So the fat man also learned from Zheng Yan, first pinched the grenade in his hand for a few seconds, and then threw it out, exploding the zombie in the air.

This method is a bit dangerous, but the effect is also leveraged.

Anyway, some of the zombies in the vicinity have been cleaned up by the fat man and Zheng Yan in this way.

I hurriedly took out half a box of RPG rockets from the storage room, after the battle between the fat man and Zheng Yan just now, I counted it, and it turned out that I only consumed half a box of RPG rockets.

Then our weapons reserves are still very sufficient, in order to make our retreat time more adequate and safe.

I decided to take some RPG rockets out of the storage room first, and then send someone to use them on the balcony to stop the zombies from attacking.

Others slipped away from behind first.

These RPG rockets, I know that the damage to zombies is not as good as grenades and grenades, but the effect of this thing is good, a large area is blown down, although most of these fallen can still get up, but it also takes time to get up, so this rocket is perfect for delaying time!

So I laboriously moved half a box of rockets out of the storage room and dragged them to the balcony.

I picked up an RPG launcher, loaded it with rockets, stood up, and fired an RPG at the zombies in the distance.

At this time, Zheng Yan and the fat man saw me carrying such a large box of rockets, and thought that I was going to fight these zombies to the end:

"Dao Chief, do you want to kill all these zombies?"

the fat man asked.

"Kill a yarn, the plan is like this, Zheng Yan, you take Zheng Qian, fat man, you carry our emergency equipment and some weapons, you retreat first and find a place to avoid the limelight, you go first, I will resist here for a while, and I will meet you later."

I replied.

Zheng Yan asked with concern

, "Dao Chief, can you do it alone?" Why don't we

retreat together?" I hurriedly said

, "It's not okay to retreat together, these zombies will be difficult to follow." I'm here to attract firepower, I have an RPG in my hand, rest assured, no matter how bad it is, I can also run away, these zombies can't catch up with me, you can rest assured

" Zheng Yan looked at the zombies below, and then looked at a box of RPG rockets here, feeling okay, so he nodded and asked

: "Then where am I waiting for you with the fat man?"

I thought for a while:

"This ,,,

". To be honest, I originally wanted to run wherever I went, but now the problem is that I have to stay and play cover, so that there is no specific place, and it will be difficult to meet in the future, but where to run, I didn't think about it, besides, I am not familiar with Qingshan here.

At this time, Zheng Qian, who was squatting in the corner, spoke:

"Why don't you go to the place where I live first, that place is still safe these days, at No. 33, Xiaoya Village, Qingshan Town, which is only 3 kilometers away from here." I still have some food in my room" I

saw that there was a Zheng Qian here, and she said that his house was nearby, so it would be the best, there would be someone to lead the way, and there should be supplies where she lives, which will also help us gain a foothold." It's still a little uneasy to say that you want to find an unfamiliar place as a base temporarily.

"Okay, you guys go to Zheng Qian's place first, I'll come later, No. 33, Xiaoya Village, Qingshan Town, I remember


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the charged word count: Go to Zheng Qian's house to sit! "The Strongest Reserve of the Apocalypse" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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