It seems that these zombies upstairs are very active at night.

I see that Zheng Yan is lying on the shelf and writing "Doomsday Notes" seriously, and the fat man is probably asleep now, and I am not very good at saying it to disturb them.

Although this shows that there are a lot of zombies upstairs, it doesn't mean anything, after all, these zombies are just walking around, and they won't threaten themselves, so what to panic about.

And from this voice, it doesn't sound like we're upstairs, because if we're upstairs, then I guess I don't need to listen to it by sticking to the iron pillar. You can hear it right in this storage room.

So, what I heard was probably the movement of zombies in the whole building.

I just finished dinner and smoked, and although I had been working hard all day, I still felt comfortable and not very sleepy when I lay on this quilt.

And I'm very sick to this kind of eavesdropping.

Especially if a person is in a safe place, go eavesdropping on information.

And this time, my goal is the direction of the zombies.

I moved my body closer to the pillar, so that by sticking my ears to it, I could listen for a longer period of time with less effort.

"Curry curry ~ kadakada~"

This time, the voice was obviously a little clearer than what I heard earlier, and I can be sure that this sound must have come from inside the corridor.

I took my ears off the pillar and listened, and sure enough, if I listened closely, I could hear the movement in the hallway.

At this time, Zheng Yan was probably too obsessed with writing, so she didn't pay attention to these details of the outside world.

And the fat man has already slept a lot, so he can't hear it even more.

It is better for them not to hear, lest they be worried.

Of course, I'm not worried.

Because we now have two barriers, the first is the fire door on the second floor, the fire door has been blocked by the fat man with a wardrobe, and these zombies will not be able to enter for a while.

It's not that you can't get in, but you won't find that you can come in here. After all, there's an easier way, and that's to go downstairs.

And even if there are zombies sneaking in at this door, it's fine

, we still have a second line of defense - the entrance door, the entrance door of this house is a stainless steel security door, which is an insurmountable hurdle for junior zombies, and it stands to reason that it is absolutely impossible to enter.

Not to mention, there's a big couch behind this door.

So now I can be regarded as having been in the sausage of wine and meat, and the bodhisattva has left it in his heart. After

listening to it for a while, I didn't bother to listen. I also followed the example of a fat man, pillowing my head with my hands and lying on my back to recuperate.

I don't know when, I had a dream in a daze:

I dreamed that I was sleeping in the living room with the fat man, and then a zombie crawled in from outside the window, and then bit the sleeping fat man, and the fat man also became a zombie, I hurriedly ran to Zheng Yan's room, Zheng Yan pounced on me, Nima, hell, Zheng Yan also became a zombie. Mom, I hurriedly kicked Zheng Yan away, and then jumped down to the window, anyway, it's only the second floor, and there is a lawn below, so it should be no problem to go down directly.

Who would have thought that I would just keep falling ... Nima is about to get a boxed lunch!

"Ah~" I opened my eyes and waved my hand. It was pitch black, and when I waved my hand just now, I touched the shelf next to me, and it hurt when I hit my hand.

But this time, it also woke me up completely.

I touched the flashlight next to me and turned it on. I found that I was in the storage room now, the fat man was sleeping on the side, snoring, and Zheng Yan was also sleeping in this storage room, but she was on the other side of the wall, probably seeing me and the fat man here, so she also moved two more quilts by herself, and simply turned this place into a super large tatami mat. We slept together in this room.

I am still covered with a thin quilt, and it is estimated that Zheng Yan was afraid that I would catch a cold with the fat man, so she covered us when we were asleep.

"It turned out to be a dream, and I scared Lao Tzu to death. "

I turned the light of the flashlight to the lowest to prevent it from being too bright and affecting Zheng Yan and the fat man to sleep, just this faint light, I looked at my watch, it was now half past eleven o'clock in the evening.

In fact, my watch has a backlight, but I have been reluctant to use it, afraid that this guy will not last long, and I can not find this button battery.

It's quiet outside, quieter than when I was asleep.

I turned off my flashlight and put my ear on the iron frame again.

"Twitter, twitter~"

There was a strange sound from inside.

