The convoy kept heading down the mountain, a valley now filled with the roar of car engines. The headlights of 10 cars flickered incessantly into the valley, turning the whole valley into a big disco stage.

The road down the mountain is not long, but it is not short, and it is three kilometers away. This car drove down, and it is estimated that there will be some time.

As soon as I turned around

, "Hey, where's the fat man?"

and hurriedly climbed down the hill to see a man below clearing the road with a tree branch.

"Fatty, what are you doing, you haven't come up yet?"

replied the man below

, "Cleaned our ruts

" "Then hurry up, they estimate that it will be there in 5 to 10 minutes"

The fat man thought about things very much, and even thought of the rut marks.

I didn't expect this situation, but cleaning this thing is better than nothing. If this group of rabbits is particularly observant, wouldn't it be obvious at a glance that there is something strange on this hillside.

The fat man divided the scene by two in three times and five below, and immediately cleaned up the scene, and climbed up with a hum.

The sound of the car engine came from far and near, and the first car was now in our field of vision.

The fat man recognized at a glance that the co-pilot in the front seat of this car was Boss

Wu, and then whispered to me: "It's the convoy of that arms dealer Boss Wu"

Because now, they are in the light and we are in the dark, so we can see what is going on with them, but they can't see what is going on our side.

I wondered, what did the fat man do, the big boss of the arms dealer personally went out this time...

But the fat man refused to say, so I didn't bother to ask, let's take one step at a time. I don't think this kid will cheat me.

Immediately afterward, a second car came and appeared in our field of vision.

When the third car came, the first car, Boss Wu's car, had already sped off the dirt road below where we parked, and we were hanging a lot of hearts.

"Hehe, as long as the first car passes, the second car will not be too observant, but will follow the first car, and we should be safe"

That's it, one after another. The fat man and I watched happily as the cars slipped under our noses.

Sitting in the last car was Boss Wu's second son, Xiao Wu. and three of her men. Now this little Wu is sitting on the side of the back row of the mountain, and one of his subordinates said

: "Eh, it is estimated that the eldest brother is more auspicious

" Another subordinate asked

: "Why?"

The man replied:

"Look at this ghost place, this ghost road, who do you say will deliver the goods to here, this deep mountain and old forest, inaccessible place, how can it be a place where people stay." I think our eldest brother is very likely to have been tricked into coming to this ghost place by the truck in front of him, and if he kills a person in this place, no one will find out for ten days and half a month"

Xiao Xiao Wu nodded and agreed.

Hehe, you guys really overestimate the fat man's ability, our fat man doesn't have this scheming, he didn't deliberately expose his whereabouts to seduce Xiao Wu and his party to this valley, but TMD himself did things carelessly, panicked and hungry, and blindly came here.

When we saw the last car pass under us, the fat man and I both breathed a sigh of relief.


Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding, Ding Ding Ding!" At this time, the fat man's mobile phone suddenly rang

! "Numb, turn off the phone quickly! Didn't I tell you to turn it off? Why is it still on!"

The fat man hurriedly hung up the phone, and said aggrievedly after turning it off:

"Damn, that dead monkey pressed the power button."

I guess the call came from Zheng Yan, but my side was actually shaking just now, and I didn't answer it.

Just before the fat man hung up the phone, Xiao Xiao Wu just turned around the bend, and heard the voice in a daze, reminding

: "The mobile phone in the pocket of any of you rang!"


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the billing: Have you ever received a fatal serial call from your girlfriend, this Zheng Yan taught us a lesson, I didn't answer her fatal serial call, she called the fat man directly. Do you think she should take the blame for this...

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