We don't produce weapons, we don't buy or sell weapons, we're just porters of weapons.

The fat man and I carried two large bags of RPG rockets and launchers on our backs, and walked down the hill full of them. At the entrance of the village, the signal tree below is still growing well.

Today is really a smooth sail, not only did I find an abandoned base with a UBM umbrella by mistake, but also moved all the weapons and materials from the Aoyama storage room, as well as other materials.

After we arrived at the bottom of the mountain, the fat man put a big backpack in the basket in front of the shared bicycle, and the other backpack was carried by himself, and rode to Castle Peak No. 1. This kind of basket says that the weight limit is 5KG, but our bag is at least 30KG or more, but I didn't expect this thing to be very strong.

I turned the inside of my backpack out and put it on the ground for Zheng Yan to look at. Then I ran to the foot of the cliff 100 meters in front of me to look for the various weapons and supplies that I had just fallen.

In line with the idea of weapons first and then supplies, I first looked for two large boxes of AK47 bullets that had been pushed down here.

Heaven forbid, the wooden box with two boxes of bullets was strong enough, and both wooden boxes were undamaged and rolled down into the small dry ditch in front of them.

I went down, took great difficulty to carry these two, and then dragged them to the vicinity of Zheng Yan.

"What are these two big boxes

?", "AK47 bullets",

"That's a lot", "

How many? Not much." "

How heavy, how do we transport it back?"

"This... Either disassemble the ants to move, or find a tool "

I'm not a thief, and the cars of the Celestial Empire are now different from the old American 7, 80s kind of car as long as you disassemble the dashboard, the two wires below can be started, the current car anti-theft system of the Celestial Empire, that is quite perfect. Without the car keys, there is no fire at all. So, stealing a car becomes unrealistic.

"Steal a car?" Zheng Yan suggested to me.

"It's hard to steal, cars nowadays have engine immobilizers," I replied.

"Is it difficult to steal a key?" Zheng Yan said with some confusion.

"If you have the key, of course it's easy ... Well, if you have a key, it shouldn't be considered stealing. I reacted immediately.

"Oh, when I was patrolling down there, I saw a car at the intersection, and there was no one in the car, but the car keys were still in the car. I didn't try to start it," Zheng Yan recalled.

"Really, where is it? I'll take a look

" "It's right there," Zheng Yan pointed to the other side of the three-way intersection.

So I hurried over. It's a bit of a struggle to move because of these things, but it's very different if you have a car. Not only does it save a lot of effort, but it is also much faster to transport things.

Walking in the direction pointed by Zheng Yan, he did find a car at the entrance not far away, and


looked at it from behind, it was a white Volkswagen Lingdu coupe. The car was empty. When I walked to the front driver's seat again, I looked inside, and the key was still in the keyhole.

I tried to pull the door

, and the "click"

door opened, and I looked inside, and it was still clean and tidy, so I went inside.

"Powerful miracle!" I

twisted the ignition switch hard

, "Uh-huh~Uh-woo-woo~"

The whining sound of the motor starter, and after a while, the whole machine was successfully started.

"It's so easy!"

So I drove the car, turned around, and drove towards Zheng Yan.

First, load the RPG piled up here with Zheng Yan into the car.

I dismantled the big wooden box with the AK47 inside, and inside was a bullet box that looked like a long strip of cigarettes.

Since the whole wooden box was square and not easy to fit in the car, this time I opened it, put down the rear seat and threw boxes of bullets into the car one by one.

After loading the things here, I drove straight to the foot of the cliff 100 meters in front of me.

I stuffed all kinds of materials scattered all over the place into the car.

Now, it is estimated that all the ammunition has been loaded into the car. I'm going to leave right away, and I'm going to move first.

So I drove this car of dangerous goods: RPGs, grenades, grenades, AK47 rifle bullets. Headed for Aoyama No. 1.

On the way, I met the fat man who was coming back, and the fat man had already emptied his bag at this time and was ready to move it again.

I saw it from a distance and hurriedly greeted:

"Fatty, don't go back, you go with me to unload this car first." The

fat man was surprised and delighted when he saw me driving such

a car: "Dao Chief, where did you get it, this has made us rich, we have a house and a car, Oye!"

So he immediately threw away his shared bicycle, opened the co-pilot's door, and came in.

There were still too many of these things, so we didn't move them up one by one, but put them all behind the small dirt slope outside the first floor, where Zheng Yan had squatted here before.

Even if it was unloaded here, it took us almost 3 cigarettes to unload.

After finishing these, we didn't dare to slack off, and immediately drove back to Zheng Yan's position for the next transportation.

On this day, we made about 3 trips to bring all the supplies scattered under the cliff. When it was all done, I looked at the time, and it was 3 p.m.


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the charged word count: Weapon porter!"The strongest reserve of the apocalypse" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select the serial below!

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