"Eight, nine, ten,"

I replied confidently. At

this time, I'm also a little happy, after all, this kind of name is followed by a center or something, and there will be a perfect self-protection system.

For example, the hydropower support system, the command support system, and the personnel support system. Make sure that the center is not paralyzed in the event of an emergency such as a power outage.

So I'm also making a bold prediction here, you can take a hot bath here, you know, it's a very luxurious thing in the last days. First of all, there must be a water source, and secondly, there must be something that can boil water. For example, electricity,

and the complete equipment and maintenance system here makes me very excited. This kind of enterprise-level maintenance system is much more advanced than the civilian-level system I built myself in Little Raccoon One or in Aoyama.

"Zheng Yan, you still have to find a hidden place downstairs to be on guard, in case we are made dumplings at that time, and the fat man and I will go up to see the situation first. "

To be honest, there are all black holes in this now, and there are all kinds of disgusting zombies, Zheng Yan was not interested in it, so she was happy to accept this task. And the fat man was 100% satisfied with this arrangement, and hurriedly urged me to hurry upstairs.

So Zheng Yan got out of this corridor now and continued to do guard work at the door.

The fat man and I went upstairs along this corridor.

I don't know who built this staircase, and TMD doesn't have a single window left. The black hole inside was filled with the foul smell of the zombie corpse just now.

Since the fat man had the experience of hitting zombies just now, now the fat man has also begun to be cautious, instead of striding towards the upstairs like just now. Instead, like me, I walked up slowly and step by step, trying not to make a sound.

Inside this hallway, it is very quiet now, and there is hardly any sound to be heard. The loudest sound was the sound of me and the fat man breathing.

At the turn of the first and second floors, the fat man suddenly turned to look at me, I thought there was something behind me, the flashlight waved back, and my head hurriedly looked behind me, but there was nothing.

At this time, the fat man said:

"Nima's backpack is placed outside, does the Taoist have a cigarette?"

This was on the first floor just now, after we fought the zombies with our backpacks, we all felt that carrying such a heavy bag was really not conducive to action, so before going upstairs this time, our backpacks were placed outside the elevator hall on the first floor, so that Zheng Yan could find a place to hide it. And we just brought some necessary combat supplies with us - AK47s, magazines, grenades, flashlights.

So this fat man is considered a horse to stumble, and he forgot to bring spiritual food. But

I didn't say that, but after I said that, I also had a bit of a cigarette addiction, so I took out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket, smoked one, and lit it for myself. Then take out one and give it to the fat man.

The fat man smiled and took the cigarette I handed him, and then made a fire action...

I had to give him a point, to let Zheng Yan, who was doing the vigilance task below, know that the two of us are not doing our business and smoking in the corridor, I guess it's not what the expression of the Dao Club is, I guess I'm going to be crazy.

With the food for thought, the two of us have motivation in an instant. Especially when you put a cigarette in your mouth.

So the cigarettes in my mouths, like the two brightest stars in the dark, continued to grope their way up.

After this corner, walk another 5 or 6 meters towards the top and you will reach the second floor.

Shine a flashlight underneath and the fire door on the second floor is closed. I made a gesture with the fat man to move on.

So the fat man continued to walk forward step by step, and I shone it with a flashlight, and the stairs leading to the third floor above the second floor did not find anything unusual here, nor did there be any sound. So I said

, "Fat

man, open the door" The fat man was also amused by me, and he pulled up the fire door and planned to open it.


sound of the door lock snapping came from outside the door.

"This door is locked from

the outside?" the fat man just pulled the door and opened a gap in the door, and we shone the flashlight through this gap, and found that from this gap, we could see that on the doorknob of the fire door outside, a U-shaped anti-theft lock was locked. The fat man glanced at

it and said, "Who is so bored to lock the fire door?" What should I do if there is a fire, I really lack morality and get home!"

I took a look, because this U-shaped lock is outside, we are inside, it is estimated that it is very difficult to break this lock.

"Dao Chief, do you want to just blow up this door? There is just a grenade stuffed into the crack of this door, and it will just be placed here when the time comes, and then it will be blown up, and the door will be reimbursed immediately. "

Numb, you don't need money for grenades! Save me some money! Go down and get a crowbar!"

This is followed by shotguns. I thought we had brought a crowbar with us, so I told the fat man to go down and bring the crowbar.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: There are so many doors to pry, you can't use a grenade for each door. "The strongest reserve of the apocalypse" is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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