ten.”

Dugu Taichu also opened his eyes, looked at Uchiha Mikoto, and said in a deep voice.

His eyes were very sharp, and at this moment, Uchiha Mikoto only felt as if he was in the middle of a harsh winter.

[PS: New book! ] Collect it! Ask for flowers! Today’s first more! 】

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