Yibian fought again, I hung six grenades on the top of the RPG, and then bent the safety wire of the grenade one by one, then installed the RPG launcher, lifted it, and pressed the trigger on the zombies about 100 meters to the west.


The rocket flew out with 6 grenades, because it was top-heavy, so the trajectory of this RPG rocket flight this time was not very good-looking, showing a parabolic shape, and in the end, the arc became larger and larger, as if it was bombing down from the top.


" "Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~"

A strong flash of light erupted in the west, and then a fireball appeared, and then 6 smaller flashes appeared around it, but the brightness of these 6 flashes did not belong to the big fireball in the middle, but these 6 small bright lights did not form a flame.

Then all the zombies around disappeared, and in an instant, a large number of zombies fell on the lawn in the west. The whole lawn was a lot cleaner all at once.

"6 Ah,"

I gave myself a thumbs up.

Then I did it again, found 6 more grenades, pulled out an RPG rocket from the ammo box, hung the grenade on the RPG, and then my favorite thing was to break the safety wire. Then it's reloading, and then facing the zombie hordes to the east, it's a big RPG, and there's no doubt that the effect is pretty good!

The lawn on the east side was also cleaned up by me. In an instant, the zombies on the lawns in the south, east, and northwest were almost wiped out by me.

But the bad thing is that I have almost exhausted my ammunition, mainly grenades, by me.

Seeing that the situation was not so tense now, I took a cigarette out of my jacket pocket and lit it.

I took a puff, and then I took a cigarette in my mouth and went back to working on my Super Invincible RPG & Grenade Bullet.

"This will be the last one. "

After loading the bullet, I said to myself.

Now there are a lot more zombies on the lawn than just now, I really don't know where these zombies came from.

I saw that there are fewer and fewer zombies wearing hospital gowns on the lawn now, and there are more and more zombies dressed up by various citizen workers.

Needless to say, now the zombies outside are not from this community, and the zombies of the entire Qingshan have rushed over.

I set up a grenade RPG cannon high, and it was estimated that it was buried at a 45-degree angle to the ground, and it was fired at the woods to the south.

I'm afraid that this one will hang 6 grenades, which will be too heavy, so this time I adjusted the angle to the maximum, and facing the grove to the south, I also have my plan.

I see that these zombies are running in from the outside, and there are only two doors in the general community, needless to say that these zombies are running in from the south gate, and the south gate to this lawn, walking in a straight line through this grove, so at present, it seems that these zombies are very likely to come from this grove.

I don't think these zombies are smart enough to take a detour. And the road in this grove, to be honest, is not very easy to walk, and the sight is not very good, so that the zombies trapped in this grove or are still in this grove are far larger than the zombies on the lawn.

Therefore, I also took this opportunity here to directly blow up the place where these zombies are most concentrated-the grove.

Although I didn't directly see how many zombies there were in this grove, judging from the steady stream of zombies coming out of the lawn, there were still a lot of zombies in the grove, and it was estimated that there were thousands.


" "Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~ Bang dang ~"

A large fireball came out of the grove, and then 6 flashes of light came out of it.

The nearby trees and shrubs were also set on fire, crackling and crackling.

I can't care about admiring the scenery over there. Hurriedly bent down and checked the current ammunition situation.

Unfortunately, there are only 4,5 grenades left, and there are still 3,40 grenades. RPG still has 2,30 rounds.

Without grenades, this weapon of mass destruction, I wouldn't be able to make this submunition here. But that's not in the way.

Because the power of RPGs is not covered.

I hurriedly loaded 2 RPG launchers, then picked up one and fired at the grove to the south, and then before this RPG exploded in the air, I picked up another transmitter and fired at another place in the grove.

After the two RPG rockets were fired, I didn't care about resting, so I immediately crouched down and loaded the rockets.

"Click, click~"

The two rockets were filled by me again.

I hurriedly stood up again, took out a launcher, and aimed at the place where the grove was not covered by my RPG, and just aimed and pulled the trigger.


RPG rockets flew towards the target with blue tail flames.

Then I switched to another transmitter and pulled the trigger as far as I could from the grove.


Inside the grove, RPG rockets exploded one after another, and almost all parts of the entire grove should be blown up by me.

Although the whole grove was now a sea of fire, I was still not satisfied with the current firepower, so I crouched down and reloaded it three times, firing a total of six rockets. Directly blasted the grove into an RPG ocean! The

effect is still very significant, sure enough, there are fewer and fewer zombies coming out of the grove now, and there are not many zombies coming out of several other directions.

Since my attention and fire were just now on the covering of the grove, and on the lawn and on the east and west sides, I didn't pay any more attention. After I finished firing the 10 RPG rockets, I also took a cursory look at the situation in several other directions.

Now the zombies in the west are only about 50 meters away from me, and the zombies in the east are only 30 meters away from me, and they are about to pounce. And the zombies in the south are the least, and the farthest away from me is estimated to be 60 meters away.

And on the lawn, after a wild bombardment by me and the fat man, there is now a pit in the east and a pit in the west, and these zombies are also struggling, especially when they are close to our building, it is even more difficult to get close. This gave me a good chance to get closer.

I picked up the grenade launcher leaning against the balcony. Upon inspection, it was found that 6 grenades had been installed.

"Zombie babies, look at it


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Is there a turnaround?"The strongest reserve of the apocalypse" This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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