Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian, the two little girls, nested together on the bed after eating bread and drinking milk.

Zheng Qian's bed is 2 meters wide and sleeps two people, which is still very spacious, but now neither of them is lying down. Instead, he took off his shoes and sat cross-legged against the wall.

The flashlight turned on by Zheng Yan on the table lit up the whole room. At this time, Zheng Qian said:

"Sister, do you want to listen to the radio, I have a radio here." "

Uh-huh. Good. It's been a long time since we've heard the radio, and we don't know what's going on out there.

After saying "mmmm",

Zheng Qian took out her radio from the drawer, then turned on the switch and turned it to AM medium-wave mode:


Zheng Qian played with the radio for a long time before she vaguely found a radio station from the background noise.

"Eh~ I was able to receive a lot of radio stations yesterday, why are these radio stations fortunately not very good today, and now it seems that I can only receive a

radio station, and it is not very clear?" Zheng Qian was very puzzled, this radio station should be said to be yesterday or good, why is it like this today.

Zheng Yan also felt strange:

"This is very strange, it stands to reason that a radio station can travel far away, and a radio station will not disappear out of thin air." It may be that it is early in the morning, and there is no program to be played, so in order to save electricity, the radio station may be broadcast at this time.

Zheng Qian also said suspiciously:

"Oh~ It's possible." So

the two of them sat quietly on the bed and stood up the radio station, because the background noise was really a bit loud, so if you didn't listen carefully, you really couldn't hear the reason. I saw that there seemed to be a recording on the radio now

, repeating it: "Please pay attention to the surviving residents in the east, please stay away from the separation wall, disinfection operations are about to be carried out near the separation wall, and evacuate after the disinfection is completed... "

That's what it means, this wall was built a few days ago, and it's a wall to prevent the spread of zombies. It is very long and very large, and it traverses several provinces.

Originally, Zheng Yan was going to the side of the separation wall, but after the Taoist chief analyzed it, everyone finally decided not to go there.

Now the disinfection mentioned in the radio is probably not a good thing. So tell the survivors, don't go to the wall first, lest the city gate catch fire and affect the fish in the pond.

Zheng Qian still didn't know much about these, so she asked

, "Sister, what is the disinfection plan?"

Zheng Yan thought for a moment and replied

, "I don't know much about this either, I guess I went back to the wall and poured some antiseptic and anti-inflammatory potions, and when these zombies passed, they would be disinfected and died." And these antibacterial and anti-inflammatory potions may also be harmful to the human body, so the radio told everyone not to go to the separation wall first, so as not to hurt yourself.

Zheng Qian said: "Oh~ So that's the case!So where are we going?"

Zheng Yan was overwhelmed by such a question, so he said

: "Let's wait until the Taoist comes back to discuss, I don't know where to go now

~" Zheng Qian returned:


Zheng Qian

and Zheng Yan finished eating and chatting, and then found that it had been half an hour, and the fat man had not come back yet

Zheng Qian and Zheng Yan chatted and chatted, Zheng Qian suddenly said "Ahhh~",

remembered, the fat man has not come back yet

, "Why is the fat brother coming back?"


The author has something to say

: The following content is not included in the number of words charged: Zheng Yan: What about the fat man! It's been half an hour, and the pipe is about to run out of a pack! This is one of the chapters of my novel, if you are interested in the apocalyptic survival zombie novel, you can click on my name to go to my homepage, and select serialization below!

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