If I had heard this sound before the zombie crisis, I would have said it was a woodpecker's call, but now, it's hard to say.

I don't know if it's a woodpecker or a zombie.

As the saying goes, people have three urgencies, maybe they just drank a little too much cold beer, and at this time they suddenly want to go to the toilet to squat and solve the internal contradictions.

The toilet is on the edge of the kitchen, I took a flashlight, tiptoed open the door of this storage room, and then closed it gently, not because I was afraid that the zombies would hear, but because I was afraid of disturbing the fat man and Zheng Yan to rest.

When I use a flashlight, it's not to light up or anything, but to use it again at a critical time, from the storage room to the toilet, I've been blind all the way.

But fortunately, it is almost the 15th day of the lunar calendar, and the moon is still quite round. After I got used to it for a while, I could tell the difference between the east and the west through the faint moonlight shining through the curtains.

I moved towards the toilet step by step, and it took me about 5 minutes, and in the end, it paid off and I found the bathroom smoothly.

But when I squatted on the toilet, I was completely relaxed. Stepping on both sides of the Yellow River, holding confidential documents, machine gun fire in front and artillery fire in the back.

"I copied it, I forgot to bring the paper with me, I don't know if there is any paper here. "

I casually closed the door of this toilet, then turned on my flashlight and covered the lamp with my hand to let out only a beam of light.

I looked at the bathroom. Unexpectedly, this is still a closed bathroom, which is very rare.

Because of this, as soon as I close the door to this bathroom, this will become a second storage room. Then the lights can be turned on.

However, it is estimated that Zheng Yan and the fat man will not have any good feelings about this place.

I saw that it was very safe here, so I turned on all the flashlights, and the bright light shot out instantly:

"Bodhisattva bless, hand paper, hand paper, hand paper!"


"I'll copy it, fortunately. "

After looking for a long time, I was on the side of the toilet and had a roll of toilet paper, which was really my lifesaver.

When I was squatting on the toilet, I saw a newspaper hanging on the wall next to the toilet, and I picked it up when I was idle.

I watched it.

This newspaper, to be honest, is not yet readable to the general public. Because this is an internal newspaper of the UBM umbrella company.

I saw that the footer of every page of this newspaper was printed with the logo of the umbrella company.

But this content, I only remember a few pictures now, but all of them are dead zombies. There was only one picture that caught my eye, and that was a mutated dog. The dog actually split into 4 heads...

But I don't know why it split and how to prevent it. Because it's all in English! It's still the kind of English jargon. Unconsciously

, 20 minutes passed, and when I was still squatting on the toilet and reading the newspaper, there was a sudden low roar outside.

"I'll copy it, it's so loud!"

I don't know how long it was, so I hurriedly threw the newspaper away, and looked at the following table: it

was exactly 12 o'clock at midnight. These zombies are still really in a hurry. Hehe.

Hurriedly wiped his butt clean and turned off the flashlight.

"Woo woo ~ roar roar ~ "

This sound is still coming from outside the window.

In the spirit of not dying, I gently opened the bathroom door, came to the living room, and then tiptoed to the window.

Slowly lifted the corner of the curtain, and looked out in the white moonlight, if I tell me the situation outside, you may not be able to believe it:

although the outside is not yet crowded with people, it is definitely no less than the word "crowded". According to a rough estimate, there are more than 300 zombies on the lawn below. And there is more to say about other places.

I think most of the zombies below are dressed in inpatient clothes, blue and white, why are they so familiar? Some are zombies in white coats, and some are zombies in ordinary casual clothes. There are men and women, but strangely, there are no child zombies.

"I'm copying, why are there all these guinea pigs in this community? Could it be that the whole community is a UBM cryptographic experiment base?"

and now they are wandering around aimlessly. According to the probability, occasionally a zombie will bump into another zombie, and at this time it will start roaring and even biting.

Looking at it from above, most of these zombies are still junior zombies, and I haven't seen any zombies that can pose a threat to us.

Headaches are just too much. It really confirms the fat man's statement

: "This community is full of zombies, and they act collectively at night!"

But what are these zombies doing now? Could it be that they are from the Moon God Cult?


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: The zombies have a meeting! This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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